DeVry ACCT 571 All Week Discussions Latest



DeVry ACCT 571 All Week Discussions Latest

DeVry ACCT 571 Week 1 Discussions Latest

Processing Data and Using Information (graded)

Describe the type of data your current or former employer processes and correlate for us how those data are transformed into information. Is it a mostly manual process or an automated process? In terms of system integration (or lack thereof), discuss how any comprehensive reports prepared for decision makers are compiled by your company, past or present.

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Workflow Documention Aids in Systems (graded)

There are four main methods for documenting specific business processes, systems, and so on. If your company asked you to document the workflow in your department, where would you start and why? How would that change if the company asked you to document the AIS itself rather than the workflow?

DeVry ACCT 571 Week 2 Discussions Latest

Fraud: Inside Versus Outside Jobs (graded)

With respect to fraud against companies, which do you think is more prevalent: inside or outside jobs? Explain your position. Describe what you think is the number one target of an inside job versus that of an outside job.

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Types of Controls to Help Mitigate Fraud (graded)

Segregation of duties (SoD) and other classic internal controls such as management oversight have been adapted to consider technology. Compare/contrast the classic controls with their adaptations for technology. Have one or more of the classic controls become obsolete when applied in technology? On the flip side of that, describe any new controls that have become necessary because of technology.

DeVry ACCT 571 Week 3 Discussions Latest

Collect & Protect Personal Information (graded)

Discuss some types of personal information that companies collect from their customers and discuss what they are used for. How is information collected, and do the customers know about it? Do they have a choice in the matter? Explain how.

Minimum Security Standards (graded)

Should the government mandate minimum standards for controlling and securing information? What would be some advantages and disadvantages?

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DeVry ACCT 571 Week 4 Discussions Latest

Threats in the Revenue Cycle (graded)

Controlling inventory has evolved with the widespread use of technology. Describe one advance in technology that helps reduce theft or errors. What does your company use? Does this replace a physical inventory? Why or why not?

Threats in the Expenditure Cycle (graded)

Compare internal control issues between the invoice approval and payment process in a manual office with that of an automated office where all departments are connected to the same AIS. Is an ink pen signature more desirable than a digital approval? Why or why not?

DeVry ACCT 571 Week 5 Discussions Latest

Threats in the Production Cycle (graded)

Last week we discussed inventory control within the revenue cycle. What are threats to inventory within the production cycle (both threats to physical inventory and the data related to inventory)? What specific controls do AIS offer to help prevent or at least detect these threats?

Threats in the HR Function/Payroll Cycle (graded)

What is a payroll master file? Describe the types of errors that may occur in the master file and how they get there.How would you design payroll procedures to help prevent them?

DeVry ACCT 571 Week 6 Discussions Latest

Auditing & the REA Model (graded)

Discuss how REA diagrams might be useful to auditors in understanding a client’s business processes. What if the client hasn’t prepared them in advance? What basic steps would the auditor perform to compile the information necessary to build he diagram himself or herself? Does that time investment produce large enough benefits to the auditor? Explain your answer.

Unique REA Diagrams (graded)

Discuss why there cannot be one basic REA diagram that would work for all businesses. What might be some areas that could be similar from business to business? Select either the company for which you work or one that interests you. Describe the business processes that are unique to that company or industry that would require special handling in an REA diagram.

DeVry ACCT 571 Week 7 Discussions Latest

Role of Accountant in AIS (graded)

Discuss what you believe to be the appropriate level of involvement of an accountant in evaluating and selecting an AIS vendor and the AIS itself. What are some of the contributions an accountant might offer in this process?

Conversion Approaches (graded)

Using the company for which you work or one in which you are interested, choose the conversion approach you would use if the company purchased a new AIS. Explain your choice, including the benefits. Discuss how you envision the testing process.


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DeVry ACCT 571 All Week Discussions Latest

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DeVry ACCT 571 All Week Discussions Latest


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