HRM 410 Discussions Week 3 DeVry
HRM 410 Job Analysis Techniques and Legal Issues Discussions 1 Week 3 DeVry
Let’s start with the various job analysis techniques. What factors affect the job analysis method chosen by an employer? Would an employer’s unique business type and environment affect the method chosen? How? I have found that many people confuse the concept of job analysis with that of a job description. What is the difference in these two concepts? Who should be involved in the job analysis process? What is a brief example of how you would conduct a job analysis on your current position?…
HRM 410 KSAs and Behavioral Competencies Discussions 2 Week 3 DeVry
What issues can affect the accuracy of a KSA collection? How can these be overcome? Are there special issues or concerns when it comes to discovering the employee behaviors that are required in the position? Why is it crucial to establish KSAs early in the job analysis process? Do KSAs for a position ever change? If so, how does it happen?…
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HRM 410 Discussions Week 3 DeVry
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