DeVry BIS 311 Week 3 iLab Latest



DeVry BIS 311 Week 3 iLab Latest



In this lab, you will implement a tax calculator application that meets the following business requirements:

Tax Calculator Business Requirements

The application will accept as inputs the individual’s income and number of dependents. The application will calculate the individual’s total deductions as a standard deduction of $6,000 plus a deduction of $1,000 per dependent. The application will calculate the individual’s adjusted gross income as the income minus the total deductions. The application will then calculate the tax owed using the following tax table.

Adjusted Gross Income Tax
Less than or equal to $10,000 Adjusted gross income × 10%
Greater than $10,000 and less than or equal to $40,000 $1,000 (Adjusted gross income – $10,000) × 15%
Greater than $40,000 and less than or equal to $100,000 $5,500 (Adjusted gross income – $40,000) × 25%
Greater than $100,000 $20,500 (Adjusted gross income – $100,000) × 35%

As output, the application will display to the user the tax owed, formatted as currency with a dollar sign and cents.

Tax Calculator TOE Chart:

Task Object Event
Get the following inputs from the user:
Check amount txtIncome
Number of dependents txtDependents
Perform the following processing: btnCalcTax Click
Calculate total deductions = 6000 Number of dependents × 1000
Calculate adjusted gross income = Income – Total deductions
Calculate tax owed using tax table in requirements
Display the following output to the user:
Tax owed formatted as currency with $ and cents lblTaxOwed

Pseudocode for Tax Calculator Application


Declare numeric constants for

Standard deduction =6000

Dependent deduction =1000

Income bracket 1=10000


Income bracket 2=40000



Income bracket 3=100000





Declare numeric variables for


Number of dependents

Total deductions

Adjusted gross income

Tax owed

Get inputs:


Number of dependents

Calculate Total deductions =Standard deduction (Number of dependents *Dependent deduction)

Calculate Adjusted gross income =Income-Total deductions

If Adjusted gross income is less than or equal to Income bracket 1 Then

CalculateTax owed =Adjusted gross income * Rate 1

Else If Adjusted gross income is less than or equal to Income bracket 2

Calculate Tax owed =Base 2 (Adjusted gross income – Income bracket 1) * Rate 2

Else If Adjusted gross income is less than or equal to Income bracket 3

Calculate Tax owed =Base3 (Adjusted gross income – Income bracket 2) * Rate 3


Calculate Tax owed = Base 4 (Adjusted gross income -Income bracket 3) * Rate 4

End If

Display Tax owed formatted as currency with $ and cents


NOTE: The above is a simplified version of tax calculations for purposes of this lab. Although the basic principles of a graduated income tax are illustrated here, real taxes are more complicated, and the rates and brackets are different. Please do not use this simple application to calculate your real taxes.


Submit a Word document named Lab3YourFirstLastName.docx (where YourFirstLastName = your first and last name; e.g., Lab3JohnSmith.docx) containing the following:

  • Screenshots of form showing the application running, with the following correct input and output values displayed in the form.
    • Income = 9,000, Number of dependents = 1, Tax owed = $200.00
    • Income = 25,000, Number of dependents = 2, Tax owed = $2,050.00
    • Income = 70,000, Number of dependents = 3, Tax owed = $10,750.00
    • Income = 150,000, Number of dependents = 4, Tax owed = $34,500.00
  • Copy of button-click event code
Category Points % Description
Create and rename form 5 10% Windows form was created and renamed TaxCalculator.vb. Form text property was set to Lab 3 Your Name (where Your Name = your full name).
Add controls to form 5 10% The following controls were added to the form: Identifying labels and text boxes for entry of income and number of dependents; Calculate Tax button; and label for display of tax owed. Controls are arranged on form in a logical and visually pleasing layout.
Set properties (name and text) for controls 5 10% Name and text properties of all controls were set appropriately, with no typos or spelling errors.
Code button-click event 15 30% Button-click event code was entered that corresponds to the given pseudocode, with no syntax errors.
Test-run application successfully 20 40% Application is shown running successfully with no errors, with valid inputs and correct output for each of the four specified test cases.
Total 50 100%

Required Software

Log in to the Citrix iLab site as you did in the previous labs. The Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 icon should be displayed already on your Citrix main menu page. Click the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 icon to launch Visual Studio.

(a) Pull down the File menu and select New Project . . . .

(b) In the New Project dialog, ensure that in the left column, under Templates, Visual Basic is selected; and that in the center column Windows Form Application is selected. In the Name field at the bottom of the dialog, enter TaxCalculator. Click OK.

(a) Pull down the File menu and select New Project . . . .

(b) In the New Project dialog, ensure that in the left column, under Templates, Visual Basic is selected; and that in the center column Windows Form Application is selected. In the Name field at the bottom of the dialog, enter TaxCalculator. Click OK.

(a) Drag the following controls from the ToolBox onto the form, arrange them in a logical fashion, and set their properties as indicated in the table below.

Control Name Property Text Property
Label Label1 Income:
TextBox txtIncome
Label Label2 Number of dependents:
TextBox txtDependents
Button btnCalcTax Calculate Tax Owed
Label lblTaxOwed Your tax owed will display here

(b) Ensure that all controls are positioned and sized so that the form has a neat, professional appearance and none of the text is cut off. Your completed form should look similar to the following.

(a) Drag the following controls from the ToolBox onto the form, arrange them in a logical fashion, and set their properties as indicated in the table below.

Control Name Property Text Property
Label Label1 Income:
TextBox txtIncome
Label Label2 Number of dependents:
TextBox txtDependents
Button btnCalcTax Calculate Tax Owed
Label lblTaxOwed Your tax owed will display here

(b) Ensure that all controls are positioned and sized so that the form has a neat, professional appearance and none of the text is cut off. Your completed form should look similar to the following.

(a) Run the application by doing one of the following: click the Start button; pull down the Debug menu and select Start Debugging; or press the F5 key.

(b) Your form should appear. Test your application using the following test cases. For each test case, enter the indicated values for Income and Number of dependents; click the Calculate Tax button; and check that the amount displayed for the tax owed is correct.Capture a screenshot showing the results of each correct test case and paste into a Word document. Remember, use CTRL ALT PrintScreen to capture a screenshot.

Test case # Income Number of dependents Tax owed
1 9,000 1 $200.00
2 25,000 2 $2,050.00
3 70,000 3 $10,750.00
4 150,000 4 $34,500.00

For example, the screenshot for test case #1 should look as follows:

(c) If you receive an error message or your application did not work correctly, debug the application and try again. Post in the Q & A Forum or contact your professor for assistance if needed.

(d) When your application works correctly for all the test cases, select and copy the code for the button-click event and paste it into your Word document below the four test case screenshots. Save the Word document containing the four test case screenshots and your button-click event code asLab3YourFirstLastName.docx (where YourFirstLastName = your first an


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DeVry BIS 311 Week 3 iLab Latest


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