Devry HOSP 450 Full Course Latest



Devry HOSP 450 Full Course Latest

Devry HOSP 450 Full Course (discussion assignment) Latest


Devry HOSP 450 Week 1 Discussion dq & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Tourism Industry History Overview (graded)

What are some of the reasons people travel? Where have you traveled lately, and why did you travel? What changes are you seeing in travel and tourism?

dq 2

Careers in Tourism (graded)

Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world. After reading Chapter 3, select one specific job in tourism that you liked and discuss it in detail. Tell us why did you like it, what are some advantages to this job, and how would you go about searching and applying for a job opening of this kind?

Devry HOSP 450 Week 2 Discussion dq & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Tourism Organizations (graded)

There are many tourism organizations that work together globally. Discuss the variety of global tourism organizations, and give specific examples of how they contribute to tourism overall.

dq 2

Hospitality and Tourism (graded)

In this discussion thread, we will explore the connection between hospitality and tourism. Start by giving examples of how different segments of the hospitality industry are linked to the tourism industry.

Devry HOSP 450 Week 3 Discussion dq & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Tourism Distribution (graded)

Some travelers choose to utilize travel agents when booking their excursions. What is the role of a travel agent? What do you think will be the impact of travel agents in the future?

dq 2

Attractions (graded)

Think of some attractions that are popular today more than ever. What are the reasons for their popularity? What do you think travel agents do to promote popular attractions in this day and age?

Devry HOSP 450 Week 4 Discussion dq & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Tourism Motivation (graded)

What are some prime reasons why people like to travel? How can travel and tourism organizations bank on the fact that people like to travel? Give several examples.

dq 2

Tourism Culture and Society (graded)

In this discussion thread, begin by explaining the importance for travel professionals to understand different cultures, and how this knowledge can contribute to better sales of destinations.

Devry HOSP 450 Week 5 Discussion dq & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Tourism Supply and Demand (graded)

In this discussion thread this week, we will talk about tourism supply and demand. Let’s begin with supply. Give some examples of supply as related to tourism. Begin with defining tourism supply, then give examples.

dq 2


Tourism Economic Impact (graded)

In what ways was the tourism industryimpacted with the economic collapse of 2008? What are some innovative ways the tourism industry paved its own road to recovery?

Devry HOSP 450 Week 6 Discussion dq & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Planning and Development (graded)

It is important to understand how tourism policies are implemented and how they impact government, business, and the environment.Why are tourism policies important? How can we analyze tourism planning and development as applied policy?

dq 2

Ecotourism (graded)

Ecotourism has become a hot topic in the world of tourism. What is ecotourism? How has ecotourism affected the travel industry? Let’s each find and discuss an example of an ecotourism destination.

Devry HOSP 450 Week 7 Discussion dq & dq 2 latest

dq 1

Tourism Marketing and Research (graded)

Tourism Marketing and Research (graded)

In this week’s textbook readings and lecture, we take a closer look at tourism marketing. Marketing is very broad. Discuss unique aspects of marketing as related to tourism.

Dq 2

Tourism’s Future (graded)
Tourism’s Future (graded)

In your own personal opinion, what do you think the future of tourism is going to look like? Do you believe tourism around the world will continue to grow? What are some contributors to future tourism growth?

Devry HOSP 450 Week 1 Textbook Assignment latest


Chapter 1: Complete Case Problems 1 & 2 at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 2: Read Internet Exercise Activity 2, and answer questions 1, 2, and 3 at the end of Activity 2.

Chapter 3: If you were to get a job in the tourism industry, which area would you focus on and why? Also, discuss how would you go about searching for the position you would be interested in.

Devry HOSP 450 Week 3 Textbook Assignment latest


Chapter 7: Internet Exercises, Activity 1: Answer both questions at the end of Activity 1.

Chapter 8: Answer the questions for the Case Problem at the end of the chapter. Length of your response should be at least 275-300 words for this assignment. If applicable, support your answers with sources and cite your source in APA format.

Devry HOSP 450 Week 5 Textbook Assignment latest


Chapter 12: Respond to Case Problems 1 and 2 at the end of the chapter. Be sure to elaborately answer the questions from each Case Problem. Your answers should be about 250 words per Case Problem.

Chapter 13: At the end of the chapter, answer the following questions for review and discussion: 1, 3, 8.

Chapter 14: At the end of the chapter, review Internet Exercises – Activity 1, and answer all three questions for that activity.

Devry HOSP 450 Week 7 Textbook Assignment latest


Chapter 18: Respond to the Case Problem at the end of the chapter. Be sure to elaborately answer the questions. Length should be about 250 words for this Case Problem.

Chapter 19: Based on the reading from this chapter, explain in detail what is Psychographic Market Segmentation. Your answer length should be about 250 words.

Chapter 20: At the end of the chapter, answer the following questions for review and discussion: 1, 3, and 8.


Devry HOSP 450 All Week Course Project latest”>Course Project


The course project for this class will entail your plan to carry out a tourism activity that focuses on one of the following themes:

  • Event Tourism
  • Ecotourism
  • Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Tourism
  • Leisure Tourism
  • Ethnic Travel
  • Religious tourism
  • Timesharing
  • Sports Tourism
  • Educational Tourism
  • Cruise

You are to select one of the above topics and submit a well-thought-out proposal for a trip, taking in consideration the cost of the program, the characteristics and needs of the target audience, and the learning goals of the activity. You will also need to prepare a marketing piece to sell the activity to your target market and build excitement for the trip.


Components of the Course

Project Rationale

  • How and why did you choose the activity?
  • What research did you conduct to arrive at this decision?
  • What demographic and data did you use to help with your decision?


  • What do you hope to achieve with this trip?
  • Do you believe this plan will succeed in the long run?
  • Create a SWOT analysis.

Overall Plan

  • Overview of the program
  • Itinerary
  • Logistics
  • Cost
  • Competitor information: are there other providers already doing this?


  • Potential problems
  • Staffing, resources, and facilities needed
  • Participant and staff safety

Marketing Plan

  • How will you market your trip to your demographics?
  • What are some challenges you are expecting in the area of marketing?
  • You will need to create an elaborate marketing plan for this part of the project.


  • How will you determine that you achieved your goals?
  • How will you evaluate your participant response?
  • Is this trip profitable? What can you do to make it even more profitable?


  1. 1.Course Project Part 1 – due Week 2 – 60 pts: submit your rationale and goals
  2. 2.Course Project Part 2 – due Week 4 – 60 pts: submit your plan and troubleshooting
  3. 3.Course Project Part 3 – due Week 6 – 60 pts: submit your marketing plan and evaluation
  • Each part of the Course Project should be at least 1,200 words in length.
  • Each part of the Course Project should be accompanied by a cover page and APA source citation at the end.

Grading Rubrics

Category Points % Description
Documentation and Formatting 6 10% Completion of paper to be focused on the review of the best practices included below and the instruction above.
Organization and Cohesiveness 9 15% The logical order of the content will be derived from best practices listed below. The content will be properly subdivided into sections derived from this document.
Editing 9 15% A quality paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
Content 36 60% A quality paper will have significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. A quality project will employ sound use of reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions.
Total 60 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Best Practices

Cover Page for each part: Include the course name and number, who you prepared the paper for, your name, and the date.

Body of Your Report: Use a header titled with the name of your project. Example: “Trip Marketing Plan.” Then proceed to break out the main ideas.

State the main ideas: State major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, such as separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You should include the information you found during your research and investigation.

Work Cited: Use APA format.


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Devry HOSP 450 Full Course Latest

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Devry HOSP 450 Full Course Latest


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