Devry BSOP 326 Full Course Latest



Devry BSOP 326 Full Course Latest

Devry BSOP 326 Full Course [ all discussions all week course proj pare 1,2 3 all weeks check points midterm and final

Devry BSOP 326  Week 1 Discussion Latest


Total Quality Management (TQM) (graded)

What is total quality management (TQM)? Is it something you can install, like a refrigerator? How do you know TQM when you see it?

A System Perspective (graded)

When we talk about a system view, what are we interested in and why? Why is a system view so important to have if you are going to implement TQM?

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

Devry BSOP 326  Week 2 Discussion Latest


Dr. Deming’s 14 Points (graded)

Are Dr. Deming’s 14 Points clear, concise, and achievable? If not, what do you think he had in mind? In Deming’s view, who needs to do what and why?

Quality Awards and Standards (graded)

The authors of our text talk about the Baldrige Award throughout their book. In previous versions, they even designed their text around this award. Given that our course is about TQM, an in-depth discussion of the Deming Award would seem to be appropriate.Why do I say this? If you look at the textbook, you see that the authors state that “the Deming Prize establishes a framework for a CWQC [Company Wide Quality Control] system” (p. 122). CWQC embodies what we would call TQM here in the U.S.

So let’s do some research. Put on your investigative hats and see what you can find about the Deming Award. You can use the Internet or or any other sources you have available.

How do you see the Deming Prize criteria fitting into TQM? How does the Deming Prize compare to the Baldrige Award? What are the differences and similarities between the Deming Prize and the Baldrige Award?

Devry BSOP 326  Week 3 Discussion Latest

week 3

TQM Leaders (graded)

How do leaders behave when they are implementing TQM? What expectations should they set? What kind of leaders do TQM leaders need to be?

TQM Leaders (graded)

How do leaders behave when they are implementing TQM? What expectations should they set? What kind of leaders do TQM leaders need to be?

Devry BSOP 326  Week 4 Discussion Latest

week 4

TQM and Teams (graded)

Teams are something we talk about a lot when it comes to TQM. Why are teams instrumental to TQM, or are they? What kinds of teams exist in a TQM operation?

Employee Involvement (graded)

Just what is employee involvement? Is it always good? What key elements are necessary to keep it going? Are there different kinds of involvement?

Devry BSOP 326  Week 5 Discussion Latest

week 5

Cost of Quality (graded)

Although a balanced score card is probably the way to go, most companies don’t seem to have a clue about the more fundamental aspects of quality, such as the cost of quality. So let’s start here. Just what do we mean when we talk about the cost of quality? What major areas does it include?

Supplier Relationships (graded)

An integral part of TCO 9 concerns supplier relationships. What kinds of relationships exist with suppliers? What can be done to reduce the number suppliers you use?

Devry BSOP 326  Week 6 Discussion Latest

week 6

Statistical Tools (graded)

Before you participate in this discussion, please review this week’s tutorial.

Two tools were used by the group in the early analysis of their process. Why was it important for the group to use a histogram when they did? What could have happened if the group had not used it?

Inspection and Process Evaluations (graded)

Is 100% inspection good? Why or why not? What alternatives are there to 100% inspection?

Devry BSOP 326  Week 7 Discussion Latest

week 7

Implementing TQM (graded)

Over the last six weeks, you have been gaining insight into the ultimate question for this course: How do we implement TQM? Where do we begin? What key areas do we need to address first? Once we get our implementation started, what do we need to do in order to sustain our momentum?

What is Six Sigma? (graded)

What are the origins of Six Sigma? What makes Six Sigma what it is? Is Six Sigma new, or has it been there all the time? If Six Sigma were terminated in an operation, would anything happen to the quality of the products produced? Why or why not?

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

Devry BSOP 326  Course Project Latest

Course Project: Part 1 – Ishikawa Research Paper (due at the end of Week 3)

Objectives|Guidelines|Grading Rubrics|Best Practices


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This project involves researching and writing a short biography on Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa. Our text addresses many of the areas in the management and control of quality and provides a great amount of information on a number of different quality concepts. However, the authors only mention Dr. Ishikawa in passing. Just who is Kaoru Ishikawa? Prepare a 500-word biographical paper on Ishikawa, describing his contributions to quality. You should not limit your research to online materials. Two of his books are excellent sources: (1) What is Total Quality Control: The Japanese Way(1985) and (2) Guide to Quality Control (1976). Submit the completed paper to your Dropbox.

You will research this person’s life and work to determine the impacts that he has had in the world. You will define the quality leader’s significant contributions to modern quality practices in terms of major impacts in a specific organization. The project will enable you to understand:

Ishikawa’s key ideas;

how Ishikawa has influenced quality practices throughout the world;

how his ideas fit into total quality management; and

the implications of Ishikawa’s ideas for the future of quality.

The project will require sustained research effort until the paper is submitted. You are encouraged to begin work on the project during Week 1 and be prepared to submit the required project deliverables by the end of Week 3. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a paper template can be found in Doc Sharing.


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The paper will be a short biography on Kaoru Ishikawa. It will adhere to the grading specifications as described below. The student will submit a paper of at least 500 words, not including title page and references, by the end of class Week 3. The student will use at least two sources plus the course textbook, for a minimum of three references. All references are to be from academic journals, professional or academic textbooks, authored websites, or standard business publications such as The Wall Street Journal. Not more that 30% of the content will be from direct quotations. The final score will be reduced by one point for each percentage point when the direct quotations are over 30% of the content.

NOTE: Wikipedia and unauthored websites are not acceptable sources. Do not use these types of sources; otherwise, you will lose points.

The format of the paper should conform to the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, for the title page, text, citations, references, and so forth. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a template for the paper can be found in Doc Sharing. Completed papers will be submitted to your Dropbox as MS Word documents. All graphics will be a part of the Word document and submitted as a file. Documents authored in other applications such as WordPerfect or MS Works will not be accepted.

This project is to be accomplished individually and will reflect the work of each student. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. Late papers will not be accepted without prior permission.

Submit your Ishikawa research paper to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page by the end of Week 3. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Best Practices

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The following are the best practices in preparing this paper. Sample papers, using APA format, are located in Doc Sharing. Other useful information has also been provided there, including an APA paper template.

Cover page: Include the person you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.

Introduction: In APA format, the introduction is understood to be the first content of your work; thus, it does NOT require a title.

The purpose of an introduction or opening:

Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.

Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.

Establish the tone of the document.

Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)

Body of your work: Include titles to identify different areas that you address. State the main ideas, major points in each idea, and supporting information. Break down each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, like separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.

Summary and conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but it presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out.

Additional hints on preparing the best possible project:

Apply a three-step process of writing: plan, write, and complete.

Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.

Complete a first draft, and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.

Use visual communication if it will help clarify and support your work. Any material that can be removed and not affect the clarity of your work is essentially filler and should be avoided. Filler distracts from the flow of your work and will most likely cause you to lose points.

References: APA formatted references are required for this assignment.

A possible outline of the paper is provided below.

Cover Page


Overview of the paper

Purpose and importance of the effort


Personal background and life history (education, family life, living situations, etc.)

Primary work and significant accomplishments

Summary of his philosophy

Summary of what he was focused on accomplishing in terms of quality

Reviews and highlights of his books, articles, and manuscripts

Detailed description of his key ideas, concepts, and quality approach

Describe what results he achieved personally from their life work

Summary of his influence on quality and Total Quality Management (TQM)


Summarize the key points of your paper



Course Project: Part 2 – Kaizen or Balanced Score Card Research Paper (due at the end of Week 5)

Objectives |Guidelines |Grading Rubrics |Best Practices


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This project involves researching and writing a short research paper on your choice of Kaizen or Balanced Score Card. Our text addresses many of the areas in the management and control of quality and provides a great amount of information on a number of different quality concepts. However, the authors give only brief attention to Kaizen and no attention to the performance measurement system known as Balanced Scorecard. Prepare a 600-word paper on one of the following two choices: 1. The history and application of Kaizen to Process Improvement or 2. The history, application, and benefits of the Balanced Score Card as a tool for Performance Measurement. You should not limit your research to online materials. There are an abundance of scholarly books and articles available on these topics. Submit the completed paper to your Dropbox.

You will research your choice of these topics and work to determine the impact they have had in the areas of process improvement and performance measurement.

The project will require sustained research effort until the paper is submitted. You are encouraged to begin work on the project during Week 4 and be prepared to submit the required project deliverables by the end of Week 5. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the webliography, and a paper template can be found in Doc Sharing.


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The paper will be a short research paper on your choice of either Kaizen as a process improvement methodology or the Balanced Scorecard method of performance measurement. It will adhere to the grading specifications as described below. The student will submit a paper of at least 600 words, not including title page and references, by the end of class Week 5. The student will use a minimum of three references. All references are to be from academic journals, professional or academic textbooks, authored websites, or standard business publications such as The Wall Street Journal. Not more that 30% of the content will be from direct quotations. The final score will be reduced by one point for each percentage point when the direct quotations are over 30% of the content.

NOTE: Wikipedia and unauthored websites are not acceptable sources. Do not use these types of sources; otherwise, you will lose points.

The format of the paper should conform to the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, for the title page, text, citations, references, and so forth. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a template for the paper can be found in Doc Sharing. Completed papers will be submitted to your Dropbox as MS Word documents. All graphics will be a part of the Word document and submitted as a file. Documents authored in other applications such as WordPerfect or MS Works will not be accepted.

This project is to be accomplished individually and will reflect the work of each student. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. Late papers will not be accepted without prior permission.

Submit your Kaizen or balanced score card research paper to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page by the end of Week 5. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Best Practices

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The following are the best practices in preparing this paper. Sample papers, using APA format, are located in Doc Sharing. Other useful information has also been provided there, including an APA paper template.

Cover page: Include the person you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.

Introduction: In APA format, the introduction is understood to be the first content of your work; thus, it does NOT require a title.

The purpose of an introduction or opening:

Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.

Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.

Establish the tone of the document.

Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)

Body of your work: Include titles to identify different areas that you address. State the main ideas, major points in each idea, and supporting information. Break down each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, like separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.

Summary and conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but it presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out.

Additional hints on preparing the best possible project:

Apply a three-step process of writing: plan, write, and complete.

Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.

Complete a first draft, and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.

Use visual communication if it will help clarify and support your work. Any material that can be removed and not affect the clarity of your work is essentially filler and should be avoided. Filler distracts from the flow of your work and will most likely cause you to lose points.

References: APA formatted references are required for this assignment.

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Course Project: Part 3 – Fujiyama Electronics Case Study (due at the end of Week 7)

Objectives|Guidelines|Grading Rubrics|Best Practices


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This case study looks at the behavior of a circuit board process through the use of control charts. At least two control charts will need to be constructed, and from them you will be asked to provide an assessment of what you see. A template to facilitate the construction of the control charts has been provided in Doc Sharing. You are not required to use this template, however, it will greatly facilitate the solution.

Problem Statement

Fujiyama Electronics, Inc. has had difficulties with circuit boards purchased from an outside supplier. Unacceptable variability occurs between two drilled holes that are supposed to be 5 cm apart on the circuit boards. Thirty samples of four boards each were taken from shipments from the supplier as shown in the data from the worksheet below. Data in the worksheet below can also be accessed in Doc Sharing in a file named Fujiyama Electronics Sample Data.

Fujiyama Electronics


Sample 1 2 3 4


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The student will submit the completed case study in a Word document to the Dropbox by the end of class Week 7. The paper is worth 50 points.

The student will complete and/or answer the following questions:

Calculate X-Bar-Bar, R-Bar, and associated control limits using the data in the table above.

Create X-Bar•R (Average & Range) Control Charts from the data in the table above.

Discuss notable out-of-control conditions displayed in the completed X-Bar•R (Average & Range) Control Charts. Only consider points outside the control limits. Do not consider runs, set of points within certain zones, and so forth.

If the conditions you note could be defined as assignable conditions, and they are removed from the process, then what will happen to the X-Bar•R Control Chart?

Remove the data related to the out-of-control points you observed from the original data, and recalculate new X-Bar-Bar, R-Bar, and associated control limits.

Create new X-Bar•R (Average & Range) Control Charts from your updated data.

Discuss how the two sets of Control Charts are different. What has changed?

The format of the case study should conform to the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, for the title page and text. Citations and references are not required. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a paper template can be found in Doc Sharing. The completed case study will be submitted to your Dropbox as an MS Word document. All graphics and charts will be a part of the Word document and submitted as a file. Documents authored in other applications such as WordPerfect or MS Works will not be accepted.

This project is to be accomplished individually, and it will reflect the work of each student. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. Late papers will not be accepted without prior permission.

Submit your Fujiyama Case Study paper to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page by the end of Week 7. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

check points

Devry BSOP 326  Week 1 Check Point Latest

The Demg Cycle cludes all of the followg except





: See page 11

: 2 of 2


Question 2. Question :

TCO 1) Which of the followg is most appropriate describg the quality efforts undertaken with the scientific-management philosophy?

Defect prevention was emphasized.

Quality circles were extensively used.

Use of spection was widespread.

Quality was every worker’s responsibility.

: See page 6

: 2 of 2


Question 3. Question :

(TCO 1) An employee’s _____ can be identified through the answer to the question: “Who receives any item or formation as a result of the work he or she performs?”





: See page 96

: 2 of 2


Question 4. Question :

(TCO 2) Systems thkg can be applied to the analysis of _____.

manufacturg processes but not service processes

service processes but not manufacturg processes

any organization

neither manufacturg processes nor service processes

: See Lecture, The Systems Perspective

: 2 of 2


Question 5. Question :

(TCO 1) Which of the followg is most appropriate describg the quality efforts used the early 20th century?

Defect prevention was emphasized.

Quality circles were extensively used.

Use of spection was widespread.

Quality was every worker’s responsibility.

: See page 7

: 2 of 2


Question 6. Question :

(TCO 1) My friend said to me, “Recently, I bought a pair of shoes. I wore them for a few days but noticed the laces would not stay tied. I took the shoes back to the store, but the clerk said the laces were fe. I won’t buy that brand of shoe aga.” Which of the followg types of quality did my friend use to judge the shoes as beg of low quality?





: See Lecture

: 2 of 2


Question 7. Question :

(TCO 2) Which of the followg is NOT generally true about service organizations?

Customers often are volved the service process.

Services are tangible.

Services cannot be stored, ventoried, or spected prior to delivery.

Services are produced and consumed simultaneously.

:developed for services

customers are more volved manufacturg dustries

the outputs are less tangible

: See Lecture, Manufacturg and Service Quality

: 2 of 2


Question 16. Question :

(TCO 2) Services are generally _____ tensive, whereas manufacturg is more _____ tensive.

labor; equipment

quality; quantity

put; output

profit; cost

: See Lecture, Manufacturg and Service Quality

: 2 of 2


Question 17. Question :

(TCO 2) Services differ from manufactured goods which of the followg ways?

Service output is more easily measured.

Services tend to be produced and consumed simultaneously.

Service output is generally more tangible.

Providg service requires a lower degree of customization than does manufacturg.

: See Lecture, Manufacturg and Service Quality

: 2 of 2


Question 18. Question :

(TCO 1) Which of the followg is a defition of the product-based quality?

The quantities of product attributes.

Not all products are fit for use.

Consumers frequently confuse products with services.

Product-based quality cannot be defed precisely; you just know it when you see it.

: See Lecture

: 2 of 2


Question 19. Question :

(TCO 2) Which of the followg systems do not have a role to play assurg quality a manufacturg firm?



Product design

None of the above

: Lecture, The Systems Perspective

: 2 of 2


Question 20. Question :

(TCO 1) A consumer purchases a generic product at a cost of $5.00 stead of the competg brand-name product that sells for $7.00.The consumer feels that there is no difference quality between the generic and brand-name products. This scenario illustrates which of the followg defitions of quality?





: See Lecture

: 2 of 2


Question 21. Question :

(TCO 2) Viewg a McDonald’s restaurant as beg composed of order takg and cashier, grillg and food preparation, drive-through, purchasg, and trag processes is an example of _____.

systems thkg

resource alignment

functional analysis


: See Lecture, The Systems Perspective

: 2 of 2


Question 22. Question :

(TCO 1) At the organizational level, quality concerns should center on meetg the requirements of the

ternal customer.

engeers and designers.

external customer.

top executives.

: See page 97

: 2 of 2


Question 23. Question :

(TCO 2) Systems thkg _____.

has yet to be viewed as an important aspect the managg of quality

has been determed to be an unimportant aspect the managg of quality


is a controversial topic among quality-management professionals

: See Lecture, The Systems Perspective

: 0 of 2


Devry BSOP 326  Week 2 Check Point Latest


Question 3. Question :

(TCO 4) Deming’s services were not requested in the United States until





: See page 10

2 of 2


Question 4. Question :

(TCO 3) The Deming Prize was established in which of the following countries?



The United States


: See Page 11

2 of 2


Question 5. Question :

(TCO 3) The framework for companywide quality control in Japan is provided by _____.

the Shewhart Award

the Grant Award

the Deming Prize

the Baldrige Award

: See page 11

2 of 2


Question 6. Question :

(TCO 3) The original aim of ISO 9000 was to ensure that

a forum for information exchange was available.

award products and services provided by registered organizations were consistently fit for their intended purpose.

firms adopt quality-and productivity-improvement approaches.

awareness of productivity and quality were promoted.

: See page 233

2 of 2


Question 7. Question :

(TCO 4) Which of the following individuals is credited with having the greatest influence on quality management?

Philip B. Crosby

  1. W.Edwards Deming

Kaoru Ishikawa

Joseph M. Juran

: See page 10

2 of 2


Question 8. Question :

(TCO 3) The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award serves several purposes, except _____.

to help improve organizational performance practices

to facilitate communication and sharing of best practices

for guiding organizational planning and opportunities for learning

to encourage the use of quantitative analysis to improve quality

: See Lecture, Malcolm Baldrige Award

2 of 2


Question 9. Question :

(TCO 3) All of the following are true regarding ISO 9000 series, except _____.

ISO-certified organizations are assured of providing superior product quality

the requirements provide a structure for a basic quality assurance system

the standards describe processes affecting quality

individual sites, not entire companies, must achieve registration individually

: See Chapter 14

2 of 2


Question 10. Question :

(TCO 3) The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award was established by which of the following?

Several American automobile industry executives

The American Society for Quality (ASQ)

An act of Congress

The Baldrige Consulting Group

: See page 7

2 of 2


Question 11. Question :

(TCO 4) The Deming philosophy focuses on improvements in product and service quality by _____.

inspecting 100% of output

reducing variation

reducing customer complaints

separating the planning and execution functions

: See Lecture, The Deming Approach

2 of 2


Question 12. Question :

(TCO 4) Deming stressed that the ultimate responsibility for quality improvement lies with _____.

design engineers


top management

material suppliers

: See page 12

2 of 2


Question 13. Question :

(TCO 3) ISO 9001 provides specific requirements for _____.

terms and definitions used

a quality management system

improving quality

outgoing quality levels

: See pages 234—235

2 of 2


Question 14. Question :

TCO 3) The entity created under Public Law 100-107 is

Deming Prize

American Society for Quality Control Award

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

ISO 9000 certification program

: See Lecture

2 of 2


Question 15. Question :

(TCO 3) A cheaper alternative to competing for the Baldrige award is _____.

The Deming Prize

Shingo Award

state competitions

Juran Prize

: See page 438

2 of 2


Question 16. Question :

(TCO 3) The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award came into existence in _____?





: See Lecture, Malcolm Baldrige Award

2 of 2


Question 17. Question :

(TCO 3) The categories of criteria for the Baldrige award include all of the following except _____.


strategic planning

customer focus

process focus

: See page 119

2 of 2


Question 18. Question :

(TCO 4) Meeting quality goals during operations are which of the processes of Juran’s Quality Trilogy?

Quality control

Quality design

Quality improvement

Quality planning

: See page 14

2 of 2


Question 19. Question :

(TCO 4) Two United State consultants who worked with Japanese managers during the 1950s to improve the quality of Japanese products were which of the following individuals?

Crosby and Deming

Juran and Crosby

Crosby and Feigenbaum

Deming and Juran

: See pages 13—14

2 of 2


Question 20. Question :

(TCO 4) Unlike Deming and Juran, _____ idea was that quality was free.





: See Lecture

2 of 2


Question 21. Question :

(TCO 4) Which of the following is true regarding inspection under the Deming philosophy?

Inspection encourages quality production.

Inspection can be used to ensure quality.

Inspection should not be depended upon to improve quality.

Inspection adds value to the product.

: See page 12

2 of 2


Question 22. Question :

(TCO 3) Companies found that the real value is in the ______.

winning an award




: See page 438

2 of 2


Question 23. Question :

(TCO 4) Which of the following is not a part of the Deming’s approach?

Constancy of purpose

Removing barriers

Management by objectives

Stop depending on inspection

: See pages 10—12

2 of 2


Question 24. Question :

(TCO 4) Which of the following represents a point of disagreement between Deming and Juran?

Upper management requires training and experience in managing for quality.

Change can be accomplished within the organization’s existing structure.

Commitment by top management is a necessity.

Employees need to know who uses their products.

: See Lecture, Juran’s Philosophy

2 of 2


Question 25. Question :

(TCO 4) The total quality perspective states that higher levels of _____ lead to higher levels of _____.

automation; quality

quality; productivity

inventory; quality

inspection; quality

: See page 8

2 of 2


Question 26. Question :

(TCO 4) The quality pioneer that espoused the idea of “zero-defects management” is which of the following individuals?

Joseph M. Juran

Frederick Taylor

Armand Feigenbaum

Philip B. Crosby

: See page 14

2 of 2


Question 27. Question :

(TCO 4) Which of the following is the primary reason for Deming’s position that slogans should be eliminated?

They create adversarial relationships.

Slogans benefit customers more than workers.

Not all workers can read the slogans.

Slogans are costly to maintain and periodically update.

: See page 12

2 of 2


Question 28. Question :

(TCO 3) ISO 9000 recertification is required every _____.

3 years

5 years

7 years

9 years

: See Lecture, ISO 9000 Series

2 of 2


Question 29. Question :

(TCO 3) ISO 9000 requires that organizations develop a _____.


quality management system

retail approach


: See page 234

2 of 2


Question 30. Question :

(TCO 4) The Profound Knowledge system is attributed to which of the following?

Philip B. Crosby

  1. W.Edwards Deming

Armand Feigenbaum

Joseph M. Juran

: See Lecture, The Deming Approach

2 of 2


Devry BSOP 326  Week 3 Check Point Latest

* Times are displayed in (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Question 1. Question : TCO 11) A standard deviation is a _____.


descriptive statistic


inference statistic

Question 2. Question : TCO 11) An arbitrary sample of pertinent data is a _____.

judgment sample

simple random sample

systematic sample

stratified sample

Question 3. Question : (TCO 11) The sampling method in which every item in the population has an equal probability of being selected is called which of the following?

Simple random sampling

Stratified sampling

Systematic sampling

Judgment sampling

Question 4. Question : (TCO 11) Samples are selected to obtain data about the characteristics of _____.

an experiment


a population


Question 5. Question : (TCO 11) A system governed only by common cause variation is a system that exhibits which of the following?

It is highly productive

In control

It meets a customer’s quality specifications.

It has zero natural variation.

Question 6. Question : (TCO 12) Which of the following tools is used to identify and isolate causes of a problem?

Shewart diagram

Scatter diagram

Cause-and-effect diagram


Question 7. Question : (TCO 12) Another name for a cause-and-effect diagram is which of the following?


Run chart

Check sheet

Fishbone diagram

Question 8. Question : (TCO 12) SPC allows workers to separate the _____ causes of variation from natural causes.





Question 9. Question : (TCO 12) Which of the following charts is used to monitor the total number of defects per unit when a constant subgroup size is employed?





Question 10. Question : (TCO 12) A bank observes that most customer complaints come from only a small subset of its total customer base. This is an example of which of the following?

Clustering analysis

The Pareto principle

Data skewing

The central limit theorem

Question 11. Question : (TCO 12) Determine the sample standard deviation(s) for the following data: 7, 8, 2, 1, 3, and 5.

s = 2.805

s = 3.266

s = 2.927

s = 3.578


Question 12. Question : (TCO 12) Six samples of subgroup size 6 (n=6) were collected. Determine the upper control limit (UCL) for an X-Bar chart if the mean of the sample averages is 4.7 and mean of the sample ranges is 0.35. .


UCL = 4.86905

UCL = 4.90195

UCL = 4.72250

UCL = 5.05805

Question 13. Question : (TCO 12) Twenty samples of subgroup size of 5 (n = 5) were collected for a variable measurement.Determine the upper control limit (UCL) for an R-chart if the mean of the sample ranges equals 4.4.


UCL = 9.3060

UCL = 1.4695

UCL = 11.3256

UCL = 8.8176

TCO 11) Describe how a frequency distribution relates to process variability.

Question 2. Question : (TCO 11) From the standpoint of SPC, what does the standard deviation measure?

Question 3. Question : (TCO 11) Describe the purpose of a cause-and-effect diagram.

Question 4. Question : (TCO 12) Explain the difference between Type I and Type II errors in the context of a control chart. Why is it important to give operators control over their processes?

Question 5. Question : (TCO 12) Outline the basic steps for setting up a control chart to monitor a process and determine its process capability.

Devry BSOP 326  Midterm Latest


(TCO 6) The goals of leadership for quality include improving:




all of the above

Question 2. Question : (TCO 6) Which of the following is an important step in executing a strategy?


Build Capabilities

Identify advocates and resisters

All of the above

Ch. 3, p. 47

5 of 5


Question 3. Question : (TCO 3) The Deming Prize was established in which of the following countries?



The United States


Ch. 2, p. 33

5 of 5


Question 4. Question : (TCO 3) ISO 9000 recertification is required every _____.

3 years

5 years

7 years

9 years

Week 2 Lecture

5 of 5


Question 5. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is a criticism of the product-based definition of quality?

Quality is often mistakenly assumed to be related to price.

Not all products are fit for use.

Consumers frequently confuse products with services.

Product-based quality cannot be defined precisely; you just know it when you see it.

Week 1 Lecture (revised)

5 of 5


Question 6. Question : (TCO 1) The creation of separate quality departments in the early 1900s caused _____.

ambiguity concerning who was responsible for quality

upper management to be more knowledgeable about quality

no effect on the quality of the products that the customer received

production efficiency to decline

Ch. 1, p. 6

5 of 5


Question 7. Question : (TCO 1) _____ is credited with developing control charts.

Eli Whitney

Frederick W. Taylor

Walter Shewhart

  1. W.Edwards Deming

Ch. 1, p. 7

5 of 5


Question 8. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following organizations does not have a role to play in assuring quality in a manufacturing firm?



Product design

None of the above

Ch. 1, p. 15

5 of 5


Question 9. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following are considered to be two critical components of quality systems in service industries?

Information systems and technical standards

Employees and information systems

Production equipment and employees

Employees and inspection processes

Lecture, The Systems Perspective

5 of 5


Question 10. Question : (TCO 2) A key element of total quality is:

obsession with quality

worker healthcare

legal services

inventory management

Ch. 1, p. 8

5 of 5


Question 11. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following is NOT generally true about service organizations?

Customers often are involved in the service process.

Services are capital intensive.

Services cannot be stored, inventoried, or inspected prior to delivery.

Services are produced and consumed simultaneously.

Lecture, The Systems Perspective

5 of 5


Question 12. Question : (TCO 3) The categories of criteria for the Baldrige Award include all of the following except


Strategic Planning

Customer Focus

Process Focus

Ch. 22, p. 439

5 of 5


Question 13. Question : (TCO 5) Crosby’s “quality vaccine” consists of _____.

Reliability, Education, and Implementation

Determination, Education and Implementation

Determination, Competence, and Implementation

None of the above

Ch. 1, p. 14

5 of 5


Question 14. Question : (TCO 5) Which of the following is not true about the American Customer Satisfaction Index?

It is too ambiguous to be measured

It can be improved by knowing a customer’s operations

It can be improved by determining what attributes of a product or service are important to your customer

Resources must be applied where they will do the most to improve it

Ch. 7, pp. 100-104

5 of 5


Question 15. Question : (TCO 7) The third of Deming’s deadly diseases had to do with:

personal review systems




Ch.1, p. 12

0 of 5


Question 16. Question : (TCO 4) The need to remove barriers to pride in workmanship is associated with which of the following individuals?





Ch. 1, p. 12

5 of 5


Question 17. Question : (TCO 4) The Deming philosophy focuses on improvements in product and service quality by _____.

inspecting 100 percent of output

reducing variation

reducing customer complaints

separating the planning and execution functions

Week 2 Lecture

5 of 5


Question 18. Question : (TCO 8) A team that that is usually cross functional

management team

natural work team

quality circle

process improvement team

Ch. 10, p. 149

0 of 5


Page: 1 2

* Times are displayed in (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

(TCO 4) Compare and contrast Deming’s approach to Juran’s approach to quality improvement.

Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Explain the difference between quality management practices prio to the 1900 with quality management practices in the 1990’s.

Devry BSOP 326  Final Exam Latest


Page 1

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) Which of the following practices were utilized by most companies to maintain quality levels until the start of the 1980s? (Points : 6)

Team-based initiatives

Process-improvement efforts

Design-quality reviews


Question 2.2. (TCO 1) The lack of which of the following is a reason why some companies fail at implementing TQM? (Points : 6)


Education and Training

Long term commitment

All of the above

Question 3.3. (TCO 2) Which of the following systems do not have a role to play in assuring quality in a manufacturing firm? (Points : 6)



Tool Engineering

None (All answers have a role.)

Question 4.4. (TCO 2) When morale is _____, service excellence is _________. (Points : 6)

high, high

low, high

low, low

bad, good

Question 5.5. (TCO 3) The purpose of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award includes which of the following? (Points : 6)

To recognize the achievements of high-quality companies

To establish guidelines and criteria for evaluation of quality-improvement efforts

To provide detailed information on how award-winning enterprises achieved success

All of the above

Question 6.6. (TCO 3) ISO 9000 recertification is required every _____. (Points : 6)

three years

five years

seven years

nine years

Question 7.7. (TCO 4) _____ considered top management’s commitment to quality an absolute necessity for TQM. (Points : 6)




All of the above

Question 8.8. (TCO 4) The primary reason for Deming’s position that slogans should be eliminated is which of the following? (Points : 6)

They create adversarial relationships.

Slogans take up valuable space in the production department.

Slogans are costly to maintain and periodically update.

Workers don’t always understand the slogans.

Question 9.9. (TCO 5) Measurable performance levels that define the quality of customer contact with an organization’s representatives are known as which of the following? (Points : 6)

Customer contact

Quality function deployments

Indexed service standards

Consumer benefits packages

Question 10.10. (TCO 5) Customers that are highly profitable, but don’t stay around long are known as __________. (Points : 6)

Song birds

Ne’re do wells



Question 11.11. (TCO 6) Effective organizations share which of the following approaches to strategic planning? (Points : 6)

Organization-wide participation in planning

Focus on near-term goals

Special emphasis on stock market expectations

Unstructured systems for strategy development and deployment

Question 12.12. (TCO 6) Leadership for quality is about continually improving the performance of________. (Points : 6)




all of the above

Question 13.13. (TCO 7) The nominal group technique is a sophisticated form of ________. (Points : 6)

Promoting teamwork

Encouraging employee empowerment

Being concerned about employee motivation


Question 14.14. (TCO 7) The Institute for Corporate Competitiveness (ICC) found that _______ to be an important part of team-building. (Points : 6)

outdoor activities


character building


Question 15.15. (TCO 8) Effective team building steps include which of the following: (Points : 6)




All of the above

Question 16.16. (TCO 8) In firms that implement Six Sigma efforts, _____ are often targeted as future leaders. (Points : 6)

team members

Black belts


Green belts

Question 17.17. (TCO 9) Which of the following is not part of a process control system? (Points : 6)

Comparison of actual results with the standard

A means of measuring accomplishment

A standard or goal

A backup process

Question 18.18. (TCO 9) Kaizen is best described by which of the following terms? (Points : 6)

Concurrent engineering

Continuous improvement at all levels


Statistical process control

Question 19.19. (TCO 10) During Final Inspection at a shirt manufacturer, more than 1,500 shirts were found with incorrect buttons.The manufacturer sold the shirts at 70 percent of the normal price to a retailer who specializes in factory seconds. The revenue lost by the manufacturer is considered which of the following? (Points : 6)

An internal failure cost

An appraisal cost

An external failure cost

A prevention cost

Question 20.20. (TCO 10) Which of the following is NOT a cost of quality? (Points : 6)

internal failure cost

external failure cost

appraisal cost

none of the above

Question 21.21. (TCO 11) The Deming cycle was developed to link the production process to ___________. (Points : 6)

consumer needs

zero defects

statistical information

organizational goals

Question 22.22. (TCO 11) A bank observes that most customer complaints come from only a small part of its total customer base.This is an example of which of the following? (Points : 6)


The Pareto principle


The central limit theorem

Question 23.23. (TCO 12) Which of the following constitutes an approach to reducing sampling error? (Points : 6)

Cross-checking research designs with knowledgeable analysts

Questioning the assumption that tomorrow’s and today’s populations are comparable

Taking a larger sample from the population

Reducing conditions that contribute to dissimilar population segments

Question 24.24. (TCO 12) Determine the upper control limit (UCL) and lower control limit (LCL) for an X-Bar chart if six samples of subgroup size 5 (n=5) were collected, and the mean of the sample averages is 4.7 and mean of the sample ranges is 0.35.

TABLE (Points : 30)

UCL = 4.86905, LCL = 4.53095

UCL = 4.90195, LCL = 4.49805

UCL = 4.72250, LCL = 4.14350

UCL = 5.05805, LCL = 4.34195

Question 25.25. (TCO 12) Determine the upper control limit (UCL) and lower control limit (LCL) for an R-chart if twenty samples of subgroup size 3 (n=3) were collected for a variable measurement and the mean of the sample ranges equals 4.4. (Points : 30)

UCL = 9.3016, LCL = 0.3344

UCL = 1.4696, LCL = 0.0000

UCL = 11.3256, LCL = 0.0000

UCL = 8.8176, LCL = 0.0000

Question 26.26. (TCO 13) The operative measure of quality in Six Sigma terminology is which of the following? (Points : 6)

Defects per unit

Defects per thousand units

Defects per ten thousand opportunities

Defects per million opportunities

Question 27.27. (TCO 14) St. Luke’s Hospital identified several phases in its organization’s TQM implementation. This is an example of _____. (Points : 6)

poor implementation

quality as a journey

implementation that is moving too slowly

All of the above

Page 2

Question 1. 1. (TCO 3) Answer the following questions concerning ISO 9000:

  1. 1.Discuss the implementation/registration process for ISO 9000.(10 points)
  2. 2.Discuss the recertification process for ISO 9000.(10 points)
  3. 3.Discuss 3 of the 7 steps an organization must take to ensure its QMS conforms to ISO 9000 requirements.(10 points)

(Points : 30)

Question 2. 2. (TCO 14) Answer the following questions concerning employee empowerment:

Discuss the rationale for employee empowerment. (10 points)

Discuss how employee empowerment is achieved in organizations. (10 points)


Discuss management’s role in employee empowerment. (10 points)

(Points : 30)

Question 3. 3. (TCO 4) Answer the following 3 parts relating to the Malcolm Baldrige Award:

Discuss the reasons why the Baldridge Award was established. (10 points)

Discuss the value to organizations of competing for the Baldrige award (10 points)

Discuss 3 of the 7 main categories under the Malcolm Baldrige criteria (10 points)

(Points : 30)


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