DeVry NETW 310 Week 5 iLab Latest



DeVry NETW 310 Week 5 iLab Latest

iLab 5: Wireshark Introduction (50 points)


Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page.

(See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.)



In this iLab, you will learn how to perform the basic functions of network analysis using the Wireshark protocol analyzer.

Wireshark is an open-source program that is used to capture, copy, and display the frames that cross a LAN at Layer 2.


You are required to submit your Week 6 Lab Report after completing the iLab assignments.

Required Software


Access to the software is available at”>


STEP 1: Watch the Wireshark Tutorial”>Back to Top

Watch the Wireshark video below.

Wireshark Tutorial″>” alt=””>Wireshark Tutorial

Click on the link above to view the tutorial time: 9:02.

Note: This tutorial has audio, so make sure that you are on a computer with sound capabilities.


STEP 2: Download the Lab Report Template”>Back to Top

Download this week’s”>lab report template.

STEP 3: Complete the Assignment”>Back to Top

Answer the questions concerning what is shown.

STEP 4: Submit the Answers”>Back to Top

Submit your completed report to the Week 6 Dropbox.

Submit your lab to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these″>step-by-step instructions or watch this″>Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.



NETW310 Week 5 Lab Report

To complete your Week 5 lab report, answer the questions below concerning the Wireshark protocol analyzer software.

Create your report using the template starting on page 2 and submit it to the Week 4 Dropbox by the due date. Use the reference documents and websites as required to complete the iLab questions.

In order to be eligible to receive full credit, you must write in complete sentences and use the lab report template.Answers that are NOT written in complete sentences will receive point deductions.

Use a red-coloredfont for you answers. Answers that are NOT written in complete sentences will receive point deductions. You are to add in any references you do use. Please Support all of your decisions.

In order to be eligible to receive full credit, you must write in complete sentences and use the lab report template. You are to take off the cover of the template since this is a page of instructions, but include your header.

Place your answers in the template below the questions. Remove any graphics or explanations so that your deliverable has questions and your answers only.

Using the template and completing the header are worth 2 points on your grade for this assignment.

This assignment has 12 questions that are weighted as marked on the iLab sheet. Each answer is worth 2, 5, or 8 points. Remember, Using the template and completing the header are worth 2 points on your grade for this assignment.



Your Name

NETW310, Professor’s Name

Current Date

Lab #5, Wireshark Introduction Lab

Lab Report

Section I: Watch the video on the iLab page about Wireshark and answer the questions below.

  1. 1.Is Wireshark open-source or proprietary? What does it mean to be open-source vs proprietary in the first place? Give an example of something that is open source vs something that is proprietary in the field of networking and telecommunications.(5 points)
  2. 2.What is seen in each of the three panes that display the packets seen on a local area network? HINT: For full credit you must talk about what is DISPLAYED in each pane in addition to the NAME of each pane.( 5 points)
  3. 3.What does a display filter do? Where do you add in a display filter? ( 5 points)
  4. 4.What does the protocol column show? How can this be helpful to you when troubleshooting? ( 5 points)
  5. 5.How do you expand the details in a layer of the packet in the middle frame? What is shown when you expand the details of a packet? ( 5 points)
  6. 6.Wireshark capture files have what file name extension? ( 5 points)
  7. 7.The time column shows what? The time is displayed in what part of a second ( sec, msec, usec, etc) ( 5 points)
  8. 8.When you right click on something in one of the panes what happens? ( 5 points)
  9. 9.How is a display filter removed? ( 5 points)
  10. 10.When a filter is correct what color is the background of the filter window?

Section II :Go”> and look at the documents”> Select one of the network mysteries “CASES”videos to watch and comment on.

  1. 1.Write a paragraph of at least 7 sentences about the case you choose and what you learned about wireshark and network troubleshooting from that case.(10 points)”>

.gif” alt=”Screen clipping”>”>

.gif” alt=”Screen clipping”>

Some of the network mystery cases highlighted on the wireshark documentation page:


Section III : Download Wireshark and some supporting documents. (You will need this for the Week 7 iLab).

  1. 1.Download the 100 Wireshark Tips from laura Chappell so you have it as a reference for your Week 7 iLab.This is available in doc sharing and from the Week 5 iLab page.
  2. 2.Download wireshark from You will need this to complete the Week 7.Please show a screen shot of the program on your computer and list what VERSION you were able to download. You will see something like this:

.gif” alt=”Screen clipping”>

3.Download the appropriate user guide for your downloaded version of wireshark. Which version did you download?

  1. 4.What version of wireshark did you download? Show a screen shot of the version that you downloaded (as inj the graphic above).( 8 points) You are now ready to work on the next Wireshark iLab in Week 7.”>


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