DeVry ECET 330 Week 6 ilab Latest



DeVry ECET 330 Week 6 ilab Latest


lorLaboratory Report Cover Sheet
DeVry University
College of Engineering and Information Sciences



Course Number:ECET330

Professor: Alireza Kavianpour

Laboratory Number: 6

Laboratory Title:Embedded C Programming: Part I

Submittal Date:


  1. 1.To learn how to write a C program using CodeWarrior IDE
  2. 2.To learn how to program I/O instructions in C language
  3. 3.To learn how to organize a C program to read data from input ports, process the data, and display the result on a simple output device
  4. 4.To learn how to write inline assembly language in C


While programming withembedded Cis the mindset; for embedded applications, we need to optimally use the resources, make the program code efficient, and satisfy real time constraints, if any.


I was able to run the program successfully.

Team: May Saw EET
Name Program Signature


  1. 1.IV.1-A. Cut and paste the Memory window.

.png” alt=”Text box: “>


  1. IV.1-B.Cut and paste the Memory window to show the value of result.

.png” alt=”Text box: “>

  1. IV.1.C – What is the value displayed on the LEDs after you single step the line PTT = ~result?


  1. IV.2.A. What are the LED values?


  1. IV.2.B. Calculate the delay size and show your work.


  1. IV.3.A. Cut and paste the source code.
  2. IV.3.B. Cut and paste the Memory window.
  3. IV.3.C. Describe the values of LEDs. What is the last value that you see?
  4. IV.4.A. Cut and paste the source code.
  5. IV.4.B. Describe the values of LEDs. What is the last value that you see? Does the loop end?


  1. IV.5.. Does the loop end? Describe the reason.
  2. IV.6.Cut and paste the source code.


  1. 1.When we write a C program, in some cases, we need to write some part of the code in assembly language.What do we call an assembly-language code written in a C program? Describe a situation where assembly-language code is preferred over C.
  2. 2.Discuss the reason why we used unsigned char for a loop counter of Problem 4 as opposed to int.


Deliverable Points Available Points Achieved
Laboratory Cover Sheet 8
Working Circuit(s)/Program(s) 8
Observations/Measurements 6
Questions 8
Total Points 30


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