Your fund is considering trading 10 year bonds issued by the



Your fund is considering trading 10 year bonds issued by the


Your fund is considering trading 10-year bonds issued by the UAE government, and you see that at 9:30 a.m. their lowest ask price is $102.31 and their highest bid price is $99.50. Five seconds later a buy order for a block of $10 billion is executed at $102.76. At 10:30 a.m. you check the market again and see that the lowest ask price is $102.55 and their highest bid price is $100.02.

a. Compute the (absolute and relative) quoted spread at 9:30 and at 10:30.

b. Compute the (absolute and relative) effective ask-side half-spread at 9:30.

c. Compare the quoted half-spread with the effective (relative) ask-side half-spread at 9:30. What may explain this difference between them?

d. Compute the (absolute) realised spread in the 9:30-10:30 interval.

e. Compare the realised spread computed under (d) with the (absolute) effective spread at 9:30 computed under (b). What may explain the difference between them?


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Your fund is considering trading 10 year bonds issued by the

Best Your fund is considering trading 10 year bonds issued by the
Your fund is considering trading 10 year bonds issued by the


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