DeVry HRM 595 Week 4 Assignment Latest



DeVry HRM 595 Week 4 Assignment Latest

DeVry HRM 595 Week 4 Tutorial Assignment latest

Prepare responses to the questions below after viewing the Negotiation Strategy and Tactics Tutorial in this week’s lecture. In drafting your answers to the questions, make sure that you apply course concepts in your answers.

Part A: What are the objectives of both parties in the exchanges? How would you describe the general “tone” of the exchanges?

Part B: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? What do you project the outcome of the first exchange to be?

Part C: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? What do you project the outcome of the second exchange to be?

Part D: Identify two points of transition in each exchange and analyze the impact of the transitions on the negotiation.

Grading rubric: Each part = 15 grade points

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.


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DeVry HRM 595 Week 4 Assignment Latest


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