Devry SOCS 325 All Week Discussions Latest



Devry SOCS 325 All Week Discussions Latest

Devry SOCS 325 Week 1 Discussions Latest

Defining Environmental Sociology (graded)

HOW TO POST: I will be breaking down our discussion topic into a variety of questions throughout the week. Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post.DO NOT USE the general respond link at the top of the board. Start by reading the initial question I have posted to the thread (marked “Kick-Off Question”). After posting the required question response, then respond to your classmates’ posts and the additional questions throughout the week as you’d like (remember that DeVry requires posting 3 days per thread, starting no later than Wednesday in each). Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

Our topic on this thread will be exploring what environmental sociology is all about and describing what an environmental sociologist studies. To get started, open and respond directly to the required kick-off questionbelow.

Environmental Racism and Justice (graded)

HOW TO POST: I will be breaking down our discussion topic into a variety of questions throughout the week. Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post.DO NOT USE the general respond link at the top of the board. Start by reading the initial question I have posted to the thread (marked “Kick-Off Question”). After posting the required question response, then respond to your classmates’ posts and the additional questions throughout the week as you’d like (remember that DeVry requires posting 3 days per thread, starting no later than Wednesday in each). Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

On this thread we will compare and contrast, providing examples of each, the constructs of environmental racism and environmental justice. To get started, open and respond directly to the required kick-off questionbelow.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 2 Discussions Latest

Maslow’s Hierarchy (graded)

HOW TO POST: Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post. DO NOT USE the general respond link at the top of the board. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

We’ll begin this discussion by exploring Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” in relation to environmental issues and consumption and materialism. To get started, open and reply to the kick-off question below.

Green Businesses (graded)

HOW TO POST: Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post. DO NOT USE the general respond link at the top of the board. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

Our general topic for this thread is exploring the promise, drawbacks, and reality of green businesses such as organic food and ecotourism. To get started, read and reply to the kick-off question below.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 3 Discussions  Latest

Externalities (graded)

REMINDER:Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; do not use the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

Our general topic for this thread is defining and discussing “externalities” as they relate to the price of goods and services and examining how they can distort market forces of supply and demand, detailing both positive and negative effects. To get started, open and reply to the kick-off question below.

Advances in Technology (graded)

REMINDER:Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; do not use the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

On this thread we will focus on describing and explaining the relationship between advances in technology and such goals as reduced human workloads, lower environmental and resource stresses, more free time, and more personal contentment.Please open and reply to the kick-off question below to get started.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 4 Discussions  Latest

Women and Environmental Conditions (graded)

REMINDER:Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; do not use the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

Our primary focus on this thread will be describing and analyzing the relationship between the status and educational level of women in developing countries and local economic and environmental conditions. To get started, open and reply directly to the kick-off question below.

Environmental Stress (graded)

REMINDER:Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; do not use the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

On this thread we’ll explore the relationship between standards of living, fertility rates, hunger, and local environmental stress. To get started, open and directly reply to the kick-off question below.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 5 Discussions  Latest

Environmental Disasters (graded)

REMINDER:Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; do not use the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

On this thread we will examine, debate, and explain both the social and environmental consequences of environmental disasters such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Bhopal chemical release, Love Canal toxic waste, or any past or recent environmental disaster. To get started open and reply directly to the kick-off question below.

Environment Risk: East vs. West (graded)

REMINDER:Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; do not use the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

Comparing and contrasting how Western societies address risk with regards to the regulation of toxins in the marketplace and environment compared to Eastern societies will be our task on this thread. To get started, open and reply to the kick-off question below.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 6 Discussions  Latest

Religion and The Environment (graded)

REMINDER: Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; DO NOT USE the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

Our theme on this thread will be exploring various religions’ attitudes towards humanity’s relationship with the environment. To get started, please open and reply to the kick-off question below.

Environmental Concern and Groups (graded)

REMINDER: Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; DO NOT USE the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

The environmental movement and the level of environmental concern among various social, economic, racial/ethnic, and national groups are topics we’ll examine on this thread. Please open and reply to the kick-off question below to get started.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 7 Discussions  Latest

The Precautionary Principle (graded)

REMINDER: Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; DO NOT USE the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

On this thread we’ll be examining the precautionary principle and assessing the advantages and disadvantages of applying it to environmental problems.To get started, open and reply to the kick-off question below.

Creating an Ecological Society (graded)

REMINDER: Please open and respond directly to my posts and your classmates’ posts via the respond link at the bottom of each individual post; DO NOT USE the general respond link at the top of the thread. Review the Discussion Posting Guidelines announcement for the requirements regarding quantity and quality of posting. -Prof. Worley

How do we create an ecological society? This is a question we’ll delve into as we compare and contrast bottom-up and top-down approaches to creating an ecological society, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each. Please open and reply to the kick-off question below to get started.


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