Devry CARD 415 Week 4 Long Term Career Plan Latest



Devry CARD 415 Week 4 Long Term Career Plan Latest

Long Term Career Plan

(long term strategies and company research)


This assignment will give you practice on using important library/Internet resources for your successful job search. See this week’s lecture for some tips on doing career research using these types of resources.

This assignment has two parts: research of future positions and research of possible companies for future employment.Make sure you allow yourself enough time to do a thorough job researching and providing your responses. Follow the directions below using the numbered and lettered parts of the directions as your template for completion.

Part 1 – Long Term Career Strategies

  1. Describe the position in which you are currently working in your field or an entry-level position you could attain with your degree you are completing. Include the following information:
    1. The position title
    2. The duties of the position
    3. Expected salary
  1. Provide information on next projected position within your career track after the one you named in Step 1. Include the following information:
    1. The position title
    2. The duties of the position
    3. The expected salary
    4. The timeline in which this position will be obtained
    5. The skills you will need to develop while employed in the position above to be able to obtain this next career position
  1. Provide information on next projected position within your career track after the one you named in Step 2. Include the following information:
    1. The position title
    2. The duties of the position
    3. The expected salary
    4. The timeline in which this position will be obtained
    5. The skills you will need to develop while employed in the position above to be able to obtain this next career position
  1. Discuss the overall lessons you learned from this project in a paragraph or so.

Part 2 – Company Research

  1. 1.Locate three employerswho would employ someone with your degree and skills and complete the following information on each of them:
  • Name and full mailing address of Company/Organization AND CompanyWebsite address
  • Type of product or service the company provides
  • Financial performance of company (try to supply both earnings and profit numbers)
  • Give the names of two of this company’s chief competitors
  1. 2.Based on the information you have learned, name the company that you feel is the best prospect for future employment and justify your selection.

NOTE: Make sure you complete 1 and 2 above for three companies.

See rubric below for this assignment.

Grading Rubric for Long Term Career Plan

Content Item Description Points Points Earned
Part 1.1: Position Position, duties, and salary were included. 10
Part 1.2: Position Position, duties, salary, timeline, skills were included. 15
Part 1.3: Position Position, duties, salary, timeline, skills were included. 15
Concluding Paragraph Information learned from research included. 5
Part 2.1 Employer Address/webpage, products, financials, competitors included. 10
Part 2.2 Employer Address/webpage, products, financials, competitors included. 10
Part 2.3 Employer Address/webpage, products, financials, competitors included. 10
Company Choice and Justification Selection of best company as an employer and rationale. 5

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