PA 600 Week 1 Discussions DeVry
PA 600 Most Pressing Concerns Week 1 Discussions 1
From your perspective, what are the most pressing concerns within Public Administration?
- Now let’s chat about presentation tools from the Internet. Have you ever used or heard of WEBEX? Please take a moment to start to become familiar with WebEx. What do you see as some of the challenges of using this program?’ Is this something that can be helpful working in a geographically challenging job (i.e.: people located around the globe).
- One point is that we can’t continue to attack the symptoms, but need to get down to the nitty-gritty and define the problem and causes. Another point was the partisan politics–it’s so self-serving and very damaging, as we’ve seen so recently with the debt issue.
What can we do to solve these types of issues? Any suggestions?
Here is my follow up for today…one reason for the Project Plan and Oral Presentation is to demonstrate how we can demonstrate accountability and effectiveness. How good are organizations at demonstrating their effectiveness? Do they plan properly? Do you think non-profits plan better/same/worse than for-profit institutions? So, let’s work on developing a mission statement. What are some key elements of a good mission statement?…
PA 600 Presenting Professional Reports Week 1 Discussions 2
One of the deliverables of this course is the Oral Presentation. Reflect back on your own career and education, and review the methods you have used to deliver reports. What are some of those methods? Which one do you think was the most effective in making your case to your audience?
Communication is a CRITICAL part of a career and success. AS such, we have an oral presentation in this course at the end. You will work in a group, and you all must deliver a solid report. In this question, we should discuss how we can be MOST effective in communicating, and think about tools and preparation we can do BEFORE the presentation to ensure that we are interesting and persuasive when we speak!
Now let’s chat about presentation tools from the Internet. Have you ever used or heard of WEBEX? Please take a moment to start to become familiar with WebEx. What do you see as some of the challenges of using this program?’ Is this something that can be helpful working in a geographically challenging job (i.e.: people located around the globe).
COMMUNICATION is a major key to a successful career. Imagine that you are at a fund raiser for your nonprofit and you have to speak…you MUST be effective or your operation will suffer. What are some ways you can improve your communication skills? Please give me SPECIFIC responses…and support your answer…
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PA 600 Week 1 Discussions DeVry
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