DEVRY SCI 228 Full Course Latest



DEVRY SCI 228 Full Course Latest 

DEVRY SCI 228 All Discussions All Quizes , Midterm and All Ilabs


Devry SCI 228 Week 1 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest

DQ 1

The Digestive System (graded)

Imagine yourself eating a ham and cheese sandwich. What steps take place with regard to digesting the sandwich?

  1. a) Make sure that the students can distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion.
    b) What role does HCL play with regard to protein digestion and bacteria?
    c) What are the roles of the small and large intestines?

DQ 2

Food Safety & Technology (graded)

What does food safety and technology have to do with me?

  1. a) Food spoilage.How and why does it occur?
    b) What are the four most important things when it comes to food safety?
    c) Define organic foods and the process involved with becoming a certified organic farm.


Devry SCI 228 Week 2 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 

DQ 1

Carbohydrates (graded)

What role do carbohydrates play in the diet?

DQ 2

Nutrition & Physical Activity (graded)

What are the benefits of regular physical activity?


Devry SCI 228 Week 3 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest

DQ 1

Lipids (graded)

What is the role of fat in the diet?

DQ 2

Proteins (graded)

What role do proteins play in the body?


Devry SCI 228 Week 4 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest

DQ 1

Fluid and Electrolytes (graded)

Why is hydration so important to our survival?

DQ 1

Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders (graded)

What happens to the body when it is dehydrated?


Devry SCI 228 Week 5 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 

DQ 1

Bone Health (graded)

What is the role of the skeletal system?

DQ 2

Vitamins: To Take or Not To Take (graded)

What are dietary supplements?


Devry SCI 228 Week 6 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest

DQ 1

What is a Healthy Body Weight? (graded)

What are the struggles with regard to a healthy body weight?

DQ 2

Disordered Eating Behaviors (graded)

What causes one to have an eating disorder?


Devry SCI 228 Week 7 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest

DQ 1

Nutrition Throughout the Lifecycle (graded)

What nutrients are important during various lifecycle stages?

DQ 2

Can Nutrition Influence a Disease? (graded)

What is a chronic disease, and what role does nutrition play?


Devry SCI 228 Week 1 Quiz Latest

Devry SCI 228 Week 1 Quiz Latest

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is an example of disease that is directly caused by a nutritional deficiency?




Heart disease

Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) The Dietary Guidelines to Americans has defined physically active as a:

minimum of 60 minutes of moderate activity most days.

minimum of 30 minutes of moderate activity most days.

minimum of 15 minutes of intense activity most days.

total of eight hours of moderate activity per week.

Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) Aim for fitness, build a healthy base, and choose sensibly are general directives of:

The Food Guide Pyramid.

The Nutrition Facts Panel.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The Nutrition Recommendations for Canadians.

Question 4. Question : (TCO 1) Hunger is best described as:

a physiological desire to consume food.

a psychological desire to consume food.

eating that is often driven by environmental cues.

eating that is often driven by emotional cues.

Question 5. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following does NOT describe the cell membrane of an animal cell?

Rigid barrier resistant to all noncellular molecules

Structurally organized into a lipid bilayer

Dynamic and continuously changing

Perimeter structure of the cell that is composed of phospholipids, cholesterol, proteins, and carbohydrate chains

Question 6. Question : (TCO 3) What is chyme?

Ulcerations of the esophageal lining

Healthy bacteria of the small intestine

Mixture of partially digested food, water, and gastric juices

Substance that allows for the emulsification of dietary lipid

Question 7. Question : (TCO 3) The main symptom associated with Clostridium botulinum intoxication is:





Question 8. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following foods is most likely to contain sulfites?

Peas (canned)


Grapes (fresh)

Ground beef

Question 9. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following is NOT a recommended method for preventing cross-contamination?

Washing utensils and cutting boards in the dishwasher

Using a porous wood cutting board

Washing dishtowels and aprons often

Separating raw and cooked foods

Question 10. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following is an example of a persistent organic pollutant?




Coal tar



Devry SCI 228 Week 2 Quiz Latest

Devry SCI 228 Week 2 Quiz Latest

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is a disaccharide?





Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) A disaccharide is formed by the chemical bonding of:

two monosaccharides.

two polysaccharides.

one monosaccharide and one polysaccharide.

two oligosaccharides.

Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following carbohydrates is the end product of photosynthesis?





Question 4. Question : (TCO 2) After a meal, which hormone is responsible for moving glucose into the body’s cells?





Question 5. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following hormones is released when your blood glucose levels fall too low?





Question 6. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following is associated with diets high in added sugars?


Tooth decay


All of these

Question 7. Question : (TCO 3) Peggy Sue’s doctor wants to screen her for reactive hypoglycemia. If her doctor’s suspicions are correct and Peggy Sue does have reactive hypoglycemia, what would you expect her blood glucose concentration to be at approximately TWO HOURS after she had begun her glucose tolerance test?

Elevated as compared to a normal individual

Depressed as compared to a normal individual

Normal; two hours after consuming the glucose load, her blood concentrations will be no different from those of a normal individual

Question 8. Question : (TCO 3) Which artificial sweetener was almost banned because of a proposed relationship with bladder cancer in experimental animals?





Question 9. Question : (TCO 3) Over 16 million Americans have diabetes. Which of the following is the most prevalent form of diabetes?

Type I

Type II



Question 10. Question : (TCO 4) Yogurt is tolerated better than milk by many lactase-deficient people because:

yogurt has no lactose.

bacteria in yogurt help digest the lactose.

it has a thicker consistency.

yogurt is acidic.


Devry SCI 228 Week 3 Quiz Latest

Devry SCI 228 Week 3 Quiz Latest

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Corn oil

Coconut oil

Beef fat


Question 2. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following foods is the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids?


Sirloin steak



Question 3. Question : (TCO 6) Which of the following health problems has been associated with high intakes of fat replacers?


Gastrointestinal distress

Elevated blood cholesterol levels


Question 4. Question : (TCO 6) To facilitate the digestion of dietary fats, the gallbladder stores and releases a substance known as:



hydrochloric acid.


Question 5. Question : (TCO 6) What element makes protein different from carbohydrates and fat?





Question 6. Question : (TCO 5) All of the following are examples of protein hormones EXCEPT:





Question 7. Question : (TCO 5) The process through which mRNA copies genetic information from DNA and carries it to the ribosome is called:





Question 8. Question : (TCO 5) The type of protein-energy malnutrition characterized by a general lack of protein, energy, and nutrients in the diet is called:


sickle cell anemia.

cystic fibrosis.


Question 9. Question : (TCO 5) Oligopeptides are a string of ________ amino acids.




more than 25

Question 10. Question : (TCO 5) Which of the following is a genetic disorder resulting in debilitating protein abnormalities?

Cystic fibrosis

Mad cow disease




Devry SCI 228 Week 5 Quiz Latest

Devry SCI 228 Week 5 Quiz Latest

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following are required components of antioxidant enzyme systems?

Antioxidant minerals

Antioxidant vitamins


Gastrointestinal microflora

Question 2. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding free radicals?

Free radicals are formed as a by-product of healthy metabolism.

Our body has no mechanism to combat free radicals.

Exposure to pollution increases free radical production.

Many diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, are linked to free radical damage.

Question 3. Question : (TCO 7) Taking Vitamin E supplements along with ________ can cause uncontrollable bleeding.



cholesterol-lowering medications

oral contraceptives

Question 4. Question : (TCO 7) Diseases that cause the malabsorption of fat can result in a deficiency of:

Vitamin A.

Vitamin E.

Vitamin C.

Both answers: Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Question 5. Question : (TCO 7) The doctor has recently told Julie that she is anemic. Julie should consume ________ with her iron supplement to increase its absorption.

a tablespoon of castor oil

a glass of milk

a glass of orange juice

scrambled eggs

Question 6. Question : (TCO 8) The retinoid that has the most important physiological role in the human body is:


retinoic acid.



Question 7. Question : (TCO 8) At what stage in the development of cancer is the DNA mutated?





Question 8. Question : (TCO 8) Which of the following organs is the site of dietary Vitamin D absorption?



Small intestine

Large intestine

Question 9. Question : (TCO 9) What is the primary reason why osteoporosis incidents in the United States are expected to increase?

Inadequate treatment options

Increased diagnostic tools

Increased longevity of the population

Decline in milk consumption

Question 10. Question : (TCO 9) Newborn infants receive a single injection of Vitamin K at birth due to the fact that:

newborns do not have enough bacteria in their small intestines to make Vitamin K.

breast milk is a poor source of Vitamin K.

the trauma of labor and delivery depletes the newborn’s Vitamin K stores.

newborns cannot absorb any of the Vitamin K from breast milk or formula.


Devry SCI 228 Week 6 Quiz Latest

Devry SCI 228 Week 6 Quiz Latest

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 1) How much energy does 10 grams of carbohydrates provide?

20 calories

60 calories

80 calories

40 calories

Question 2. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following sports is the least likely to place a young girl or woman at risk for the female athlete triad?

Figure skating



Distance running

Question 3. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following BEST describes exercise?

Any movement produced by muscles that increases energy expenditure

Maximal force or tension level that can be produced by a muscle group

Leisure physical activity that is purposeful, planned, and structured

Ability to move a joint fluidly through the complete range of motion

Question 4. Question : (TCO 4) Joseph plays basketball for his high school team and he is concerned that he is not consuming enough kilocalories to support his activity. Which of the following would be the best indicator that he is not consuming adequate kilocalories?

His performance has been impaired.

He is losing weight.

His blood glucose levels are low.

His hemoglobin is low.

Question 5. Question : (TCO 5) The type of eating disorder characterized by episodes of binging and purging is:

anorexia nervosa.

bulimia nervosa.

compulsive eating disorder.

binge eating disorder.

Question 6. Question : (TCO 6) What is meant by the notion that eating behaviors are conditioned?

Eating habits affect our moods.

Previous experiences, such as those that occur during childhood, affect our current responses to food and eating behaviors.

Food consumption only occurs in response to external stimuli.

The intensity and duration of physical activity impacts our response to food and eating habits.

Question 7. Question : (TCO 7) Which of the following BEST explains why individuals with anorexia nervosa have an increased risk for developing osteoporosis?

Decreased estrogen production

Frequent electrolyte imbalance

Malabsorption of calcium

Low body weight

Question 8. Question : (TCO 8) Which of the following is the most common eating disorder?

Anorexia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa

Binge-eating disorder


Question 9. Question : (TCO 9) Which of the following eating disorders is the most common among men?

Anorexia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa

Binge-eating disorder

Reverse anorexia

Question 10. Question : (TCO 10) Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate treatment strategy in treating someone with anorexia nervosa?

Psychotropic medications

Minimum weight gain of five pounds/week

Family therapy

Restoration of healthy eating habits


Devry SCI 228 Week 7 Quiz Latest

Devry SCI 228 Week 7 Quiz Latest

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 4) The inner portion of the zygote that implants in the uterine lining is called the:





Question 2. Question : (TCO 4) ________ is the point at which the ovum becomes fertilized by the sperm.





Question 3. Question : (TCO 5) During the first trimester, women are advised to gain no more than:

3-5 pounds.

5-10 pounds.

10-15 pounds.

15-20 pounds.

Question 4. Question : (TCO 6) The primary cause of heartburn and constipation during pregnancy is:

inadequate fluid intake by the mother.

overeating by the mother.

intolerance to prenatal vitamins.

relaxation of the smooth muscles.

Question 5. Question : (TCO 7) All of the following are associated with gestational diabetes EXCEPT:

delivery of a low-birth-weight infant.

increased maternal risk of developing Type II diabetes.

increased maternal risk of developing preeclampsia.

increased fetal risk of developing Type II diabetes.

Question 6. Question : (TCO 8) At birth, Baby Molly weighs seven pounds. If her growth and development are normal, what would you expect Molly to weigh on her first birthday?

14 pounds

18 pounds

21 pounds

30 pounds

Question 7. Question : (TCO 9) Overweight in children is defined as:

BMI 75th percentile.

BMI 85th percentile.

BMI 95th percentile.

BMI 100th percentile.

Question 8. Question : (TCO 10) Atrophic gastritis is a common condition among older adults that impairs the ability to absorb ________.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C


Question 9. Question : (TCO 10) ________ is added to municipal water supplies to promote healthy teeth formation.



Vitamin D


Question 10. Question : (TCO 10) Peak bone mass is typically achieved in:

late childhood.

early teens.

late teens and early 20s.

the late 30s.


Devry SCI 228 Midterm Latest


Devry SCI 228 Week 4 Midterm Latest

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 1) What element makes protein different from carbohydrate and fat?





Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Which statement is FALSE concerning the field of nutrition?

Nutrition is the study of how food nourishes the body.

Nutrition encompasses how we consume, digest, metabolize, and store food.

Nutrition is an ancient science that dates back to the 14th century.

Nutrition involves studying the factors that influence eating patterns.

Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is an example of disease that is directly caused by a nutritional deficiency?




Heart disease

Question 4. Question : (TCO 1) For dinner, Bill consumes 255 grams of carbohydrate, 70 grams of protein, and 50 grams of fat. In addition, Bill decides that he wants a glass of wine with his meal. If he drinks one glass of wine containing 8 grams of alcohol, how many total kilocalories does he consume in this meal?

56 kilocalories

540 kilocalories

1,675 kilocalories

1,806 kilocalories

Question 5. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is true regarding the science of nutrition?

As compared to many other scientific disciplines, nutrition is a young science.

Discoveries by the first nutritional scientists established the connection between deficiencies and illness.

In developed countries, current research in nutrition focuses on the relationship between diet and chronic diseases.

All of these are true.

Question 6. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following are examples of carbohydrate-rich foods?

Butter and corn oil

Beef and pork

Wheat and lentils

Bacon and eggs

Question 7. Question : (TCO 2) What percentage of deaths in the United States can be attributed to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, alcohol misuse, physical inactivity, and unbalanced diet?





Question 8. Question : (TCO 2) Aim for fitness, build a healthy base, and choose sensibly are general directives of:

The Food Guide Pyramid.

The Nutrition Facts Panel.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The Nutrition Recommendations for Canadians.

Question 9. Question : (TCO 2) The Nutrition Facts Panel on a box of crackers indicates that one serving provides 140 calories, with 55 calories coming from fat. Calculate the percentage of calories from fat in this product.




Need more information to calculate.

Question 10. Question : (TCO 2) The standard used to estimate the daily nutrient needs of half of all healthy individuals is:





Question 11. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following is required on all food labels?

the net contents of the package

ingredient list

the name and address of the vendor

all of these

Question 12. Question : (TCO 2) The government agency that regulates the food labels on fresh meat and poultry in the United States is the:





Question 13. Question : (TCO 3) What is the cephalic phase?

earliest phase of digestion when the brain prepares the body in anticipation of food

phase when the semidigested food leaves the stomach and slowly enters the small intestine

phase when the majority of absorption occurs, primarily occurring in the small intestine

final phase of digestion when the large intestine and rectum prepare the undigested components of food for elimination

Question 14. Question : (TCO 3) Digestion and absorption occur at the ________ level.





Question 15. Question : (TCO 3) Which best explains why carbohydrate digestion ceases when food reaches the stomach?

Carbohydrate is completely digested in the mouth.

Salivary enzymes cannot function in the acid environment of the stomach.

Carbohydrate is completely absorbed in the esophagus.

Intestinal bacteria are needed for carbohydrate digestion.

Question 16. Question : (TCO 3) In which organ does the majority of water absorption occur?



small intestine

large intestine

Question 17. Question : (TCO 3) Barbara has just been diagnosed with celiac disease. Which of the following foods would be most dangerous for her to consume?


rice cakes


whole-wheat bread

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 4) Up to ________ of the world’s population suffers from lactose intolerance.





Question 2. Question : (TCO 4) Without sufficient ________, the colon gets too little exercise and becomes weak.





Question 3. Question : (TCO 4) In type 1 diabetes, the ________ may be destroyed by an autoimmune disease.

hepatocytes of the liver

beta cells of the pancreas

neurotransmitters of the brain

glomerulus cells of the kidney

Question 4. Question : (TCO 4) Individuals with the disease PKU (phenylketonuria) should not consume the artificial sweetener aspartame. Why?

People with PKU are highly prone to development of diabetes.

People with PKU are allergic to the sweetener.

People with PKU experience severe headaches when they consume aspartame.

People with PKU cannot metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine.

Question 5. Question : (TCO 4) Diabetes is a condition in which the body doesn’t process ________ properly.





Question 6. Question : (TCO 4) In the absence of carbohydrate, ________ are produced from the incomplete breakdown of body fat.





Question 7. Question : (TCO 4) In the body, the major storage sites for glycogen are the:

muscles and liver.

kidney and muscles.

liver and kidney.

liver and pancreas.

Question 8. Question : (TCO 4) Which of the following enzymes is found in the mouth?



pancreatic amylase

salivary amylase

Question 9. Question : (TCO 1-6) In the United States, the most common food-borne illnesses result from which of the following bacteria?

Giardia lamblia


Campylobacter jejuni

Clostridium botulinum

Question 10. Question : (TCO 1-6) Why do fungi rarely cause food infection?

Few species of fungi cause serious illness.

Fungal growth makes food look unappealing.

Fungal growth makes food taste unappealing.

All of these are reasons fungi rarely cause food infection.

Question 11. Question : (TCO 1-6) Which of the following additives gives ham, hot dogs, and bologna their pink color?




propionic acid

Question 12. Question : (TCO 1-6) The food-borne illness caused byCampylobacter jejuni is associated with consuming:

grains that have been stored in a moist environment.

water that has been contaminated with fecal material.


contaminated beef or pork.

Question 13. Question : (TCO 1-6) The proper steps developed for canning foods ensures that all endospores of ________ are eliminated when followed carefully.


Clostridium botulinum

Giardia intestinalis

Campylobacter jejuni

Question 14. Question : (TCO 1-6) A cyclic food allergy is one that:

occurs every time the offending food is eaten.

develops on a fixed time frame, such as once a month.

develops slowly over time.

occurs during times of physiological stress, such as during illness or surgery.

Question 15. Question : (TCO 1-6) The primary symptom of Giardia infection is:





Question 16. Question : (TCO 1-6) Which of the following is TRUE concerning the safe storage of leftovers?

Leftovers should be refrigerated within two hours of serving.

Leftovers should be stored at a depth of no greater than two inches.

Leftovers should only be refrigerated for up to four days.

All of these are true.

Question 17. Question : (TCO 1-6) The primary method used to preserve seafood is:

adding salt.



adding sugar.

  1. 1.Question : (TCO 5) Where in the body are the majority of triglycerides stored for future energy needs?


Beta cells of the pancreas


Adipose tissue

Question 2. Question : (TCO 5) Which of the following health problems has been associated with high intakes of fat replacers?


Gastrointestinal distress

Elevated blood cholesterol levels


Question 3. Question : (TCO 5) Which of the following is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Corn oil

Coconut oil

Beef fat


Question 4. Question : (TCO 5) All of the following organs assist in the digestion of lipids EXCEPT the:


large intestine.



Question 5. Question : (TCO 5) Diets high in trans-fatty acids are associated with:

decreased cancer risk.

increased blood cholesterol levels.


decreased blood glucose levels.

Question 6. Question : (TCO 5) Which of the following foods is the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids?


Sirloin steak



Question 7. Question : (TCO 5) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the process of hydrogenation?

Hydrogenation creates trans fatty acids.

Hydrogenation is the process in which hydrogen atoms are added to double bonds.

Hydrogenation creates a heart-healthy product.

Hydrogenation makes a product more solid at room temperature.

Question 8. Question : (TCO 5) Triglycerides are classified by:

the length of the fatty acids.

the saturation of the fatty acids.

the shape of the fatty acids.

all of these.

Question 9. Question : (TCO 6) What element makes protein different from carbohydrates and fat?





Question 10. Question : (TCO 6) What dictates the structure of a protein molecule synthesized by the body?

The body’s need for a protein

The DNA inside the nucleus of the cell

The number of essential amino acids available

The combination of proteins consumed in the diet

Question 11. Question : (TCO 6) Of the 20 amino acids relevant to the human body, how many are considered essential?





Question 12. Question : (TCO 6) The specific function of a protein is determined by:

its sequence of amino acids.

its length.

its three-dimensional shape.

its electric charge.

Question 13. Question : (TCO 6) All of the following are parts of an amino acid molecule EXCEPT:

a central carbon.

an amine group.

an acid group.

a fatty acid group.

Question 14. Question : (TCO 6) Which of the following statements is FALSE?

The healthy body’s primary energy source is carbohydrates and fat.

The body stores excess protein primarily for energy reserves.

To utilize protein for energy, the amine group is removed.

Eating sufficient carbohydrates and fat will spare body protein.

Question 15. Question : (TCO 6) The type of vegetarian who eats vegetables, grains, fruits, milk, and eggs, but excludes all other types of animal protein, is called a:



lacto-ovo vegetarian.


Question 16. Question : (TCO 6) Which of the following is NOT typically a nutrient of concern for vegans?


Vitamin B12

Vitamin C



Devry SCI 228 Week 1 ILAB Latest

iLab Tips

  • To participate in the iLabs, you will need the latest version of the Shockwave player. Here is the link to download the Shockwave player to your” title=””>
  • You may have to wait a while for the iLab diagrams to download.
  • You may want to try using Netscape or another browser instead of Internet Explorer.
  • If your browser uses a pop-up blocker, you may have to disable it or hold down the [Ctrl] key while clicking on the iLab link.
  • You may have to change the ActiveX control settings. In Internet Explorer, it’s under Tools > Internet Options > click on the Advanced Tab; scroll down to the Security heading; Check Box that says: Allow active content to run files on My Computer.
  • If you have trouble accessing a website, you may need to clean your computer’s cache. Instructions are posted in Doc Sharing, or click this link–IE_Cache_Cleaning_Guide.docx”>IE Cache Cleaning Guidelines

One of the first topics that we need to explore is our digestive tract. Each step of digestion has its own function. Chewing, for example, increases the surface area of food particles (physical digestion) so that the enzymes in the mouth can start breaking the nutrients down (chemical digestion). Review the two links and complete the lab assignment stated below.”>Digestive System |–Week1_DigestiveSystem.pdf”>View Transcript”>Gastrointestinal Tract Activities |–Week1_Gastrointestinal.pdf”>View Transcript

Week 1 Assignment:

Part 1

There are several parts to this iLab. Part 1 consists of listing all of the parts of the digestive system with either a list or photo.Many people take a screenshot and use it for Part 1. Feel free to also list the parts as well if you cannot figure out how to take a screenshot.

Part 2

Part 2 technically consists of two parts. The first one includes describing the location of each body part. For example, the appendix is located on the right side of the body under the ascending colon. Another way to do this part would be to write out the parts and put a location/description next to it. The second part of Part 2 for this section is to describe the manner in which you will retain the information of where each body part is located. An example would be, “I will remember the location of each body part by reviewing the photo and memorizing each location.” Some classmates develop interesting methods of memorizing where all of the parts are located, like using mnemonics. Feel free to be creative.

Part 3

For Part 3, which is in a Word document (or the same document that you have been using for Parts 1 and 2), please take the overall categories (mouth, small intestine, esophagus, stomach, and large intestine) and label them with the appropriate mechanisms that occur in each of them (propulsion, absorption, chemical digestion, and mechanical digestion). Please remember that each digestive system part mentioned above may be involved in more than one of the mechanisms.

Part 4

For Part 4, please define each mechanism (propulsion, absorption, chemical digestion, and mechanical digestion) with two to three sentences each.

Submit your iLab assignment to the Dropbox on the silver tab at the top of the page.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.


Devry SCI 228 Week 2 ILAB Latest


iLab Assignment

To Assess Your Own Body Weight and Develop a Diet and Exercise Program.

Welcome to iLab 6.”>



Part 1

Define BMI: You must define BMI, though not just with a general definition indicating its relationship to height and weight.Please also do not forget to define the actual term BMI!

Part 2

Calculate BMI: Many students use an automated calculator to complete this part of the assignment. I will deduct points if I do not see the actual math calculations. Please include all stages of the math calculations associated with determining your BMI.

Part 3

Compare/Contrast BMI & Individual Plan: There are three sections to this part of the assignment, and for the first part, you need to designate where your BMI falls according to the standard tables (underweight, normal, overweight, obese). In the second part of the assignment, you need to develop a dietary plan for your BMI value, and for the most part, you need to be as detailed as possible. Basically, I would like to see a “day in your life” according to where your current BMI falls. You need to include how many calories you plan on taking in and why, and you also need to develop a day’s worth of eating with specific foods and portions. As far as the exercise plan, again, you need to be as specific as possible. The goal of this section is to develop a plan that incorporates all of the components of a sound fitness program (flexibility, endurance, strength training, body fat, and cardiovascular), as well as discuss specific exercises that you plan on doing. Basically, the goal is to produce a weekly plan, with specific exercises, that has all of the components of a sound fitness plan.


Devry SCI 228 Week 3 ILAB Latest


iLab Assignment

Fast-Food Dietary Analysis

Welcome to iLab 3.

The goal of this assignment is to examine food available at fast-food establishments and examine dietary practices of the everyday consumer while reviewing key nutritional components.”>


Fast Food Menu Creation Overview

For this assignment, you have been asked to explore the nutritional value of menu items at a local fast-food restaurant. Using the available menu items, plan two meals: the healthiest meal possible and the unhealthiest healthy meal possible. Both meals should include an entrée, a side, a beverage, and dessert. In a Word document, please answer and discuss the following questions.


  1. Describe the healthy meal that you have created from the fast-food restaurant using the nutritional value of menu items.
    1. Name the restaurant, and then write a nutritional analysis of the meal you have created. (Explain all of the nutrients found in the meal, like carbs, protein, fat, and some essential vitamins and minerals.)
    2. Discuss your reaction to the analysis–make sure to explain why you feel the way you do about this meal. For example, if your meal is composed primarily of fat, discuss that point; if your meal supplies a lot of sugar per serving, discuss that as well. Please also remember to link excess or limited amounts of nutrients with diseases or the potential for disease (too much fat may put you at risk for heart disease, not enough calcium may not support bone health, etc.). Please make sure this section is as detailed as possible.
    3. How will this information affect your future food choices? Make sure to explain why you will or will not eat this meal again, and support your answer with the information found in the above sections.
  2. Describe the unhealthy meal that you have created from the fast-food restaurant using the nutritional value of menu items.
    1. Name the restaurant, and then write a nutritional analysis of the meal you have created. (Explain all of the nutrients found in the meal, like carbs, protein, fat, and some essential vitamins and minerals.)
    2. Discuss your reaction to the analysis–make sure to explain why you feel the way you do about this meal. For example, if your meal is composed primarily of fat, discuss that point; if your meal supplies a lot of sugar per serving, discuss that as well. Please also remember to link excess or limited amounts of nutrients with diseases or the potential for disease (too much fat may put you at risk for heart disease, not enough calcium may not support bone health, etc.). Please make sure this section is as detailed as possible.
    3. How will this information affect your future food choices? Make sure to explain why you will or will not eat this meal again, and support your answer with the information found in the above sections.


Devry SCI 228 Week 5 ILAB Latest

iLab Assignment

Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient

Welcome to iLab 5.

The Week 5 iLab is a fun opportunity for you to evaluate your own diet against My Pyramid.”>



The title of your presentation is “Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient.” A law firm has requested that you introduce yourself, explain why you are at the firm, and discuss the value of hydration. Once those elements have been addressed, the goal of this iLab is to create an essay or handout that compares water, Gatorade, and Powerade on the following categories.

  • Daily recommendations
  • Nutrient content
  • Varieties/sources
  • Cost
  • Advantages of consumption (include research reviews)
  • Safety levels
  • Disadvantages of consumption (include research reviews)
  • Conclusion

Ultimately, you need to make a recommendation on which beverage meets the needs of the law firm, and you need to back your recommendation with three pieces of evidence.

Submit your iLab assignment to the Dropbox on the silver tab at the top of the page.


Devry SCI 228 Week 6 ILAB Latest


iLab Assignment

To Assess Your Own Body Weight and Develop a Diet and Exercise Program.

Welcome to iLab 6.”>



Part 1

Define BMI: You must define BMI, though not just with a general definition indicating its relationship to height and weight.Please also do not forget to define the actual term BMI!

Part 2

Calculate BMI: Many students use an automated calculator to complete this part of the assignment. I will deduct points if I do not see the actual math calculations. Please include all stages of the math calculations associated with determining your BMI.

Part 3

Compare/Contrast BMI & Individual Plan: There are three sections to this part of the assignment, and for the first part, you need to designate where your BMI falls according to the standard tables (underweight, normal, overweight, obese). In the second part of the assignment, you need to develop a dietary plan for your BMI value, and for the most part, you need to be as detailed as possible. Basically, I would like to see a “day in your life” according to where your current BMI falls. You need to include how many calories you plan on taking in and why, and you also need to develop a day’s worth of eating with specific foods and portions. As far as the exercise plan, again, you need to be as specific as possible. The goal of this section is to develop a plan that incorporates all of the components of a sound fitness program (flexibility, endurance, strength training, body fat, and cardiovascular), as well as discuss specific exercises that you plan on doing. Basically, the goal is to produce a weekly plan, with specific exercises, that has all of the components of a sound fitness plan.


Devry SCI 228 Week 7 ILAB Latest


iLab Assignment

Welcome to iLab 7.”>



Students will select one lifecycle.

  • Prenatal
  • First year of infant’s life
  • Toddler
  • School age
  • Adolescence
  • Adult
  • Lactating female
  • Mature adult

Once a lifecycle has been selected, you will do the following three things.

  1. Describe the lifecycle and the age to be in that lifecycle.
  2. Describe nutritional challenges associated with that particular lifecycle.
  3. Develop a diet specifically tailored to that stage of life (make sure to include all of the macronutrients [percentages of carbs, fats, and protein]), and explain the rationale. Do not forget to discuss specific nutrients that may be of concern during this particular lifecycle and elaborate on the reasons behind the issues and challenges associated with various nutrients.

*All things will be considered when grading, including calories, types and amounts of food, inherent challenges associated with the particular lifecycle, and solutions.

Submit your iLab assignment to the Dropbox on the silver tab at the top of the page.


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