Devry CARD 415 Week 4 Reference List Assignment Latest



Devry CARD 415 Week 4 Reference List Assignment Latest

Reference List Assignment

Create a Reference Sheet or List offivepeople with addresses, email, phone numbers, companies and titles (where appropriate). It’s a good idea to use the same header for all professional documents, i.e., your resume, cover and thank-you letters, reference sheet, etc.This list will be presented to potential employers so they can talk to someone besides you about your work, values, behaviors, etc. Most references are checked via a phone call. However, it is not unheard of for a reference to be checked via email.

Include references from one or more of the following categories: Professional and/or Academic. Make sure you have professional references whenever possible. You may want to use the headings PROFESSIONAL and ACADEMIC on your reference list to clarify what type of referees the people on your list are. Be aware that employers may request professional references that include current and previous supervisors and colleagues.

Note: It’s important that you contact your references to confirm that they agree to provide a strong, positive reference for you.It’s also important that you keep your references informed about your career search so they are prepared for phone calls or emails from hiring managers.

Some individuals, especially when they have been working in their fields for some time, create their reference lists with just their professional references. Feel free to use the template found on the next page.

Reference Sheet Rubric

Requirements Possible Points Points Earned
Total of 5 references given 10
Required information given for all references 10

Reference Sheet Template


  • Long-Term Career Plan: a two-part assignment including long-term career strategies and company research. See Doc Sharing for a description and a rubric. A very useful resource for completing this assignment is the Career Research Library Handout found in doc sharing.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these”>step-by-step instructions.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.


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Devry CARD 415 Week 4 Reference List Assignment Latest

Best Devry CARD 415 Week 4 Reference List Assignment Latest
Devry CARD 415 Week 4 Reference List Assignment Latest




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