Devry SOCS 325 Midterm Latest



Devry SOCS 325 Midterm Latest


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Question 1.1. (TCO 1) Climatologists continue to debate global warming. Which of the following is NOT an argument against the global warming hypothesis? (Points : 5)

Climate variations are normal, cyclical processes.

The sun may be putting out more radiation then in the measurable past.

Sunspot activity demonstrates cyclical patterns of activity.

Average temperatures worldwide have actually been dropping slightly.

Question 2.2. (TCO 2) The realist-constructionist debate in environmental sociology is characterized by differences in materialist versus idealist explanations of social life. Which of the following distinguishes a constructionist perspective on environment problems? (Points : 5)

Environmental problems need to be understood in terms of the threats posed by society’s current ecological relations.

There is no difference between the realist and constructionist approaches to environmental problems-they are in agreement.

The way we conceptualize and define environmental problems is a key focus.

Constructionists do not believe that we have environmental problems, rather the concerns are all constructed by alarmists.

Question 3.3. (TCO 3) The 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to three scientists whose work led to discovery of the causes for the thinning of the earth’s atmosphere by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Which of the following was NOT one of these scientists? (Points : 5)

Mario Molina

Paul Crutzen

Sherwood Rowland

Aldo Leopold

Question 4.4. (TCO 4) Who is/was the “original affluent society” according to Marshall Sahlins? (Points : 5)

Hunter gatherers

Agrarian pastoralists

The aristocracy of Europe and Asia

Wealthy Western capitalists

Question 5.5. (TCO 5) The hau of material objects refers to: (Points : 5)

superstitious belief in animate objects.

the utility of material objects that serve our interests.

sentimental connections and social relationships embodied in things.

the respect we have for tools and technologies created by humans.

Question 6.6. (TCO 6) According to your text, automobiles are implicated in which of the following environmental problems? (Points : 5)

Acid rain

Reduced fertility in animal species

Oil spills

All of the above

Question 7.7. (TCO 7) According to Malthus, population grows: (Points : 5)

incrementally, in fits and starts.

at a steady, measured pace.



Question 8.8. (TCO 7) Which of the following does Sen claim will NOT insure food availability? (Points : 5)

Dependable food imports

Land reform

Steady employment


Question 9.9. (TCO 3) What percentage of the world’s original forests remain? (Points : 5)





Question 10.10. (TCO 5) What is the average number of traffic deaths each year in the U.S.? (Points : 5)

Under 4,000

About 10,000

About 40,000

Well over 100,000

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Question 1. 1. (TCO 1) Define environmental sociology and what environmental sociologists study. If you were an environmental sociologist, explain your daily day. Compare and contrast how environmental sociologists differ from other types of sociologists. (Points : 30)

Question 2. 2. (TCO 2) Describe the environments impact on race, poverty, and disempowerment. Explain how this impacts human inequality and how it creates a community of haves and have nots. Compare and contrast some ways you would solve some of these issues of inequality. (Points : 30)

Question 3. 3. (TCO 4) Describe what materialism is and how someone can be materialistic. Give a few detailed examples. Identify why environmental sociologists are so interested in studying materialism. What are some ways our society can be less materialistic? What are some of the positives and negatives of materialism? (Points : 30)

Question 4. 4. (TCO 6) Describe green technology, and give a few examples of green technology currently being used in our society. Also, describe how green technology can be used to make our society more sustainable. Pick one form of green technology and describe in detail how it produces energy more cleanly compared to petroleum sources.(Points : 30)

Question 5. 5. (TCO 7) Describe in detail our population’s impact on the environment. Provide a few detailed examples.Also, compare and contrast population rates in different parts of the world. Which areas are increasing more than others, and why? Do you think the human population will continue to always increase? (Points : 30)



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