Devry MATH 114 Week 2 Discussion Latest



Devry MATH 114 Week 2 Discussion Latest


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  • This week we continue our study of factoring. As you become more familiar with factoring, you will notice there are some factoring problems that follow specific patterns. These patterns are known as
    • a difference of squares;
    • a perfect square trinomial;
    • a difference of cubes; and
    • a sum of cubes.
  • Choose two of the forms above. Create a video or VoiceThread with supporting PowerPoints, explaining the pattern that allows you to recognize the binomial or trinomial as having special factors. Illustrate with examples of a binomial or trinomial expression that may be factored using the special techniques you are explaining. Make sure that you do not use the same example a classmate has already used!For your next two posts review and comment on at least two other videos or VoiceThreads. You may use any technology you prefer (text only, text with images, video, VoiceThread response, narrated PowerPoint, etc.) to compose these review comments.


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Devry MATH 114 Week 2 Discussion Latest

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Devry MATH 114 Week 2 Discussion Latest




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