DeVry BSOP 434 Week 1 Discussions Latest



DeVry BSOP 434 Week 1 Discussions Latest

BSOP 434 Week 1 Discussion 1
Why do inventories cost so much to maintain? Provide some examples of how cost is associated with carrying an inventory. Is there anything we can do to lower this cost, and if so, what? In addition to the question above, explain how excess inventories can erode profitability.

BSOP 434 Week 1Discussion2
Discuss why supply chain management (SCM) has become so important. Identify companies that have a well known SCM system. Do these companies have anything in common when it comes to their implementation of SCM? Can you identify and define four (4) attributes of Supply Chain Management?


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DeVry BSOP 434 Week 1 Discussions Latest

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DeVry BSOP 434 Week 1 Discussions Latest


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