Devry GSCM 434 Week 3 Case Sudy Latest



Devry GSCM 434 Week 3 Case Sudy Latest

Review Case 7.1, Handy Andy, Inc. (pp. 127–130). Submit your analysis with recommendations to answer Questions 1 through 7 (page 129).

Grading Criteria Rubric for Case Study Report

GSCM434—Supply Chain Logistics, Distribution, and Warehousing

Case Study Report—75 points

What Considerations Deductions
Addressing case study questions
  • All questions addressed
  • Quality and thoroughness of responses
  • Thoughtful discussion beyond repeating what is in the book
60 points
Correct use of citations to relevant readings
  • Citing material referenced from class readings
  • Using quotes when material is directly copied
  • Including page numbers
5 points
  • APA style
  • Introduction
  • Organization of paper
  • Specific areas of supply chain management
  • Summary of conclusion
  • References (3–4)
  • Length of paper ( 3–4 pages) including cover page
5 points
Turnitin Submit to Turnitin to validate originality and include score on cover page 5 points
Lateness Per Syllabus Late Deduction

5% 1 day late

10% 2 days late

15% 3 days late

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Devry GSCM 434 Week 3 Case Sudy Latest

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Devry GSCM 434 Week 3 Case Sudy Latest


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