ECT 122 Week 4 Lab Assignment DeVry



ECT 122 Week 4 Lab Assignment DeVry

Part 1

  1. Create the circuit shown below in Multisim. For the resistors, be sure to use RATED VIRTUAL components. Your circuit should look something like the one below.
  1. Analyze the circuit using the method described in this week’s lecture to determine the voltages across the resistors, the currents through each resistor, the total circuit current, each resistor’s power and the total power.

Calculate the values below:

VR1 = ___________        VR2 = ___________                        IR1 = ___________          IR2 = ___________

IT = ____________        PR1 = ___________                        PR2 = ___________

PT = ___________

  1. Analyze the circuit using the method described in this week’s lecture to determine the voltages across the resistors, the currents through each resistor, the total circuit current, each resistor’s power and the total power.

Calculate the values below:

VR1 = ___________        VR2 = ___________                        IR1 = ___________          IR2 = ___________

IT = ____________        PR1 = ___________                        PR2 = ___________

PT = ___________

  1. Create the circuit shown from this week’s course shell lecture in Multisim

Use the proper measurement tools to determine the simulated values:


VR1 = ___________        VR2 = ___________                        VR3 = ___________        VR4 = ___________

IR1 = ___________          IR2 = ___________                        IR3 = ___________          IR4 = ___________

IT = ____________

PR1 = ___________        PR2 = ___________                        PR3 = ___________        PR4 = ___________

PT = ___________

Do the values exactly match what is shown in this week’s lecture? Yes/No


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