DeVry CRMJ 415 All Discussions Latest
DeVry CRMJ 415 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
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Defining Deviance (graded) |
TCO 1 reminds us that the concept of deviance has existed in everyday life throughout history and in all societies. Let’s start our discussion by addressing this question:
In American society, many people have tattoos. If someone has a tattoo, does that automatically mean he or she is deviant? Why or why not?
Before responding try using “History of Tattoos” as key words in a Google search and see what you can find. Did you know that scientists believe to have found tattoo-like markings on the preserved body of a man dating back before 3000 B.C.E.? What is the likelihood that societies during this time had accepted social norms and that one of those norms promoted body art? Wouldn’t it be interesting to learn what purpose was assigned to this form of expression?
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Studying Deviance (graded) |
One of the key concepts associated with TCO 1 relates to studying deviance. When studying deviant behavior, sociologists use a wide variety of research methods. One source of information about deviant behavior is publicly available official data, such as the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). What are the benefits and drawbacks of using official data in a research project about deviance? Start your research by visiting the following webpage: Make sure to review both the general FAQs as well as the incident-specific FAQs under UCR FAQs. Then compare the information with the FBI’s NIBRS FAQs. Once you have reviewed this material share your findings and interpretations with the class.
DeVry CRMJ 415 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
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The Positivist Perspective (graded) |
One way to differentiate between theoretical paradigms is to identify the central question toward which the paradigm is oriented. Because our discussion will address the positivist perspective on deviance, it is a good idea to start by identifying assumptions linked to this theoretical approach. Positivism generally posits three assumptions. The first deals with empiricism. The second focuses on objectivism. And the third is commonly referred to as determinism.(Information on all three assumptions can be found on pages 24–26 in your text.) With these three assumptions in mind, address the following: What is the question about deviance that positivist-oriented studies seek to answer?
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The Constructivist Perspective (graded) |
Theoretical paradigms have central questions that shape them. What questions about deviance are constructivists interested in explaining? Hint: When you think of constructivism, the first thought that should come to mind is the “creation of social categories” (see page 48 in your text). Constructionists are interested in rules, why these rules exist, and how these rules influence our response to those who violate social norms. So, if a question was asked as to why prostitution is illegal, what response would you give using a constructionist perspective? As a follow-up post, and just for fun, answer the same question using a positivist approach.
DeVry CRMJ 415 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
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Criminality (graded) |
Deviance is a broad category, and one of its subcategories is crime. How does crime differ from deviance conceptually? But before responding, first consider the following information. It has long been widely accepted that family environments influence a child’s prosocial or antisocial behavior. Deviance among family members is a very good predictor of the intragenerational transmission of aberrant behavior. Family studies also provide information regarding the possibility of genetic influences toward criminal and deviant behavior, offering in their conclusions a certain amount of separation between findings that rely solely on family variables and those that support predispositions toward deviance. But in your opinion, can a typology be developed to help us isolate and identify those mutually exclusive characteristics that label an act either deviant or criminal? If so, what would it look like?
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Violence (graded) |
Violence occurs when an individual or group brings some form of harm to another individual or group. However, the effect of harm is not the only component of how we perceive violence. What else do we consider in evaluating a behavior as violent? Maybe this will help: Of all the environmental factors correlated with childhood antisocial tendencies and violent juvenile crime, maltreatment seems the strongest. So, how do we differentiate between maltreatment of children, which as the literature reveals contributes significantly to conduct problems, and genetic factors likely to promote the behavior once triggered by environmental stimuli? And more importantly, how do we explain why some kids are negatively impacted by maltreatment whereas others are not with the use of genetic risk factors?
DeVry CRMJ 415 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
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Alcohol Abuse (graded) |
When someone overconsumes alcohol, the influence alcohol has on his or her behavior that may bring a social audience to perceive certain behaviors by the actor as deviant is obvious. But is the overconsumption of alcohol by an individual on a regular basis an individual problem or a social problem? And if we support the notion that the social and environmental circumstances, biological influences, and even genetic predispositions contribute to an individual’s actions, how should we then determine the importance of establishing free will and, ultimately, culpability?
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Pharmaceutical Abuse (graded) |
Inept parenting, disruptive parenting, harsh discipline, authoritarian parenting style, or simply a lack of social bonding are all thought to influence a child’s decision to participate in some form of antisocial behavior, illicit drug use being one of those behaviors. But in the face of adversity, some children resist the modeling behavior of their parents who lack appropriate parenting skills as well as the influence of their delinquent peers. How would you explain the decision by children who exhibit a resilient behavioral response not to use illegal substances, either pharmaceutical or street drugs, in the face of pressure to comply that comes in the form of modeling behavior by a family member, caregiver, or peer or as the mode of adaptation to social pressures that Merton titled retreatism?
DeVry CRMJ 415 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
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Sexual Deviance (graded) |
All social norms evolve over time in response to changes in a society’s environment. In contemporary social life, the sexual identity norm is an example. But although there is constant opposition to the sex industry’s efforts at exploiting women and young children, same-sex relationships are condemned. Now consider this: In your opinion, is society’s attempt to consider the victim of a sexual assault at fault for his or her victimization justified, or is this effort merely an attempt to shift the focus of the outcome of the trial away from the system and society? After all, advocates who have worked with victims of sexual assault state openly that some victims are considered less than credible by jurors simply due to their social class, appearance, or lifestyle. This outcome seems to suggests that by normative standards, jurors label victims of sexual assault as deviant.
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Organizational Deviance (graded) |
Regardless of the entity or the seriousness of the offense, organizational deviance is the product of the actions of one or more individuals involved in the behavior or crime. Much as if we would attribute a murder to a specific offender, white-collar crime, corporate crime, and organizational deviance are outcomes set in motion by individuals. These individuals make use of company resources and the organization serves as an instrument of crime and/or deviance, but culpability rests with the actors. Lets begin the discussion this week by identifying actual cases of organizational crime and/or deviance. Start by searching news articles from creditable media publications found on the Internet. Make sure to include the link for the article when sharing your post. In your initial posts make sure to also identify a theory of deviance that might explain the behavior.
DeVry CRMJ 415 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
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Cognitive Deviance: Doomsday Cults (graded) |
Doomsday cults have certain unconventional beliefs about the future. But did you know that most doomsday cults started as harmless attempts to improve people’s life? Some such groups even had their beginnings as well-meaning charitable organizations. For this week’s first discussion review the material available from creditable sources on Marshall Applewhite’s Heaven’s Gate cult and provide a brief summary of what you learn. Next review the material on The People’s Temple and Reverend James Warren Jones, and then compare and contrast the two cults. Include in your response information as to how cults such as these develop over time and how it is people follow their prophets with little or no question as to the reasoning behind the decisions they make or the intended outcome these prophets envision.
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Mental Deviance: The Crazy Role (graded) |
Formal labeling by authority figures and informal labeling by caregivers and peers sets the stage for what is commonly known as the self-fulfilling prophecy. Labeling theory, as it pertains to crime and deviance, posits there are two stages involved in this outcome. The first is titled primary deviance and involves a process by which individuals are initially labeled as someone others believe to be deviant. The second stage, the one aligned more directly with the self-fulfilling prophecy, involves a process by which the actor accepts the label and proceeds to develop a corresponding attitude that supports a deviant lifestyle. For this discussion, address the importance of limiting the impact labeling has on the self-fulfilling prophecy and how this prophecy contributes to deviance. In a follow-up post, explain the relationship of self-esteem to the self-fulfilling prophecy and the impact low self-esteem has on forming positive definitions toward deviance.
DeVry CRMJ 415 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest
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Obesity as Physical Deviance (graded) |
A third of the adult U.S. population is obese. Medical costs associated with conditions related to obesity have been estimated to exceed $145 billion dollars. Kids in K–12 who are obese are more likely to be bullied than are other children. Interestingly, women with above-average incomes and women who are college educated are less likely to be obese than are their counterparts living under the poverty level. Given the extent of this social problem and the stigma associated with obesity, if the condition is voluntary, meaning there is no diagnosed and accepted medical reason for the problem, why does this lifestyle persist? In a follow-up post, address this question: If the fast food industry contributes to and even promotes obesity, why is obesity thought of as a violation of social norms?
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Tattoos as Physical Deviance (graded) |
If someone has several visible tattoos on his or her body, what might social audiences conclude about this person? Add to this the notion of the quality of the body art and what this might suggest about the individual. As part of this discussion research the topic of prison tattoos and their meanings. Include in your post at least three different tattoos, each of which has a significant meaning for prison inmates. Then conduct a similar investigation on street gang tattoos.From a constructivist perspective, how might this information influence the likelihood of employment if an applicant who has never been incarcerated or belonged to a street gang displays body art thought by others to be a prison or gang tattoo?
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DeVry CRMJ 415 All Discussions Latest
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