DeVry ECET 330 Week 4 ilab Latest



DeVry ECET 330 Week 4 ilab Latest


Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
DeVry University
College of Engineering and Information Sciences



Course Number:ECET330

Professor: Alireza Kavianpour

Laboratory Number: 4

Laboratory Title:Introduction to Tower Module

Submittal Date:Click here to enter a date.


  1. 1.To set up the Tower System
  2. 2.Become familiar with programming and using the Tower Module
  3. 3.Become familiar with I/O port programming


We were able to successfully create four working programs that manipulate the LEDs of the Tower system


Using different methods such as subroutines, selection statements, and masking techniques, we can create programs using CodeWarrior that can be installed in a tower system


Team: May Saw EET
Name Program Signature


  1. IV.2-B.Copy and paste the memory window showing the value of PTT.
  2. IV.3.A – Copy and paste the source code.
  3. IV.3.B. Show the one-second delay calculation.
  4. IV.3.C. Describe the LED values.
  5. IV.4.A. Copy and paste the source code.
  6. IV.4.B. Show the 0.75-second delay calculation.
  7. IV.4.C. Describe the LED values.


  1. IV.5.A. Cut and paste the source code.
  2. 5.B.Show the 0.5-second delay calculation.
  3. IV.5.C. Describe the LED values.


Deliverable Points Available Points Achieved
Laboratory Cover Sheet 8
Working Circuit(s)/Program(s) 12
Observations/Measurements 10
Questions 0
Total Points 30



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