DeVry NETW 320 All Week Discussions Latest



DeVry NETW 320 All Week Discussions Latest

DeVry NETW 320 Week 1 Discussions Latest

Multimedia Applications (graded)

Describe the different applications that are offered over a convergence network by service providers.

Quality of Sevice (QoS) (graded)

QoS is an important feature of converged networks, which are based on Internet protocol (IP). Explain why QoS is required on an IP network and how it is used for traffic differentiation and congestion management.

DeVry NETW 320 Week 2 Discussions Latest

Differentiated Services (graded)

Describe the differentiated services (DS) features, and how it is used. Give some examples of the DS code points.

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) (graded)

Multicast is an important feature of converged network. Multicast is used for streaming many applications including IPTV. Describe how multicast groups are managed, and how a protocol such as IGMP is used.

DeVry NETW 320 Week 3 Discussions Latest

Network Performance Parameters (graded)

Network performance parameters such as packet loss, delay, and jitter can have impact on the transmission of voice and video over IP networks. Describe these parameters, and how they can impact voice and video quality of experience.

IPTV (graded)

Describe IPTV architecture. The description can include the protocols used, the devices used, as well as other features specific to television services.

DeVry NETW 320 Week 4 Discussions Latest

Real-Time Transport Protocol: (graded)

Real-time transport protocol (RTP) is an essential element to voice and video transport over an IP network. What are the different features that make RTP such an important protocol?

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): (graded)

In order to initiate and complete a voice or a video call, a session has to be established between the two ends. SIP is used for that purpose, describe the different features and entities of SIP protocol.

DeVry NETW 320 Week 5 Discussions Latest

Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL) Technologies (graded)

The subscribers have to be connected to the service provider core network in order to get services. DSL access technologies are part of the access segment of the network, what are some of DSL technologies? And what are some of their features?

Passive Optical Network (PON) (graded)

To meet the user’s demand for high access bandwidth to homes, PON technology was introduced. Describe PON technology, its advantages, and its standards.

DeVry NETW 320 Week 6 Discussions Latest

Cellular Technologies (graded)

The last segment that is being added to convergence is cellular technologies. Describe the cellular systems. What are their bandwidth capabilities?

IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) (graded)

Describe some of the entities of IMS. One of the entities of IMS as an example is CSCF; what is CSCF?

DeVry NETW 320 Week 7 Discussions Latest

Ethernet Services (graded)

Ethernet has evolved and it is used more than in LANs, describe some of the new services based on Ethernet.

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) (graded)

MPLS introduction to IP networks provided more speed to IP packets routing as well as QoS, describes some of the features and schemes MPLS is based on.


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DeVry NETW 320 All Week Discussions Latest

Best DeVry NETW 320 All Week Discussions Latest
DeVry NETW 320 All Week Discussions Latest


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