Devry ACCT 504 All Week Assignments Latest



Devry ACCT 504 All Week Assignments Latest

Devry ACCT 504 Week 3 Case Study Latest

Case Study 1 (Part A)

(Learning Objectives 4, 5, 6: Analyze the impact of business transactions on accounts; record (journalize and post) transactions in the books; construct and use a trial balance) During the first month of operation of Gordon Construction, Inc., completed the following transactions:



Gordon received $55,000 cash and issued common stock to the stockholders.


Purchased supplies, $3,000, and equipment, $5,200, on account.


Performed services for a client and received cash, $6,300.


Paid cash to acquire land, $37,000.


Performed services for a customer and billed the customer, $1,200. Johnson expects to collect within one month.


Paid partial for the equipment purchased June 3 on account $2,800.


Paid the telephone bill, $230.


Received partial payment from customer on account, $700.


Paid the water and electricity bills, $400.


Received $5,000 cash for repairing the pipes of a customer.


Paid employee salary, $4,300.


Declared and paid dividends of $3,000.


  1. 1.Record each transaction in the journal.Key each transaction by date. Explanations are not required.
  2. 2.Post the transactions to the T-accounts, using transaction dates as posting references.
  3. 3.Prepare the trial balance of Gordon Construction, Inc., at June30, 20xx.
  4. 4.The manager asks you how much in total resources the business has to work with and, how much it owes.

Case Study 1 (Part B)

Requirement 1

(Learning Objectives 3, 4: Adjust the accounts; construct the financial statements) Record the following month end adjusting entries for Gordon Construction, Inc. at June 30, 20xx

Month end accruals at June 30, 20xx:

  1. a.Accrued advertising revenue at June 30, $3,100.
  2. b.Supplies used during June, $2,300.
  3. c.Accrued salary expense at June 30 for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.The five-day weekly payroll is $6,100 and will be paid on Friday.

Requirement 2

Prepare adjusted trial balance for Gordon Construction at June 30, 20xx.

Devry ACCT 504 Week 5 Case Study Latest

Case Study 2

Due by Sunday of Week 5, 11:59 p.m., Mountain time

(Learning Objectives 2, 4: Explain the components of internal control; evaluate internal controls) Each of the following situations reveals an internal control weakness:

Situation a. In evaluating the internal control over inventory for the Williams Oil Services Company, an auditor learns that the warehouse receiving clerk is responsible for ordering parts for supply inventory use in drilling services, counts the inventory when received at the dock, records the receipts into the inventory ledger, and takes the annual inventory, No supervisor reviews the receiving clerk’s work.

Situation b.Nicole Lopez handles employee travel and expense reports for Scott Sales Services. With the growth in the economy, the sales team began traveling extensively gaining new business. Because of the heavy volume, she no longer required the sales team to provide original airline, hotel, or car rental receipts. She told them to just keep their meals under the $100 per day per diem and no receipts were required. She allowed them to use their own credit cards so they could get the frequent flyer points. She required them to turn in a summary of the travel expenses quarterly.

Situation c. Michael Jordon is a new employee hired from Craig’s List recommended by a co-worker. Mike was hired as a Human Resource Assistant. Mike’s first day on the job he is told that he should follow his own judgments when deciding how employee issues such as hiring and firing of employees, sexual harassment, and ethical infractions should be handled.

Top of Form


  1. 1.Identify the missing internal control characteristic in each situation.
  2. 2.Identify each firm’s possible problem.
  3. 3.Propose a solution to the problem.

Bottom of Form






Demonstrate a strong grasp of the problem at hand. Demonstrate understanding of how the course concepts apply to the problem.



Apply original thought to solving the business problem. Apply concepts from the course material correctly toward solving the business problem.



Write your answer clearly and succinctly using strong organization and proper grammar. Use citations correctly.



A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Devry ACCT 504 Week 6 Case Study Latest

ACCT 504 Case Study 3

(Learning Objective 5: Construct and use a cash budget) Nathan Farmer, chief financial officer of Wang Appliance Store, is responsible for the company’s budgeting process. Farmer’s staff is preparing the Wang cash budget for 2014. A key input to the budgeting process is last year’s statement of cash flows, which follows (amounts in thousands):

Wang Appliance Store

Statement of Cash Flows


(in thousands)

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Collections from customers $51,000

Interest Received 500

Purchase of inventory (36,000)

Operating expenses (10,200)

Net cash provided by operating activities 5,300

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Purchase of equipment (3,500)

Purchase of investments (500)

Sale of investments 1,000

Net cash used for investing activities (3,000)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Payment of long term debt (400)

Issuance of Stock 2,000

Payment of cash dividends (500)

Net cash provided by financing activities 1,100


Increase (decrease) in Cash 3,400

Cash, beginning of year 2,900

Cash, end of year6,300


  1. 1.Prepare the Wang cash budget for 2014.Date the budget simply “2014” and denote the beginning and ending cash balances as “beginning” and “ending.” Assume the company expects 2014 to be the same as 2013, but with the following changes:
  2. a.In 2014, the company expects a 20% increase in collections from customers and a 30% increase in purchases of inventory.
  3. b.There will be no sales of investments in 2014.
  4. c.Wang does not plan to issue stock in 2014.
  5. d.Wang plans to end the year with a cash balance of $5,550.


Devry ACCT 504 Week 5 & 7 Course Project Assignments Latest

Your Course Project

Financial Statement Analysis Project—A Comparative Analysis of Oracle Corporation and Microsoft Corporation

Here is the link for the financial statements for Oracle Corporation for the fiscal year ending 2011. First, select 2011 using the drop-down arrow labeled Year on the right-hand side of the page, and then select Annual Reports using the drop-down arrow labeled Filing Type on the left-hand side of the page.

You should select the 10k dated 6/28/2011 and choose to download in PDF, Word, or Excel format.

Here is the link for the financial statements for Microsoft Corporation for the fiscal year ending 2011. You need to press the word Go on the left-hand side of the page. Then you should select the 10k dated 7/28/2011 and choose to download in Word or Excel format.

A sample project template is available for download in Doc Sharing. The sample project compares the ratio performance of Tootsie Roll and Hershey using the 2012 financial statements of Tootsie Roll and Hershey provided at their websites.


This course contains a Course Project. You will be required to submit one draft of the project at the end of Week 5 and the final, completed project at the end of Week 7. Using the financial statements for Oracle Corporation and Microsoft Corporation, respectively, you will calculate and compare the financial ratios listed further down this documentfor the fiscal year ending 2011 and prepare your comments about the two companies’performance based on your ratio calculations.The entire project will be graded by the instructor at the end of the final submission in Week 7, and one grade will be assigned for the entire project.

Overall Requirements

For the Final Submission

Your final Excel workbook submission should contain the following items. You cannot use any software but Excel to complete this project.

  1. 1.A completed worksheet title page tab, which is really a coversheet with your name, the course, the date, your instructor’s name, and the title for the project.
  2. 2.A completed worksheet profiles tab that contains a one-paragraph description regarding each company with information about their histories, what products they sell, where they are located,and so on.
  3. 3.All 16 ratios for each company, with the supporting calculations and commentary on your worksheet ratio tab.Supporting calculations must be shown either as a formula or as text typed into a different cell. The ratios are listed further down this document.Your comments for each ratio should include more than just a definition of the ratio. You should focus on interpreting each ratio number for each company and support your comments with the numbers found in the ratios.
  4. 4.The Summary and Conclusions worksheet tab is an overall comparison of how each company compares in terms of the major category of ratios described in Chapter 13 of your textbook.A nice way to conclude is to state which company you think is the better investment and why.
  5. 5.The Bibliography worksheet tab must contain at least your textbook as a reference.Any other information you use to profile the companies should also be cited as a reference.

Required Ratios for Final Project Submission

  1. 1.Earnings per Share of Common Stock

Current Ratio

Gross Profit Margin

Rate of Return on Sales (Net Profit Margin)

Inventory Turnover

Days’ Inventory Outstanding (DIO)

  1. 7.Accounts Receivable Turnover
  2. 8.Days’ Sales Outstanding (DSO)


Rate of Return on Total Assets (ROA)

Debt Ratio

Times Interest Earned Ratio

Dividend Yield (For the purposes of this ratio, use Yahoo Finance to look up current dividend yield and stock price; just note the date that you looked up this information.)

Rate of Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity (ROE)

Free Cash Flow

Price/Earnings Ratio (Multiple)(For the purpose of this ratio, for Oracle, use the market price per share on May 30, 2011 and for Microsoft, use the market price per share on June 30, 2011.)

The Excel files uploaded in the Dropboxes should not include any unnecessary numbers or information (such as previous years’ ratios, ratios that were not specifically asked for in the project, etc.).

Please upload your final submission to the Week 7 Dropbox by the Sunday ending Week 7.

For the Draft

Create an Excel spreadsheet or use the project template to show your computations for the first 10 ratios listed above. The more you can complete regarding the other requirements, the closer you will be to completion when Week 7 arrives. Supporting calculations must be shown either as a formula or as text typed into a different cell. If you plan on creating your own spreadsheet, please follow the format provided in the Tootsie Roll and Hershey template file.

Please upload your draft submission to the Week 5 Dropbox by the Sunday at the end of Week 5.

Other Helpful information

If you feel uncomfortable with Excel, you can find many helpful references on Excel by performing a Google search.

Chapter 13 contains ratio calculations and comparison comments related to Apple and Dell; you will likely find this information helpful. provides historical stock quotes.

Either APA or MLA style can be used to complete the references on your Bibliography tab. There is a tutorial for APA and MLA style within the Syllabus.

Grade Information

The entire project will be graded by the instructor at the end of the final submission in Week 7, and one grade will be assigned for the entire project. The project will count for 18% of your overall course grade.






and Formatting



The report will be submitted in the form of an Excel Workbook, with each page (worksheet) of the workbook named appropriately.Please do not use any other software (such as MS Works or Lotus) to complete the project. A quality report will include a title worksheet tab, a worksheet tab for theprofile of the two companies, a worksheet tab for the ratio calculations and comments, a worksheet tab for the summary and conclusion, proper citations if applicable, and a bibliography worksheet tab for the references.


and Cohesiveness



A quality report will include the contentdescribed above in the documentation and formatting section. The ratios should be listed in the same order in which they appear in the project information above.




A quality report will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.Ratios will be expressed as numbers or percentages, depending on what is appropriate, as is shown in the textbook.Note that not all ratios are shown as percentages. Two decimal places are sufficient for each of the ratios.




A quality report will have correct ratio calculations and accurate supporting commentary. Any assumptions, if made, should be spelled out clearly. Supporting calculations must be shown either as a formula or as text typed into a different cell.




A quality report will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


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Devry ACCT 504 All Week Assignments Latest

Best Devry ACCT 504 All Week Assignments Latest
Devry ACCT 504 All Week Assignments Latest




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