DeVry COMP 122 Week 1 Discussions Latest



DeVry COMP 122 Week 1 Discussions Latest

From Word Problem to Program Design (graded)

This week we are looking at the process of analyzing a problem written in English, attempting to understand how we might build a program that solves the problem. Let’s begin by looking at the analysis process and discussing what inputs are, what outputs are, and what processing is. What do we look for in a word problem to identify these components? What is an algorithm?

Using Variables and Arithmetic Expression (graded)

Variables are used in a program for storing values. What sort of properties do all variables have in common? What type of arithmetic operations are supported in C ? What role does the data type of a variable have on the type of information the variable can contain and the type of operations that can be performed on the variable? What is operator precedence and how does it impact expression evaluation?


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DeVry COMP 122 Week 1 Discussions Latest

Best DeVry COMP 122 Week 1 Discussions Latest
DeVry COMP 122 Week 1 Discussions Latest


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