Devry GSCM 434 All Week Assignments Latest



Devry GSCM 434 All Week Assignments Latest

Devry GSCM 434 Week 1 Assignment Latest

Chapter Questions

Answer the following questions from the textbook in a Word document. Your answers should be about one to two paragraphs per question. You can find a grading rubric located in Doc Sharing.

1-12. Explain what is meant by the total cost approach to logistics.

5-2. Discuss the SCOR and GSCF models of supply chain management.

5-8. Do you agree that supply chain collaboration can be classified as transactional, tactical information sharing, or strategic in nature? Why?

8-2. What makes it difficult for managers to achieve the proper balance of inventory?

8-9. What assumptions are associated with the EOQ model?

Devry GSCM 434 Week 2 Assignment Latest

Chapter Questions

Answer the following questions from the textbook in a Word document. Your answers should be about one to two paragraphs per question. You can find a grading rubric located in Doc Sharing.

9-2. How have cost considerations influenced facility location decisions?

9-3. In what way is the location of customer markets a strategic consideration in facility location?

9-5. How does a raw material’s status as pure, weight-losing, or weight-gaining influence the facility location decision?

12-2. Why is it important to know about the characteristics of a country’s transportation infrastructure?

12-5. How do truckload operations differ from less-than-truckload operations?

Devry GSCM 434 Week 3 Assignment Latest

Chapter Questions

Answer the following questions from the textbook in a Word document. Your answers should be about one to two paragraphs per question. You can find a grading rubric located in Doc Sharing.

7-1. What is the relationship between demand management, order management, and customer service?

7-2. Discuss the three basic demand forecasting models.

7-19. Describe some of the key issues associated with measuring customer service.

11-3. What are the three general functions of packaging? How might they come into conflict?

11-18. Of the 10 materials handling principles discussed in the chapter, which two are most surprising to you? Why?

Devry GSCM 434 Week 4 Assignment Latest

Chapter Questions

Answer the following questions from the textbook in a Word document. Your answers should be about one to two paragraphs per question. You can find a grading rubric located in Doc Sharing.

6-5. Name and describe the steps in the supplier selection and evaluation process.

6-13. What are some of the challenges of implementing a global sourcing strategy?

6-18. Discuss some of the ethical issues that are associated with procurement.

14-9. Discuss four (out of eight) possible functions that might be performed by international freight forwarders.

14-19. What are some of the challenges associated with inventory management in cross-border trade?

Devry GSCM 434 Week 5 Assignment Latest

Chapter Questions

Answer the following questions from the textbook in a Word document. Your answers should be about one to two paragraphs per question. You can find a grading rubric located in Doc Sharing.

2-5. What advances in telecommunications technology do you view as being most beneficial to logistics management? Why?

2-10. Discuss the importance of timely and accurate information to a logistics information system.

2-17. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.

3-14. Do you think corporate cultures are relevant for designing a logistics measurement system? Why or why not?

3-20. Discuss some of the key considerations for a logistics manager who is designing and implementing a logistics measurement system in his or her organization.

Devry GSCM 434 Week 6 Assignment Latest

Chapter Questions

Answer the following questions from the textbook in a Word document. Your answers should be about one to two paragraphs per question. You can find a grading rubric located in Doc Sharing.

7-10. What is pick-to-light technology and how can it improve order picking?

7-18. How do characteristics such as substitutability and product life cycle stage influence the development of customer service goals and objectives?

13-6. Discuss the four factors used in determining a product’s freight classification.

13-12. Discuss some of the basic functions performed by the bill of lading.

13-16. Explain why smaller shipments are challenging to transportation managers.

Devry GSCM 434 Week 7 Assignment Latest

Chapter Questions

Answer the following questions from the textbook in a Word document. Your answers should be about one to two paragraphs per question. You can find a grading rubric located in Doc Sharing.

4-4. Describe the hierarchical and matrix organizational design.

4-10. Discuss the reasons why logisticians might be concerned with theft.

10-7. How does multiclient warehousing mix attributes of public and contract warehousing?

10-9. In terms of warehousing design, give examples of trade-offs involving space, labor, and mechanization.

10-15. How can warehousing productivity be improved without significant investment in technology or equipment?

Devry GSCM 434 Week 7 Power Point Latest

Grading Criteria Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation

GSCM434—Supply Chain Logistics, Distribution, and Warehousing

Power Point Presentation—40 points

What Considerations Deductions
Addressing Application of Skills in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Role of supply chain in the organization
  • Skills needed for an effective management
  • Identify skills, process, tools, and techniques learned from the course
  • Opportunities to improve role of supply chain with recommendations
  • Process of implementing changes
  • Lessons learned as a take away to enhance professional skills
32 points
Length of Presentation
  • 8–10 slides
  • Include presentation notes
  • Including page numbers
4 points
Graphics &Contents
  • Use of PowerPoint style
  • Effective graphics
  • Specific areas of supply chain management, if applicable
  • Summary of conclusion
  • References (3–4)
4 points
Lateness Per Syllabus Late Deduction

5% 1 day late

10% 2 days late

15% 3 days late

Devry GSCM 434 Week 3 Case Sudy Latest

Review Case 7.1, Handy Andy, Inc. (pp. 127–130). Submit your analysis with recommendations to answer Questions 1 through 7 (page 129).

Grading Criteria Rubric for Case Study Report

GSCM434—Supply Chain Logistics, Distribution, and Warehousing

Case Study Report—75 points

What Considerations Deductions
Addressing case study questions
  • All questions addressed
  • Quality and thoroughness of responses
  • Thoughtful discussion beyond repeating what is in the book
60 points
Correct use of citations to relevant readings
  • Citing material referenced from class readings
  • Using quotes when material is directly copied
  • Including page numbers
5 points
  • APA style
  • Introduction
  • Organization of paper
  • Specific areas of supply chain management
  • Summary of conclusion
  • References (3–4)
  • Length of paper ( 3–4 pages) including cover page
5 points
Turnitin Submit to Turnitin to validate originality and include score on cover page 5 points
Lateness Per Syllabus Late Deduction

5% 1 day late

10% 2 days late

15% 3 days late

Devry GSCM 434 Week 6 Case Sudy Latest

Review Case 12.1, Truck Company (pp. 227–230). Submit your analysis with recommendations to answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (p. 230).

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Devry GSCM 434 All Week Assignments Latest

Best Devry GSCM 434 All Week Assignments Latest
Devry GSCM 434 All Week Assignments Latest


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