Call To Action


[call title=”OUR CUSTOMER CARE” phone=”+39 397 37292″ icon_theme=”retinaicon-font:retina-communication-005″]


Avenida Brazile 159, Santa Cruz de Tenerife ESP


[box_title font_size=”15″ font_alignment=”center” border=”middle” border_color=”#CDCDCD”]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
  • title: title of call to action
  • phone: number of form
  • class: css class of container
  • content: the content of call to action
  • animate: animate effect
  • animation delay: the delay to which the animation starts
[space height=”80″]


[call_two href=”#” background_color=”#ffffff” title_text=”UP TO 50% OFF ON THE WINTER COLLECTION” title_font_size=”18″ title_color=”#6d6c6c” subtitle_text=”Enjoy your christmas shopping in Nielsen!” subtitle_font_size=”14″ subtitle_color=”#5b5a5a” label_button=”ENJOY THE SPECIAL SALES” label_size=”14″][space height=”80″]


[call_four href=”#” background_color=”#ffffff” title_text=”UP TO 50% OFF ON THE WINTER COLLECTION” title_font_size=”18″ title_color=”#6d6c6c” subtitle_text=”Enjoy your christmas shopping in Nielsen!” subtitle_font_size=”14″ subtitle_color=”#5b5a5a” label_button=”ENJOY THE SPECIAL SALES” label_size=”14″]


[space height=”30″][newsletter_cta title=”STAY UPDATED WITH US” incipit=”Sign up to get exclusive offers from our favorite brands and to be well up in the news. ” post_name=”newsletter-widget” title_size=”18″ title_color=”#383838″ incipit_size=”14″ incipit_color=”#5b5a5a” icon_form=”f003″ button_class=”btn-flat-orange”][space height=”30″][box_title font_size=”15″ font_alignment=”center” border=”middle” border_color=”#CDCDCD”]SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES[/box_title]
  • title: title of the newsletter form
  • title size: font size for title of the newsletter form
  • title color: color for title of the newsletter form
  • incipit: subtitle of the newsletter form
  • incipit size: font size for subtitle of the newsletter form
  • incipit color: color for subtitle of the newsletter form
  • newsletter form: newsletter form selected
  • icon form: awesome icon inside the email input