________ is the stage in which a prototype is developed



 ________ is the stage in which a prototype is developed


________ is the stage in which a prototype is developed and a marketing strategy is outlined.

A. Idea screening
B. Business analysis
C. Development
D. Test marketing
E. Commercialization

Despite the amount of time and money spent on developing and testing new products, a large proportion of new product introductions fail because

A. they simply do not offer any discernible benefit compared to existing product.
B. there is a poor match between product features and customer desires
C. there is an overestimation of the market size
D. the price is too high or low
E. all of the above

Often small ventures are skeptical about entering the global market because it:

A. limits access to advanced technologies in less developed countries.
B. slows down the rate at which people’s living standards increase.
C. involves various trade laws or tariffs.
D. empowers governments to abuse the freedom and property of their citizens.


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 ________ is the stage in which a prototype is developed

Best  ________ is the stage in which a prototype is developed
 ________ is the stage in which a prototype is developed


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