Devry SEC 360 Week 7 Discussions Latest



Devry SEC 360 Week 7 Discussions Latest

Intrusion Detection (graded)

Your organization’s business manager has read an article about how intrusion detection systems can help deter hackers. He or she wants to spearhead a campaign to deploy them around the company’s locations in three states. Since an IDS can help deter hackers, does this make it a worthwhile project, or is there some reason to be wary? Specific to this example, how do you respond to ad hoc security requests like this? In general, how can you keep requests like this in check

Secure as a Car (graded)

Engineering software is like engineering a car; if one were so inclined, there could be a completely bug- and security-free application.Do you agree with this? Why or why not?


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Devry SEC 360 Week 7 Discussions Latest

Best Devry SEC 360 Week 7 Discussions Latest
Devry SEC 360 Week 7 Discussions Latest


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