Devry PROJ 592 Week 6 Discussions latest
dq 1
Earned Value Forecasting (graded) |
Earned value not only allows us to monitor and control a project, but it also allows a method to predict certain project parameters.Forecasting in a project begins with four terms: estimate to completion (ETC), estimate at completion (EAC), budget at completion (BAC),and complete performance index (TCPI). In your own words, what does each of these mean? How is each used?
dq 2
Cost and Schedule Control (graded) |
Calculating variances, indexes, and forecasts would seem to make the decisions easy, but we know that the numbers don’t manage the project. We do. We accept that we have to make new projections based on how the project is performing and then decide what we will do to make it meet the requirements in the end. So how will you as the project manager use this information to ensure project success at completion? What might get in your way? Does it matter where you are in the project timeline?
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Devry PROJ 592 Week 6 Discussions latest
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