You bought shares in a company at $86.37 on January 2nd



You bought shares in a company at $86.37 on January 2nd


You bought shares in a company at $86.37 on January 2nd and during the year it paid dividends of $1.62 per share. At the end of the year, it was trading at $94.23. If inflation is 1.82%, then what was your real return on this investment? State your answer as a percentage with two decimal places and not in decimal form itself



DeVry Courses helps in providing the best essay writing service. If you need 100% original papers for You bought shares in a company at $86.37 on January 2nd, then contact us through call or live chat.

You bought shares in a company at $86.37 on January 2nd

Best You bought shares in a company at $86.37 on January 2nd
You bought shares in a company at $86.37 on January 2nd



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