SEC 340 Discussions Week 7 DeVry



SEC 340 Discussions Week 7 DeVry

SEC 340 CMP Versus CMT Discussions 1 Week 7 

What are the differences in roles and responsibilities between the crisis management planning committee and the crisis management team? Who should be on the CMP and who should be on the CMT? How does the size of a company affect the composition of each of these entities? Is it possible that a small company would have many of the same people on each of these? And would a Fortune 500 company really need their CEO to participate on the CMPC, or could that be delegated to someone else? What do you think? What is meant by the term “sudden crisis?” Describe an example either from your professional experience or through an Internet search of “sudden” crisis. What was the root cause of this crisis and how did the organization deal with it?…

SEC 340 Crisis Communications Discussions 2 Week 7 

What is meant by the term crisis communications? What role does this play in the crisis management plan? What are some bad things that can happen when companies don’t communicate effectively during a crisis? Any ideas or examples from real crises that you can think of? What type of information should be communicated internally to employees? Why is this so important? What type of information do you think should be disseminated to a company’s employees during a crisis that significantly affects the company’s business operations? How does emergency response differ from crisis management?…

Final Exam Not Included


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SEC 340 Discussions Week 7 DeVry

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SEC 340 Discussions Week 7 DeVry




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