ENGL 230 ALL Week Discussions DeVry



ENGL 230 ALL Week Discussions DeVry

ENGL 230 Communication Discussions 1 Week 1 DeVry

In your opinion, does the success-or failure-of an organization depend on how effectively its members communicate, or not? How do organizations establish goals? How can communication help an organization achieve its goals? What implications do the information age and globalization have for organizational communication? What barriers might exist in a company with offices all over the world? What barriers might exist in an organization that relies heavily on electronic forms of communication versus face-to-face communication?…

ENGL 230 Language Culture Discussions 2 Week 1 DeVry

What does the term “language culture” include, and how might you analyze your language culture? Who could help you? Which research or library sources could be informative? Every human being has a unique, personalized “language culture.” Your own language culture is built from all your life experiences, locations lived, groups spent time around, occupations, majors, hobbies, and more. (1) Can you explain your own language culture? (2) How can any language culture–your own or someone else’s–be analyzed and understood?  How you are perceived by your audience is a big part of communication. Have any of you ever had any misunderstandings that stemmed from cultural differences?…

ENGL 230 Communication and Language Culture Discussions Week 1 DeVry

ENGL 230 Business Presentations Discussions 1 Week 2 DeVry

What are some common reasons for presentations in a business or professional setting?  What are some of the benefits of making or listening to presentations in the workplace? Why is public speaking frightening to you? List the techniques you use to overcome your fear of public speaking? What benefits and/or challenges have you experienced when giving professional presentations?…

ENGL 230 Public Speaking Discussions 2 Week 2 DeVry

How might you handle the following situations? You arrive to give your speech and are asked to speak for an hour instead of for thirty minutes because a second speaker has canceled. Someone interrupts you, saying that you are not speaking on the subject the audience has come to hear. What do you consider as “good” delivery? What delivery techniques work for you?…

ENGL 230 Business Presentations and Public Speaking Discussions Week 2 DeVry

ENGL 230 Informative Speaking Discussions 1 Week 3 DeVry

Why are informative presentations useful? Describe and give examples of the three major functions of informative presentations. Why is knowing your audience important? How does the audience affect how you shape your message and the information you share? Can anyone think of other types of audiences? How might the setting and surroundings affect your speaking situation? How does that relate to sources of “noise” that our text describes?…

ENGL 230 Ethics and Persuasive Speaking Discussions 2 Week 3 DeVry

Imagine that you are trying to persuade your employer to buy a particular Brand X portable computer for employees to use for business trips.  You are to make a presentation to a management committee, and you want to give members convincing evidence for your recommendation.  You also want to make the presentation in an ethical fashion.  You like the selected model for a variety of reasons, including the fact that your spouse works part time for Brand X and has told you a lot of good things about it. As you think through the presentation, what, if any, ethical issues will you encounter?  What are some possible ways of dealing with them?  Which will you choose? Might your answer change if you or your family owned stock in Brand X?  Why or why not?  in deciding how much information to present, do you have an ethical responsibility to present all sides of an issue? For example, does a district attorney have a responsibility to tell a grand jury about all known facts of a case? Should a sales representative for a drug manufacturer tell doctors about the side effects of a drug? Should an army recruiter tell potential recruits about both the advantages and disadvantages of military life? What criteria would you use in deciding the answers to these questions?…

ENGL 230 Informative Speaking Ethics and Persuasive Speaking Discussions Week 3 DeVry

ENGL 230 Hearing and Listening Discussions 1 Week 4 DeVry

What’s the difference between hearing and listening? Please provide experiences or examples. What other differences do you know of between hearing and listening?  What is listener anxiety? Why is it a particularly serious problem in business settings? Class, even when audience members have the best of intentions (which goes a long way) they are never going to remember all of the information. What are you going to do to help your audience with retention?…
ENGL 230 Verbal and Nonverbal Skills Discussions 2 Week 4 DeVry

Describe a situation in which a coworker’s nonverbal communication contradicted his or her words. Which message was stronger? What might be some reasons for the lack of alignment?  How can we make sure our body language, including facial expressions, matches what we’re saying? Class, in Week 3 we discussed how much the audience or venue of a presenation affects clothing and other choices with regard to appearance. How can the physical appearance of a speaker effect the audience? For example, a speaker dressed in a very casual and inappropriate way might cause the audience to question the speaker’s credibility. What else? Do have any specific examples you can share? How can you be certain that you are presenting the correct appearance when you are the speaker?…

ENGL 230 Hearing and Listening and Verbal and Nonverbal Skills Discussions Week 4 DeVry

ENGL 230 Leadership Tactics Discussions 1 Week 5 DeVry

Management has always used fear to some degree. Although most leadership books ignore this tool altogether, in favor of more accommodating techniques, many highly successful executives use terror to lead their employees. Scott Snook, a Harvard Business School professor of organizational behavior, suggests that fear can become a barrier to taking risks, but, at the same time, it can “provide the essential emotional kick” needed to meet a challenge. The use of fear to lead can cause many problems because no one will question the leadership or suggest changes. For example, Enron had its employees rank one another’s performance every year and then fired the lowest ten percent. This practice could not have made questioning authority easy, and such questions could have helped to avoid Enron’s scandal and collapse. Workers who have more credentials and experience are less reliant on a single employer, and for them, fear-inspiring bosses are less of a factor. In strong economic times, workers are more difficult to come by, so bosses must be careful. However, in times of downturn, such as in the last few years, management has had more power over employees, and cracking the whip has become more common. Most successful companies are made up of people who are “productively neurotic.” That is, their neuroses makes them more productive workers because they have “a strong, self-imposed fear of failure.” Firms with such workers don’t use fear directly to encourage employees; rather, they simply reinforce people’s own natural tendency to strive for success.
Do you think it is ethical for an organization to allow its leaders to use fear as a communication tactic? What have your experiences with fear as a leadership tool been?What do you all think of fear as a management tool? If you have been in this situation with a manager, please share your experience. Do any of us employ this technique as a manager?…

ENGL 230 Leadership Styles Discussions 2 Week 5 DeVry

Do you believe that there is a single leadership style that is effective in most situations?  If you do, explain what that style is and why it is effective. If you don’t, please explain your position. Do you consider yourself a leader? Have you had the opportunity to be a leader in the workplace? If not, tell us about other situations where you have been a leader? How would you describe your leadership style?  Have any of you ever experienced leadership anxiety? What are some of the methods to handle leadership anxiety?…

ENGL 230 Leadership Tactics and Leadership Styles Discussions Week 5 DeVry

ENGL 230 Job Interviews Discussions 1 Week 6 DeVry

In today’s computer driven business world, job interviews may likely occur online in a series of e-mail exchanges. How do you believe you might perform in an online interview, compared to a traditional face-to-face interview? Can you imagine that you might feel at an advantage or a disadvantage? Why? Do you believe these three characteristics exist in an online or e-mail interview? Why/Why not?  So tell me, how can you prepare for a phone interview? An e-mail exchange? Face to face interview? Is it all the same or different?…
ENGL 230 Employee Appraisal & Disciplinary Interview Discussions 2 Week 6 DeVry

Why are effective performance appraisal interviews critical to healthy supervisor-employee relations? Can disciplinary interviews improve relations? How does communication competence come into play in both scenarios? What experiences have you had with performance appraisals? How might your manager more effectively conducted your appraisal? Class, have you ever been yelled at by a coworker or supervisor? If yes, how did it make you feel? If you don’t mind, tell us about the situation. How could you and/or the supervisor/coworker have handled the communication differently? When you reply, look back to the chapter for this week on employee appraisals and disciplinary action to support your suggested solution to the problem….

ENGL 230 Job Interviews Employee Appraisal & Disciplinary Interview Discussions Week 6 DeVry

ENGL 230 Manager-Employee Relationship Discussions 1 Week 7 DeVry

Cherie is an accountant for a large advertising agency. After receiving notice of a prospective, large account, she thinks of a creative advertising campaign and tells her idea to Charles, her manager. Charles shoots down her idea and reminds her that her job is accounting. Several days later, the design team visits Charles and asks him for more details on his brilliant campaign idea. Cherie realizes that the campaign being discussed is her idea.  What does this outcome indicate about the communication climate and power holding in the agency? If you were Cherie, would you approach Charles about stealing your idea, or would you show support for your manager? Why?  Class, I’m sure that this week’s scenario will prove to be an interesting conversation. To get us started, let’s address a few issues: Have you experienced a similar situation in your own professional experience to that of Charles and Cherie in the scenario? Please tell us about it. How did you resolve it? Review the steps for improving relationships with others (195). How would you use these steps to address the situation described above?…
ENGL 230 Coworker Relationship Discussions 2 Week 7 DeVry

When it comes to coworkers, why are strong interpersonal relationships important in business?

How do you build and maintain those relationships while keeping professionalism at the forefront?  What are some challenges you face in doing so?  As you respond to this question, tell us of any real examples you can recall where you had a co-worker who “didn’t” handle a situation in an appropriate way… What happened? What might have been different had that person adjusted to the specific situation?…
ENGL 230 Manager-Employee Relationship and Coworker Relationship Discussions Week 7 DeVry


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ENGL 230 ALL Week Discussions DeVry

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ENGL 230 ALL Week Discussions DeVry



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