DeVry ENGL 092 Week 1 Discussions Latest
Reading Strategies (graded) |
OK, here we go! I’m going to ask you to answer some questions from your reading in the textbook. Please submit your answers in the thread below and then submit it to the Dropbox. You will find a tutorial for the Dropbox uner “Assignments”.
• On page 20, you will find ten vocabulary words that have been taken from the essay on “Health”. Write the definitions of these words.
• As you continue reading the essay(pages 20-26) answer these questions:
1. What didn’t you know before reading the essay?
2. What do you agree with?
3. What do you disagree with?
You may stop reading at “Thinking and Writing After Reading”.
Reading and Writing Processes (graded) |
Please read pages 34-38. They are full of suggestions to help you get started when you write an essay.
• Tell me which of these techniques you feel will help you the most or will be most useful to you:
1. Brainstorming and free-writing
2. Branching
3. Outlining
4. Idea mapping.
• Then read page 39 and answer these questions:
1. What is an essay?
2. What are the three parts of an essay?
• Now, read pages 40-42. You may stop at Exercise 2-6. I hope you are getting a sense of how to approach the best way to write essays.
• Next and lastly, please read the “Reading Module #1”.
1. What are the five reading strategies they mention? (Don’t do the box, “Expert Says”)
2. Watch the video and do the “On Your Own Exercise #1.
Of course, you are going to put your responses in the thread below and then into the Dropbox. Thanks!
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DeVry ENGL 092 Week 1 Discussions Latest
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