Devry CIS 355A All Week Discussions Latest



Devry CIS 355A All Week Discussions Latest 

Devry CIS 355A Week 1 Discussion dq 1 & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Careers in Java Programming (graded)

Go to a job posting site (CareerBuilder, Dice, ComputerJobs, etc.) or use search engines to find Java developer or Java programmer positions. Copy and paste the job posting into the Discussion area. Briefly explore all the topics that you will learn in this class this session. What are the skills you will learn in this course that are also requirements for the positions you see posted by you and your classmates?

dq 2

iLab Forum (graded)

This discussion is used to discuss the programming labs and techniques. Please post any programming questions or hints and tips that you have concerning this week’s programming lab. At a minimum, post at least three notes that highlight the key programming techniques or problems you had with this week’s lab.

Devry CIS 355A Week 2 Discussion dq 1 & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Object-oriented Programming (graded)

Why is object-oriented programming so widely used in development?

dq 2

iLab Forum (graded)

This discussion is used to discuss the programming labs and techniques. Please post any programming questions or hints and tips that you have concerning this week’s programming lab. At a minimum, post at least three notes that highlight the key programming techniques or problems you had with this week’s lab.

Devry CIS 355A Week 3 Discussion dq 1 & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Inheritance Versus Interfaces (graded)

How are abstract classes similar to interfaces? How are they different? Explain a situation where you would use one instead of the other.

dq 2

iLab Forum (graded)

This discussion is used to discuss the programming labs and techniques. Please post any programming questions or hints and tips that you have concerning this week’s programming lab. At a minimum, post at least three notes that highlight the key programming techniques or problems you had with this week’s lab.

Devry CIS 355A Week 4 Discussion dq 1 & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Abstract Classes (graded)

An abstract class, although well defined, is one that is never instantiated. For example, a pet would never be instantiated as such, but could exist in the form of a dog or a cat. The pet class would be at the top of an inheritance hierarchy where derived classes like the dog or cat class inherit their attributes and behavior from the pet class. Can you give other examples of inheritance hierarchies where the top level is an abstract class, and furthermore, what are the advantages of using such hierarchies?

dq 2

iLab Forum (graded)

This discussion is used to discuss the programming labs and techniques. Please post any programming questions or hints and tips that you have concerning this week’s programming lab. At a minimum, post at least three notes that highlight the key programming techniques or problems you had with this week’s lab.

Devry CIS 355A Week 5 Discussion dq 1 & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Reading a File (graded)

The* package contains two classes that work in concert to process data from a text file: the FileReader class and the BufferedReader class. In what sense do they work in concert in the following statement.

BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(“C:\client.txt”))

Assuming the input file has multiple records, how would you process the entire file and how would you detect the end of file?

dq 2

iLab Forum (graded)

This discussion is used to discuss the programming labs and techniques. Please post any programming questions or hints and tips that you have concerning this week’s programming lab. At a minimum, post at least three notes that highlight the key programming techniques or problems you had with this week’s lab.

Devry CIS 355A Week 6 Discussion dq 1 & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Swing for GUI Development (graded)

Components used in GUI development are classes, which are the structure of OOP. Identify uses of other OOP concepts in swing, including inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, information hiding, and interfaces.

dq 2

iLab Forum (graded)

This discussion is used to discuss the programming labs and techniques. Please post any programming questions or hints and tips that you have concerning this week’s programming lab. At a minimum, post at least three notes that highlight the key programming techniques or problems you had with this week’s lab.

Devry CIS 355A Week 7 Discussion dq 1 & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Data Manipulation and Data Retrieval with GUI (graded)

Choose a GUI component and either a DML or data retrieval statement, and give a code example of how these would work together.

dq 2

Course Project Forum (graded)

This discussion is used to discuss the programming project and techniques. Please post any programming questions or hints and tips that you have concerning the Course Project. At a minimum, post at least three notes that highlight the key programming techniques or problems you had with the Course Project.


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Devry CIS 355A All Week Discussions Latest




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