Devry PROJ 587 Week (123&4) Discussions Latest



Devry PROJ 587 Week (123&4) Discussions Latest


Devry PROJ 587 Week 1 Discussion dq 1& dq 2 latest

dq 1

From Corporate Strategy to Project Strategy (graded)

How can an organization transfer corporate strategy into meaningful project strategy? What is the relationship between corporate strategy and project strategy?

dq 2

Portfolios, Programs, and Projects (graded)

Portfolio, program, and projects; what are they, how do they differ, and what is their relationship to the corporate strategy?


Devry PROJ 587 Week 2 Discussion dq 1& dq 2 latest

dq 1

Project Portfolio Selection (graded)

An effective project portfolio does not just happen. There is a process that must be developed and then followed to help ensure a successful portfolio. Let’s start this discussion by examining what decisions must be made before a project is actually looked at or considered. So where do you start in the preprocess stage? Be sure to justify your answer.

dq 2

Portfolio Management Process (graded)

Define the process groups and knowledge areas included in the portfolio management process and explain what happens in each area. How do these areas interact with one another as a group?


Devry PROJ 587 Week 3 Discussion dq 1& dq 2 latest

dq 1

PM, PgM, and PPM (graded)

Project management, program management, and project portfolio management all sound alike. They are different names for possibly the same thing. These are very different topics. Compare and contrast project management, program management, and project portfolio management.

dq 2

Project Cost (graded)

Whether you are a project manager or a program manager, you will be concerned with project cost. Below is a list of terms that you would see and use when working with project cost. Choose only one, explain it, and give some examples of how it works.

• Planned Value (PV) • Variance At Completion (VAC)
• Actual Cost (AC) • Probability (P)
• Earned Value (EV) • Impact (I)
• Budget at Completion (BAC) • Expected Monetary Value (EMV)
• Cost Variance (CV) • Expected Activity Duration (EAD)
• Schedule Variance (SV) • Standard Deviation (SD)
• Cost Performance Index (CPI) • Late Start, Early Start, Late Finish, Early Finish (LS, ES, LF, EF)
• Schedule Performance Index (SPI) • Point of Total Assumption (PTA)
• Estimate at Completion (EAC) • To Complete Performance Index [TCPI]
• Estimate to Complete (ETC) • To Complete Performance Index [TCPI]


Devry PROJ 587 Week 4 Discussion dq 1& dq 2 latest

dq 1

Change Management (graded)

You have just been hired to manage a new project that will involve not only the installation of a new company-wide computer system, but also the implementation of new processes. As project manager, you must create a project plan and a change management plan.Where do you begin? What should be your first task and why?

Who should be part of the planning process? What problems could arise due to the changes? How will you measure the success of the change management plan?

dq 2

Conflict Management (graded)

Every organization and project has its share of conflict. What matters is how that conflict is handled. Let’s start this discussion by addressing the causes of conflict in an organization or on a project. Whenever possible, share your personal experiences.



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Devry PROJ 587 Week (123&4) Discussions Latest

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Devry PROJ 587 Week (123&4) Discussions Latest





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