1-Formulate the situation as a system of two linear equations



1-Formulate the situation as a system of two linear equations


1-Formulate the situation as a system of two linear equations in two variables. Be sure to state clearly the meaning of your x- and y-variables. Solve the system by the elimination method. Be sure to state your final answer in terms of the original question. A lawyer has found 60 investors for a limited partnership to purchase an inner-city apartment building, with each contributing either $3,000 or $6,000. If the partnership raised $267,000, then how many investors contributed $3,000 and how many contributed $6,000?

x =___________ $3,000 investors

y = ___________$6,000 investors

2-Formulate the situation as a system of two linear equations in two variables. Be sure to state clearly the meaning of your x– and y-variables. Solve the system by the elimination method. Be sure to state your final answer in terms of the original question.

A jar contains 70 nickels and dimes worth $6.00. How many of each kind of coin are in the jar?

x = nickels
y = dimes

3-Express the situation as a system of two equations in two variables. Be sure to state clearly the meaning of your x– and y-variables. Solve the system by row-reducing the corresponding augmented matrix. State your final answer in terms of the original question.

For the final days before the election, the campaign manager has a total of $48,000 to spend on TV and radio campaign advertisements. Each TV ad costs $3000 and is seen by 10,000 voters, while each radio ad costs $500 and is heard by 2000 voters. Ignoring repeated exposures to the same voter, how many TV and radio ads will contact 168,000 voters using the allocated funds?

x = TV ads
y = radio ads



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1-Formulate the situation as a system of two linear equations

Best 1-Formulate the situation as a system of two linear equations
1-Formulate the situation as a system of two linear equations



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