Devry FIN 515 All Discussions Latest



Devry FIN 515 All Discussions Latest

Devry FIN 515 Week 1 Discussions Latest

Capital Formation (graded)

Discuss capital formation as it relates to the business form and the life cycle of businesses.

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Fiscal Policies (graded)

Taxation is a cost that all profitable business must address whether directly (C-Corp) or by its owners (S-Corp., Sole Proprietorship, Partnership or Limited Liability Corporation). Discuss how tax policy influence, positively and negatively, the operation of a business firm.


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<brstyle=”color: rgb(0,=”” 0,=”” 0);=”” font-family:=”” arial;=”” background-color:=”” rgb(255,=”” 255,=”” 255);”=”” style=”box-sizing: border-box; user-select: initial !important;”>


<brstyle=”color: rgb(0,=”” 0,=”” 0);=”” font-family:=”” arial;=”” background-color:=”” rgb(255,=”” 255,=”” 255);”=”” style=”box-sizing: border-box; user-select: initial !important;”>week 2 </brstyle=”color:>

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Devry FIN 515 Week 2 Discussions Latest

Analysis of Financial Statements (graded)

Discuss how a financial manager can use financial ratios to make good business decisions.


TVM (graded)

Discuss why business managers would want to express future cash flows in today’s dollar. How would this facilitate business decision making?

Devry FIN 515 Week 3 Discussions Latest

Bond Valuation and Long Term Debt (graded)

Discuss theadvantages and disadvantages of long term debt.

Risk Return and the CAPM (graded)

Risk vs Returns. An analysis of CAPM

Devry FIN 515 Week 4 Discussions Latest

Stock and Stock Valuation (graded)

Stock markets. There has been quite a few individuals who have dared to define or rationalize them. When we talk about the stock market, what immediately comes to your mind? (Don’t think too much).

The Cost of Capital (graded)

Discuss Weighted Average Cost of Capital and how it is used in a capital investment programs.

Devry FIN 515 Week 5 Discussion Latest


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Our textbook and lesson discuss some considerations that should be taken into account when doing capital budgeting. Incremental earnings, interest expenses, taxes, opportunity costs, externalities, sunk costs, cannibalization or erosion, depreciation, and salvage value; as well as others. For your first posting, explain in detail what defines capital budgeting. Then, explain how two of these considerations above affect capital budgeting.

For your second posting, describe a potential capital expenditure project from the industry in which you now work or an industry in which you are interested. What is the project? Describe and provide an approximate value of the initial cash flow. Describe and provide an approximate value of the annual cash flow. Provide an estimation of the life of the project, as well as the exit costs.

For your next posting, review the second posting of another student. Then, calculate the NPV and IRR of the project. Based on your workings and assumptions, indicate whether you would accept the project, explaining why.


Devry FIN 515 Week 6 Discussions Latest

Financial Planning & Forecasting (graded)

Illustrate the actions of management to assure a good forecast.

Value Based Management (graded)

Discuss how corporate governance influences the degree to which operations and decisions employ the principles of value-based management. And how an optimal capital structure increase corporate values.

Devry FIN 515 Week 7 Discussions Latest

Working Capital Management (graded)

Take a look at the tutorial this week. What are some of your impressions?How does management determine the total amount of working capital required?

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

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Working Capital Financing (graded)

Does your firm sell its goods and/or services on open account? If so, what are its credit terms? If not, why not?


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Devry FIN 515 All Discussions Latest

Best Devry FIN 515 All Discussions Latest
Devry FIN 515 All Discussions Latest




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