DeVry GSCM 330 Week 7 Discussions Latest



DeVry GSCM 330 Week 7 Discussions Latest

Why Lean? (graded)

Lean production is a way to eliminate waste through a focus on what the customer wants. First, can we ever really know what the customer wants? And second, even if we can determine what the customer wants, how can that help us reduce waste?

Just-In-Time (graded)

How does JIT practice differ when applying it to services compared to when we use the concept in manufacturing? What advantage, if any, do we get from using JIT in the service sector?


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DeVry GSCM 330 Week 7 Discussions Latest

Best DeVry GSCM 330 Week 7 Discussions Latest
DeVry GSCM 330 Week 7 Discussions Latest




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