Devry HOSP 330 Week 2 Assignment Latest



Devry HOSP 330 Week 2 Assignment Latest

Submit a 2–3 page (double-spaced) paper describing how you would use a focus group to establish the correct design of an event (you may use any event of your choice). Focus on the five senses in this analysis. How would you use this focus group? What types of questions would you ask? How would you conduct the focus group? These are just some questions to answer in your submission.–hmt330_week_2_assignment.docx”>here for more details about this assignment.

Week 2 Assignment

Submit a 600-word paper describing how you would use a focus group to establish the correct design of an event (you can use any event of your choice). Focus on the five-senses in this analysis. How would you use this focus group? What types of questions would you ask? How would you conduct the focus group? These are just some questions to answer in your submission.

Category Points Weighting Description
Understanding 20 44% Demonstrate a strong grasp of the process in the use of focus groups using the five senses to determine the design of an event. A quality paper will have a significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged.
Analysis 20 44% Apply original thought in preparing your paper. Apply concepts from the course material in preparing your paper. Make sure you cover all aspects of utilizing a focus group in determining an event design.
Execution 5 11% Prepare a paper that is organized, concise, coherent, and can be easily read and understood.
Total 45 100% A quality events design analysis will meet or exceed all the above requirements.

Best Practices

  • Introduction –Use a header on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper.
    The purpose of an introduction or opening:
  1. Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
  2. Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
  3. Establish a tone of the document.

Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)

  • Body of Your Report– Use a header titled with the name of your project. Example: “The Development of Hotel X – A World Class Resort”. Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in each idea, provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division like separate sections that are labeled; separate group of paragraphs; or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
  • Summary and Conclusion – Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the tourism industry.
  • Work Cited – Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus. APA format required.


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Devry HOSP 330 Week 2 Assignment Latest


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