PA 600 Week 5 Discussions DeVry



PA 600 Week 5 Discussions DeVry

PA 600 Case Statements Week 5 Discussions 1 

Use this template to create your case statement (ignore #7). Post your response to one of the questions from the template. Review your peers’ posts and offer any thoughts on areas that seem unclear or need more information. This week we continue to talk about our P-PLAN.   As you can see, a link is provided with a template.   Please use the template and present our responses to each numbered item, except for number seven. Let’s take them in the order they are presented in the template and then discuss them. This approach should really be helpful and give us ideas for papers. Mission statements are important, as we talk about them constantly.  Thanks for your feedback on this case statement and mission statements.   Let’s add some more thought to the discussion on mission statements:  When your mission statement is no longer valid, should you change it?  How do you change it?…

How will you demonstrate to a donor that your P-Plan is well thought out? Donors are the key to any NPO success, and making sure they are part of the vision and plan is critical.  What are some OTHER ways that you can make the donor feel like they are part of your vision and plan?  Let’s talk some more about case statements.  What are some benefits of putting together a case statement?…
PA 600 Funding Sources Week 5 Discussions 2 

What are some methods you will use to find funding sources for your P-Plan? Don’t list specific funding sources at this time; we will get to that later! Just focus on how you will generate that list of sources.  In our second discussion we will start to discuss finding funders.   Determining and following up on your funding sources is, of course, very critical to the success of your organization. It’s a lot of work and in involves a lot of research and creativity. Finding funding is challenging, but technology has made it easier…what are some other technologies you could use OTHER than the Internet to help in fundraising?  Fundraising is not an easy task for sure.   With that in mind, let’s chat your your P-Plan.  Based on your searches, what are some potential funding sources for your P-Plan?   Do you think you have good funding choices?  What could you do to attract large firms and individuals to join your cause and be an active donor?  .  Please share some of your experiences when it comes to seeking funds. What resources did you use?…


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PA 600 Week 5 Discussions DeVry

Best PA 600 Week 5 Discussions DeVry
PA 600 Week 5 Discussions DeVry


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