Devry SCI 204 ilab 5 Latest
Exercise 1 is worth ten points.
Eutrophication has affected the Great Lakes of North America for many years. Lake Erie in particular has had a long pollution history.Exercise:
Discuss two sources of pollution that have affected Lake Erie. List your references (at least three references are required).
Exercise 2 is worth ten points.
Water Pollution is a common problem all over the U.S.A.Exercise:
Discuss two polluted water bodies in your state, and discuss the steps that the state is taking to solve, prevent or reduce more pollution into these water bodies. List your references (at least three references are required).
Exercise 3 is worth ten points.
The ocean ecosystem has been used as a dumping ground. Many pollutants end up in the ocean. The most visible is plastic which is not biodegradable.Exercise:
Discuss two reasons why the large amounts of plastic in the ocean are an environmental concern. List your references (at least three references are required).
Exercise 4 is worth ten points.
As of 2011 the global population passed the seven billion mark. The Earth’s resources are constant, but the human population continues to grow. The United Nations Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 7, Target 7C is to halve, by 2015, the proportion of the global population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. As of 2012, the United Nations reported that the MDG for access to clean water has been reached. It stated that 89% of the populations in the world have access to improved water supplies, up from 76% in the base year of 1990.Exercise:
Discuss two reasons why access to safe drinking water is important for any population. List your references (at least three references are required).
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Devry SCI 204 ilab 5 Latest
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