Devry SOCS 185n Week 5 Discussions latest



Devry SOCS 185n Week 5 Discussions latest

Definitions of Race and Ethnicity (graded)

What is meant by the social construction of race? Take a look at the this video”> Kiri Davis: A Girl Like Me. Is your race more a matter of how you view yourself or of how others view you? In what ways is how you view yourself influenced by our society and culture?

Man’s Work Versus Woman’s Work (graded)

How are household chores (cooking, cleaning, laundry, child care, auto maintenance, yard work, home repair, etc.) divided up along gender lines in your current residence? How were chores divided up in the home where you grew up? Is the time spent each week on the total about evenly divided or skewed one way or the other?


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Devry SOCS 185n Week 5 Discussions latest

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Devry SOCS 185n Week 5 Discussions latest


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