Devry CCSI 360 Week 1 Discussions Latest



Devry CCSI 360 Week 1 Discussions Latest


History of Ethics (graded)

Ethics are derived from both Western and Eastern civilizations and have changed throughout the years. Are there differences between the two?


Cyber Ethics (graded)

You are a newly hired web developer for a well-respected company. Your supervisor asks you to perform certain tasks that may pose ethical challenges. Let’s practice using the three ethical dilemma resolution models in this scenario-based situation. When you open the link below, it will provide you with the scenario and then will let you try the three models. After typing in your response, click the button for the model you used to see a sample analysis using that model.

What will you do? Watch the ethical decision making scenario located here, and then share your course of action with the class.

Ethical Dilemma: Which Approach Would You Choose?
Let’s practice using the three ethical dilemma resolution models in this really neat interactive tutorial. When you open the tutorial, it will provide you with a dilemma scenario and then let you try out the three models. After typing in your response, click the button for the model you used to see a sample analysis using that model. We will discuss this further in the threads this week! See you there!


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Devry CCSI 360 Week 1 Discussions Latest

Best Devry CCSI 360 Week 1 Discussions Latest
Devry CCSI 360 Week 1 Discussions Latest


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