Devry MGMT 404 Full Course Latest



Devry MGMT 404 Full Course Latest

Devry MGMT 404 All Week Discussions Latest

Devry MGMT 404 Week 1 DQ 1 & DQ 2 latest

Case Study: Keflavik Paper Company (graded)

Read Case Study 3.1

The Keflavik Paper Company is a case with a problem in determining a project management process for new product development.

Answer the following questions:

  • What does this case demonstrate about the effect of poor project screening methods on a firm’s ability to manage projects effectively?
  • How would project portfolio management help to improve the situation at Keflavik?
  • If you think about it, all business problems are case studies. To effectively evaluate the situation, you must approach the problem in a methodological manner. A proven technique to do this is to do the following:
    1. list the facts;
    2. identify the issues;
    3. based on the facts of the case and your knowledge, analyze the issues of the case;
    4. prepare recommended solutions and their possible outcomes;
    5. implement the optimal solution (not always the one with the best outcome, because the cost or other things could be impractical); and
    6. monitor the implementation and outcomes.

So when you read and prepare to respond to this case, please follow the above guidelines. I don’t necessarily expect you to perform Steps 4–6, but I do expect your response to be based on the facts and your knowledge. Remember—your first impressions may not be correct!

Case Study: Widgets ‘R Us (graded)

Read Case Study 2.4

The Widgets ‘R Us case study is a case with a problem of how the company is set up and how the company will handle operations with its projected growth.

Answer the following questions:

  • You have been called in as a consultant to analyze the operations at WRU. Based on the readings, what would you advise Widgets ‘R Us to do in order to sustain the competitive advantage in the widget market?
  • What structural design changes might be undertaken to improve the operations at the company?

Devry MGMT 404 Week 2 DQ 1 & DQ 2 latest

Project Scope (graded)

As we have seen this week, project scope creation is very different in traditional project management versus Agile project management. What advantages and disadvantages can you see with the process of scope creation in the traditional project management world? What advantages and disadvantages can you see with the process of scope creation in the Agile project management world? Share your experiences with projects that were created using either Agile or traditional project management techniques.

Case Study: Project Management at (graded)

Read Case Study 5.3: Project Management at is a software engineering and systems development consulting firm that needs some organizational improvements in the area of project management processes that will cut cost and potentially increase the profit margin for the company.

Answer the following questions:

  • Discuss how you would begin redesigning’s project management processes to minimize the problems it is experiencing with poor scope management.
  • Why do you think configuration management and project change control are difficult to perform in the middle of a complex software development project, such as those implemented at
  • Share any experiences you have with project change requests.

Devry MGMT 404 Week 3 DQ 1 & DQ 2 latest

Project Schedule (graded)

To develop a schedule for a project, we will use the concept of a project network, which shows work activities taken from the work breakdown structure and is organized according to the logical flow in time and relationships governing when the work will be performed. By combining this network of work activities with estimates of the time duration for performing each of the activities, we can create a schedule for the project work. What types of information can we learn about the project by reviewing the project schedule and all the information used to generate it?


Agile Schedule Development (graded)

As we have seen, traditional and Agile schedule developments are quite different. Agile project management was originally developed to do software development. Could a traditional process be successfully used to develop a new software program? Why or why not? Could an Agile methodology be used to build a strip mall in your home town? Why or why not?

Devry MGMT 404 Week 4 DQ 1 & DQ 2 latest

Risk Management (graded)

Assume you have just been assigned to a project risk team composed of five members. Your task, as project manager, is to develop a process for handling risks to the project.Because this is the first time your organization has formally set up a risk team for a project, it is hoped that your team will develop a process that can be used on all future projects. Your first team meeting is next Monday morning. Each team member has been asked to prepare for the meeting by developing, in as much detail as possible, an outline that describes how you believe the team should proceed in handling project risks. Each team member will hand out his or her proposed outline at the beginning of the meeting. Your outline should include, but not be limited to, the following information:

  • What methods should be used for identifying risks?
  • Who should be involved in identifying risks?
  • What should be considered when identifying risks?
Risk Management Part II(graded)

As the work of your risk management team (from the first discussion question) continues, the discussion of your team’s risk management plan outline moves on and considers the following questions:

  • How should the risks be prioritized?
  • Who should do the prioritization of the project risks?
  • How should project risks be monitored and controlled?
  • Who should develop risk responses and contingency plans?
  • Who should own these responses and plans?

Devry MGMT 404 Week 5 DQ 1 & DQ 2 latest

dq 1

Case Study: The Problems of Multitasking (graded)

Read Case Study 12.1: The Problems of Multitasking. Answer the following questions:

  1. 1.How does multitasking confuse the resource availability of project team personnel?
  2. 2.In modern organizations, it is impossible to eliminate multitasking for the average employee.Why?
  3. 3.How would resource loading or resource leveling help address multitasking situations?

dq 2

Reducing Project Duration (graded)

In your own words, describe crashing, fast tracking, and scope reduction as means of schedule compression. When would each be appropriate? Which methods would you consider better first-choice methods by most project sponsors? Would any of these methods apply to Agile projects? How does Agile address schedule compression?

Devry MGMT 404 Week 6 DQ 1 & DQ 2 latest

dq 1

Project Communications (graded)

Discuss the importance of communication and information exchange to project success. What are the crucial features and elements of effective communication and information exchange in successful projects? How are key stakeholders involved in this process? Are communication requirements different on an Agile project versus a traditional project?

dq 2

Case Study: Finding the Emotional Intelligence (graded)

Read Case Study 4.2: Finding the Emotional Intelligence.

  1. 1.What are the differences between leaders and managers?
  2. 2.Can anyone be a leader? Which would you prefer to work for: a leader or a manager? Why?
  3. 3.Select one of the characteristics of an effective project manager and tell why it is important.
  4. 4.Is leadership of a project different in an Agile environment than in a traditional project environment?
  5. 5.Take the Future Time Perspective scale on page 129.Share your results and comments with the class.

Devry MGMT 404 Week 7 DQ 1 & DQ 2 latest

dq 1

Project Baseline (graded)

We have now moved from the planning stage to the execution stage of project management. Following good project management practices, we have set a baseline. How is a project baseline used to guide the execution of the project’s work, to evaluate progress and performance, and to control the project? Also, as you continue to think about monitoring and controlling the project, specifically consider the question: How can the project baseline and the earned value approach for variance analysis be used to monitor and report project progress?

dq 2

Agile Project Control (graded)

In the first discussion, we looked at traditional project control. Is project control different in an Agile project? What is the role of a project manager in controlling an Agile project? What is the role of the project client, sponsor, or customer at controlling project changes?

Devry MGMT 404 All Week Course Projects Latest

Devry MGMT 404  Week 1 Course Project Latest

Due Week 1: Project Proposal/Approval

Each professor will decide if the course will have project teams or be assigned to each individual student to complete the course project. Your professor will notify you of the decision and if the course is going to have project teams, you will be notified of your team assignment.

If the professor assigns individual projects, your Week 1 assignment will be to:

Provide an outline of your proposed project to your instructor for approval. The project you select will be the same project you will plan for the 8 week course.

If the professor assigns teams for the course project, your team will work together to complete the entire Statement of Participation template located in the doc sharing area. All sections for the entire 8 weeks must be completed.

Deliverables for Week 1:

If you are assigned individual projects:

  • A one-page document outlining your proposed project.This document should contain particulars, such as what will be created, why this project is important, how long it would likely take, and how much it would likely cost.

If you are assigned team projects:

  • Teams need to complete the entire Statement of Participation with the team and team leader assignments for Weeks 2–8.Lastly, teams need to update the status of participation for Week 1.

Devry MGMT 404  Week 2 Course Project Latest

Due Week 2: Project Charter

Provide a project charter of your selected project in accordance with the charter template found in Doc Sharing.

Please put this in proper business writing format. Consider me to be your boss. If working in a group, include the updated Statement of Participation for Week 2, describing how each person contributed to this project deliverable. Please place the updated Statement of Participation in your teams’ Doc Sharing area for review. A charter should be a minimum of 3–5 pages long.

Deliverables for Week 2:

  • Completed Project Charter (in MS Word)
  • Statement of Participation and status update

Devry MGMT 404  Week 3 Course Project Latest

Due Week 3: Scope Statement

Prepare a scope statement using the template in Doc Sharing. Remember to be tangible, measurable, and specific. Be sure to include all sections required in the Week 2 Lecture. A scope should be a minimum of 3 pages long.

Deliverables for Week 3:

  • Project Scope Statement (in MS Word)
  • Statement of Participation and status update

Devry MGMT 404  Week 4 Course Project Latest

Due Week 4: Work Breakdown Structure

According to the PMBOK® Guide, “the WBS is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team, to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.” In other words, it lists the project’s deliverables and work packages. For this week, you will create a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project you selected during Week 1.

Remember that the WBS starts with your major deliverables (that you stated in your scope management plan) at the highest level.The lower levels have the work package required to complete those deliverables. Review the textbook (and the PMBOK® Guide, if you have it) for some suggestions on how to create a WBS. From your work breakdown structure, develop a project task list with dependencies and add durations, using MS Project.

Develop the Work Breakdown Structure

  • Your WBS should have a minimum of 100–150 line items in MS Project and be three levels deep.
  • Make sure to use verb-object task names (for example, “Develop software”).
  • Enter tasks in MS Project.
  • Create the predecessor relationships.

Deliverables for Week 4:

  • Statement of Participation and status update
  • The MS Project file (.mpp) saved from the Tracking Gantt chart screen

Devry MGMT 404  Week 5 Course Project Latest

Due Week 5: Risk Management Plan

Remember, risk is an uncertain event or condition that can have a positive or negative impact on the project. This week, you will be identifying and analyzing your project risks and developing a risk management plan to monitor and track your project. You will evaluate each task in your project schedule to identify any risk factors associated with the execution of the deliverable. You will then add your list of risk to the risk register template in Doc Sharing. The number of risks will depend on the project deliverables in your schedule; however, 20–25 positive and 20–25 negative risks would be considered the minimum. Review the instructions on the first sheet of the template and complete your risk register in its entirety.

Deliverables for Week 5:

  • Use the Risk Register Template spreadsheet found in Doc Sharing (there is a separate tab for each portion of the risk management plan).
  • Statement of Participation and status update

Devry MGMT 404  Week 6 Course Project Latest

Due Week 6: Project Schedule and Budget

A project plan cannot be considered complete until the resources have been assigned (including budget and cost estimate). This week, you will assign the resources required to work on your project to your scheduled tasks. In addition, you will add the cost of the resources per hour and any direct or indirect cost required for project contracts, materials, or supplies.

You will submit a two-part summary report (business professional format) of your project budget and resources, which includes the following:

Part 1: Project Budget (Cost Management)

  1. 1.Explain your approach to estimating the project cost (e.g., top down, bottom up, etc.) and why that method was chosen.
  2. 2.Create a table that shows the original budgeted cost (from the charter) and the actual budgeted cost (side by side).Include line items for labor, materials, contract, equipment, travel cost, and so on.
  3. 3.Compare the budget from the charter to the final budget and explain any variances that occurred from your original budgeted cost in the project charter and the current project cost (include your original estimated cost for the project).
  4. 4.Explain your budget contingency plan and how much is budgeted for contingency.

Part 2: Resource Management

  1. 1.Explain the results of your resource assignments.Did you assign enough people to the project? Were there any resources over-allocated? What approach will you take to fix any allocation problems?
  2. 2.Develop a plan to manage your project team and define how you will motivate your team and how you will handle team conflicts.
  3. 3.What structure would you select for your project: functional, weak matrix, balanced matrix, strong matrix, or pure project? Why?

Deliverables for Week 6:

  1. 1.MS project file (.mpp) updated with resource assignments and cost
  2. 2.MS Word file with report of project budget and resource management
  3. 3.Statement of Participation and status update

Devry MGMT 404  Week 7 Course Project Latest

Due Week 7: Communication Plan

According to the PMBOK® Guide, “the Communications Planning process determines the information and communications needs of the stakeholders; for example, who needs what information, when they will need it, how it will be given to them, and by whom.” In other words, it lists the general communication requirements for the project. This week, you will create a simple communication plan for the execution of your project. Each team will need to complete the Communications Plan found in Doc Sharing.

Deliverables for Week 7:

  • Communication Plan
  • Statement of Participation and status update

Devry MGMT 404  Week 8 Course Project Latest

Due Week 8: Final Project Package

You will need to create a project plan. This plan should be completely integrated and presented in a logical order. It should be written professionally and should be mistake-free in terms of spelling and grammar. The final project plan should incorporate any changes that occurred along the way, including corrections and advice given by colleagues or your professor. Any tables or graphs should be labeled correctly.

Deliverables for Week 8:

  1. 1.Statement of Participation and status update
  2. 2.Your final project plan should consist of the following items.

o Executive Summary

o Project Charter

o Scope Statement

o Work Breakdown Structure

o Budget and Resource Management Reports

o Risk Management Plan

o Communication Management Plan


Category Points % Description
Documenting and Formatting 5 12.5% The deliverables should be formatted correctly as a business document and should use APA formatting for cited sources. Spelling and grammar must be accurate.
Organization and Cohesiveness 10 25% The deliverables should be created and organized using standard templates or equivalent.
Statement of Participation 5 12.5% The student must fully participate in team activities. Any student not participating in any team activity during the week will receive no points for the weekly course project.
Content 20 50% Content should address the required deliverable to sufficient detail.
Total 40 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Category Points % Description
Documenting and Formatting 5 10% The deliverables should be formatted correctly as a business document and should use APA formatting for cited sources.Week 4 and Week 6 deliverables should be created in MS Projects and follow standard indent/outdent format. Spelling and grammar must be accurate.
Organization and Cohesiveness 10 20% The deliverables should be created and organized using standard template or equivalent, if appropriate. Deliverables created in MS Projects should be organized using standard MS Project methodology.
Statement of Participation 10 20% The student must fully participate in team activities. Any student not participating in any team activity during the week will receive no points for the weekly course project.
Content 25 50% Content should address the required deliverable to sufficient detail.
Total 50 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Category Points % Description
Documenting and Formatting 30 20% The deliverable should be formatted correctly as a business document and should use APA formatting for cited sources. Spelling and grammar must be accurate.
Organization and Cohesiveness 30 20% The deliverable should be created and organized using standard template or equivalent, if appropriate. Deliverables created in MS Project should be organized using standard MS Project methodology.
Statement of Participation 15 10% The student must fully participate in team activities. Any student not participating in any team activity during the week will receive no points for the weekly course project.
Content 75 50% The content should be complete (including all deliverables).
Total 150 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Devry MGMT 404 Week 4 Quiz latest

quiz 4

Grading Summary

These are the automatically computed results of your exam. Grades for essay questions, and comments from your instructor, are in the “Details” section below. Date Taken: 5/27/2016

Time Spent: 2 h , 02 min , 16 secs

Points Received: 115 / 140 (82.1%)

Question Type: # Of Questions: # Correct:

Multiple Choice 8 5

Essay 5 N/A

Grade Details – All Questions

Page: 1 2

Question 1. Question : (TCO 1) Which document is created during the initiation phase of a project?

The scope

The project schedule

The project charter

The project communication plan

Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Projects have specific attributes. Which of the following is not an attribute of a project?

It is an ongoing endeavor.

It has a defined objective.

It requires resources.

It has a defined start and stop.

Question 3. Question : (TCO 2) Which step of the project life cycle defines all of the project deliverables?

Close out


Monitoring and control


Question 4. Question : (TCO 2) Which statement is an example of a project deliverable?

“If the parts arrive late, we will not finish on time.”

“We must get permits before we start work.”

“I believe the contracts will be signed by the 15th.”

“The paving of the parking is lot is major piece of work for this project.”

Question 5. Question : (TCO 3) The critical path in a project describes which of the following?

The path containing the most important pieces of work

The longest path in a project

The activities with the highest risk

The activities with the highest cost to the project

Question 6. Question : (TCO 3) What values are calculated on the forward pass of a project network?

Early start; late start

Early start; early finish

Late start; late finish

Early finish; late finish

Question 7. Question : (TCO 5) In which process of risk management is the risk register initially created?

Plan risk management

Identify risks

Control risks

Qualitative risk analysis

Question 8. Question : (TCO 5) A risk matrix is used in _____ to _____. A risk register is a _____.

qualitative risk analysis; prioritize risks; list of risks

quantitative risk analysis; identify risks; way to categorize risks

qualitative risk analysis; create risk strategies; way to monitor negative risks

risk identification; simulate project risks; way to categorize risks

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 1) Before one can begin writing a charter, one must consider the most appropriate organization for the project.You are the project manager for an organization that builds doors and windows for homes.Which organization structure of the five types is most suitable? Why?

Question 2. Question : (TCO 2) You are reaching the end of your graduate school program and are planning a large party to celebrate your success! You have rented out the local forest preserve as the venue for your party. Applying your project management skills, you want to ensure you have everything planned out and you’ve asked your family and friends to be a part of your team to hold this party. At your party, you have made it clear to your team what you want to have delivered. After all, it’s your party— you can have whatever you want! Some of the key items you want at your party include

  • ?????????graduation announcements;
  • ?????????party invitations;
  • ?????????live entertainment;
  • ?????????games (for adults and for children);
  • ?????????food;
  • ?????????beverages; and
  • ?????????convenience for all (parking, restroom facilities, etc.).

Part 1: To ensure you have a clear scope for your team, create a 2-level WBS. Don’t forget to include your WBS numbering (15 points).

Part 2: In your WBS, how many work packages have been created? (5 points)

Question 3. Question : (TCO 3) Compare and contrast crashing and fast tracking as a means of schedule compression.

Question 4. Question : (TCO 5) A firm hosts data-mining servers and performs data mining for other companies that do not desire the costs of hardware, software, or expertise to data mine their data. The firm is planning to roll out faster data-mining software that will reduce the time to sift through customers’ data by a fraction of the present time.

Part 1: List and discuss the major risk management functions from a project management perspective for the data-mining software project. (15 points)

Part 2: Describe a positive and negative risk event, the consequences, and the risk-response plans for the data-mining software project. (15 points)

Question 5. Question : (TCO 9) List and describe at least three key differences between risk management in an agile environment and risk management in a traditional project.

Devry MGMT 404 Week 7 Quiz latest

Question 1. Question : (TCO 4) An example of resource leveling would be

fast tracking a project to finish early.

crashing a project to meet a critical deadline.

ensuring resource usage is balanced.

removing work from a project to compress its schedule.

Question 2. Question : (TCO 6) You are the project manager of a major IT project in Italy. You review your earned value report and you see that your SPI is .68. What does this mean to you?

The project is doing fine. No corrective actions are needed.

The project is slightly ahead of schedule. No corrections are needed.

The project is slightly behind schedule. Corrections are needed.

The project is very much behind schedule. Immediate corrections are needed.

Question 3. Question : (TCO 4) Which of the below is an example of an indirect cost to a project?

Concrete needed to complete a parking garage

A consultant for an IT project

Boats for a river rescue

Janitorial services for an entire building

Question 4. Question : (TCO 7) Which of the following is an example of a formal verbal form of communication?

Meeting notes made at a meeting with the VP of the company

A presentation by the project team to senior management

Contracts with a client that have been reviewed by lawyers

A memo from the senior VP of the company

Question 5. Question : (TCO 8) What document provides the project manager with information concerning what department and what individual is to provide HR support to his or her project?





Question 6. Question : (TCO 8) You are the project manager of a large, virtual financial project. You want to improve the functioning of the project team. Which of the techniques below would not likely improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the project team?

Establish a code of conduct for the project team.

Create a process to handle conflict.

Ensure all members of the team fully understand the project scope.

Hold face-to-face meetings whenever possible.

Instructor Explanation: Chapter 6

Points Received: 0 of 5


Question 7. Question : (TCO 9) Stand-up meetings in agile project management do all of the following except which?

Provide project status.

Report on anticipated issues.

Permit group problem resolution.

Enhance collaboration.

Question 8. Question : (TCO 6) To control your project, you decide to use milestone analysis. Which of the below is not a benefit of using milestone analysis to control a project?

Milestones eliminate unnecessary changes to a project.

Milestones align schedules with suppliers.

Milestones trigger other team members’ participation in the project.

Milestones allow for periodic review of the project.

Page: 1 2

(TCO 4) Compare and contrast top-down and three-point estimating techniques.

Question 2. Question : (TCO 6) You are comparing two projects. Using the data below, calculate the CV, SV, SPI, and CPI. Second, use the values to provide the status of each project. All values are in dollars.

Project A Project B

EV 450 550

PV 465 575

AC 425 650

Question 3. Question : (TCOs 4 and 6) Describe the 4-step general model of project control. Provide examples of each step.

Question 4. Question : (TCO 8) All projects suffer from some form of conflict at one time or another. List and describe four common sources of conflict on a project and provide examples of each from either a recent project or from your personal life.

Question 5. Question : (TCO 9) Agile project teams are typically co-located. Why is this so important to an agile project and what does it facilitate on an agile project?




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