CIS 339 Week 4 Discussions DeVry



CIS 339 Week 4 Discussions DeVry

CIS 339 The Sequence and Communication Diagrams Discussions 1 Week 4

What are these two UML diagrams called? Explain the similarities and the differences between the information represented by these two UML diagrams.  Find examples of each on the web to support your post.

CIS 339 Lab Forum Discussions 2 Week 4

This forum is used to discuss the Rational Software Architect (RSA) iLab assignments and techniques. Please post any UML modeling questions or hints and tips that you have concerning this week’s RSA modeling lab. At a minimum, post at least three notes that highlight the key modeling techniques and/or problems or lessons learned that you experienced with this week’s lab.


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CIS 339 Week 4 Discussions DeVry

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CIS 339 Week 4 Discussions DeVry





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