DeVry MGMT 340 Week 5 Reflective Essay Latest



DeVry MGMT 340 Week 5 Reflective Essay Latest


Write a reflective essay regarding the systems development environment and the sources of software. This assignment covers Course Objectives 5 and7.

This essay should cover the following topical area.

Database Design

o In logical design, there is a process called normalization. Please describe what this is in your own words.Please explain first normal form, second normal form, and third normal form. Show an example via table entities of each normal form. (Hint: Review the video of normalization within the lesson for this week).

o What is a well-structured relation in database design? What are the five properties of a relation?

Use APA format.

  • You are expected to cite at least two academic references.
  • The essay should be about two pages in length, double spaced, with standard margins.

Make sure your essay contains your name, the week, and the topic on the cover page.

Dropbox Instructions

Refer to the Dropbox instructions on the weekly Assignments page.


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DeVry MGMT 340 Week 5 Reflective Essay Latest

Best DeVry MGMT 340 Week 5 Reflective Essay Latest
DeVry MGMT 340 Week 5 Reflective Essay Latest




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