Devry MKTG 440 Full Course Latest



Devry MKTG 440 Full Course Latest

Devry MKTG 440 Full Course Latest [ all discussion ,research papers, full course project quiz 1,3,4,5,6,7 ]


Devry MKTG 440 Week 1 Discussions Latest


Evolution of the Marketing Concept (graded)

Is a belief that human ingenuity, technological innovation, and efficient markets will eventually combine to overcome the sustainability challenges outlined in this chapter defensible or misplaced?


Framing Sustainability Marketing (graded)

Define corporate social responsibility (CSR). What is the link between CSR and sustainability marketing?

Devry MKTG 440 Week 2 Discussions Latest

Understanding Sust. Consumer Behavior (graded)

Why might it be challenging for a consumer with deep concerns about social and environmental issues to live a more sustainable lifestyle within the consumer society?

Harnessing Cons. Behavior Sustainability (graded)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of formulating specific and measurable objectives in sustainability marketing?

Devry MKTG 440 Week 3 Discussions Latest

Objectives of Sustainability Marketing (graded)

When should a sustainable approach to marketing strategy that requires relationships with key stakeholders be reconsidered?

Values of Sustainability Marketing (graded)

Why is the ecological question also a social question of resource equity in a world with limited resources? Discuss.

Devry MKTG 440 Week 4 Discussions Latest

Sustainable Products and Services (graded)

How would a firm define sustainable products and services?

Devry MKTG 440 Week 4 Discussions Latest

Characteristics of Products and Services (graded)

What steps could a company take to transform its approach to marketing communications from conventional promotion to the open and interactive dialogue at the heart of sustainable marketing communications?

Devry MKTG 440 Week 5 Discussions Latest

Sustainable Marketing Strategy (graded)

Is advertising an appropriate medium for sustainable marketing campaigns, or do the limits of the medium doom almost all ad campaigns to be perceived as greenwashing?

Customer Cost (graded)

Explain the various types of”>purchase costs.Describe their importance in the context of sustainable products and show how they can be reduced.

Devry MKTG 440 Week 6 Discussions Latest

Sustainable Marketing Progress (graded)

Can substantive progress toward sustainability marketing be made unless consumers are willing to trade off some elements of convenience against other sustainability-oriented benefits?

Social and Environmental Implications (graded)

What are the social and environmental implications of the growth of online consumption? Can increasing levels of e-commerce make a substantial contribution to sustainability marketing?

Devry MKTG 440 Week 7 Discussions Latest

ustainability Marketing Transformations (graded)

Can substantive progress toward sustainability marketing be made unless consumers are willing to trade off some elements of convenience against other sustainability-oriented benefits?

Brundtland Report Sustainable Development (graded)

The Brundtland Report said that sustainable development required us to break out of old patterns of development. Why do you think that this has proven to be so difficult, and what role can marketing play in the process of breaking out of




Devry MKTG 440 Research Papers 1 Latest

  • Assignment: Research Paper 1 – Successful & Failed Sustainability Marketing
    Use DeVry Library Resources to research companies that have succeeded and those that have failed with sustainability marketing.Write a 500-word assessment in which a company that was successful with sustainability marketing measures is compared to one that was not.For the assessment, also consider the following:
  • Why have marketers conventionally focused on the”>purchase phase of the consumption process?
  • How can barriers to changing lifestyles and promoting more sustainable consumption be overcome?


Devry MKTG 440 Research Papers 2 Latest

  • Assignment: Research Paper 2 – Telsa Motors (due Week 3)

You have been asked to assist with the marketing campaign for the rollout of the Tesla Model S. What sustainable factors would you emphasize for this product? What will you do differently for the marketing campaign for Model S compared to the marketing of the Tesla Motor’s first model, the Tesla Roadster? Which factors should be replicated from the previous vehicle marketing campaign for the new model that will be available to consumers in 2012?

Create a 300–500 word paper that includes an analysis of the Roadster and recommendations for the Model S. You can begin your research with the following:

    • Sustainability Marketing Challenge: The Tesla Roadster on pages 166–168 of your textbook
    •”>Tesla Motors website
    • DeVry Library Resources: to locate additional articles related to Tesla Motors


Devry MKTG 440 Course Project Latest


Scenario: A life cycle analysis of a product or service.

Describe the Project: A 2,000-3,000 word paper and a PowerPoint presentation of a life cycle analysis of an existing product or service. The PowerPoint presentation should contain 12-15 slides and summarize your life cycle analysis.

The project begins in Week 2 and must be completed by Week 7.


Milestone Deliverable Due Points
1 Project Plan Document Week 2 35
2 Project Outline Week 3 35
3 Final Presentation Week 7 50
4 Final Paper Week 7 140


Preparation: Research an industry and select a product or service offering from a specific company.


Milestone 1 – Due Week 2: Project Plan Document
This should include a paragraph containing the selected product or service and its current sustainability marketing claims (if applicable). Submit file to the Dropbox for this assignment along with the URL to the home page.
Milestone 2 – Due Week 3: Project Outline
Develop an outline that states the key points and progression of ideas for the life cycle analysis. Submit file to the Dropbox for this assignment along with the URL to the home page.
Milestone 3/4 – Due Week 7: Final Paper and Presentation
Submitting Your Final Project
Submit files to the Dropbox for this assignment along with the URL to the home page.


Your Final Course Project (Week 7) will be evaluated as follows:


Category % Description
Documentation & Formatting 5% Quality work will include a title page, proper citations, and a bibliography. Your final paper should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words and must follow all APA guidelines. Your final presentation should contain 12-15 slides.
Organization & Cohesiveness 20% The content will be properly organized into sections with input drawn from each of the milestone assignments.
Editing 5% Quality work will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
Content 70% Quality work will have significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. Quality work will cover all the sections included in the final project The content presented must demonstrate an understanding of the material learned in the course.
Total 100% A quality submission will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Devry MKTG 440 Week 1 Quiz Latest

quiz 1

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) The different approaches to sustainability all belong in one of three groups. These three groups are __________, __________, and ________. (Points : 4)

status quo oriented, reform oriented, transformation oriented.

status quo oriented, marketing oriented, transformation oriented.

marketing oriented, reform oriented, transformation oriented.

status quo oriented, reform oriented, marketing oriented.

Question 2.2. (TCO 1) During the late 1980s, the environmentally conscious and active “green consumer” emerged in: (Points : 4)

Eastern Europe and North America.

Western Europe and North America.

Western Europe and South America.

Eastern Europe and South America.

Question 3.3. (TCO 1) Sustainability marketing is marketing that endures forever, and it delivers solutions to our needs that are: (Points : 4)

consumer based, ethical, viable, and ecologically oriented.

price based, ethical, viable, and economically oriented.

relationship based, economical, viable, and price oriented.

relationship based, ethical, viable, and ecologically oriented.

Question 4. 4. (TCO 1) Describe three challenges of marketing in the 21st century. (Points : 4)

Question 5. 5. (TCO 1) List two key elements of sustainability marketing. (Points : 4)



Devry MKTG 440 Week 3 Quiz Latest

Question 1.1.(TC0 3) The four different types of sustainability marketers are: (Points : 4)

do-gooders, self-employers, opportunists, and ethical strategists.
do-gooders, customers, opportunists, and ethical strategists.
do-gooders, stakeholders, opportunists, and ethical strategists.
do-gooders, environmentalists, opportunists, and ethical strategists.


Question 2.2.(TCO 3) Ecological objectives in sustainability marketing include: (Points : 4)

material use.
water use.
waste use.
All of the above


Question 3.3.(TCO 3) The concept of positioning includes __________. (Points : 4)

target market
marketing mix


Question 4. 4.(TCO 3) Which three metaphors form the basis of thinking about marketing strategy? (Points : 4)


Question 5. 5.(TCO 3) Define the term “needs.” (Points : 4)

Devry MKTG 440 Week 5 Quiz Latest

Question 1.1.(TCO 5) Every marketing communications message will have an appeal, or “hook,” within its message with which it tries to engage the audience and motivate them to respond. What are thethreegeneric types of appeals utilized by marketers?(Points : 4)

Legal appeals, financial appeals, and moral appeals
Financial appeals, social appeals, and moral appeals
Social appeals, moral appeals, and emotional appeals
Rational appeals, moral appeals, and emotional appeals


Question 2.2.(TCO 6) The marketer perspective of cost includes all of the following except for __________.(Points : 4)

purchase costs
use cost


Question 3.3.(TCO 6) Which of the following isnota part of McDonagh’s model of sustainable communications?(Points : 4)

Ecological trust
Ecological access
Ecological disclosure
Ecological demand


Question 4. 4.(TCO 5) What are thethreebasic types of appeal that a sustainability marketing message aimed at consumers can apply?(Points : 4)


Question 5. 5.(TCO 6) Listthreecommon objectives of marketing communication efforts.(Points : 4)

Devry MKTG 440 Week 6 Quiz Latest

Question 1.1. (TCO 7) The environmental impacts associated with the distribution of physical products will reflect the geography of supply and demand. The fuel required to transport products to customers will depend on: (Points : 4)

the shortened transportation route.

the distance between producers and consumers.

the transport infrastructure that connects the two.

the pattern of deport involved in supplying goods to intermediaries.

Question 2.2. (TCO 7) Which of the following is NOT an opportunity to reduce environmental impacts in distribution? (Points : 4)

Eliminating longer transportation routes

Upgrading vehicles to the most efficient and lowest emission engines

Optimizing distances between distribution centers to share vehicles

Transporting collaboration between manufacturers

Question 3.3. (TCO 7) The Japanese phenomenon of “Hikikomori” is a: (Points : 4)

form of acute social withdrawal prevalent among young women.

form of acute social withdrawal prevalent among young teens.

form of acute social withdrawal prevalent among young men.

form of acute social withdrawal prevalent among seniors.

Question 4. 4. (TCO 7) List two potential social disadvantages of trends towards out of town retailing. (Points : 4)

Question 5. 5. (TCO 7) List two ways in which convenience stores can play a key role in a more sustainable future economy.(Points : 4)


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Devry MKTG 440 Week 7 Quiz Latest

Question 1.1. (TCO 9) Moving towards a One Planet economy will include all of the following except for: (Points : 4)

use of social marketing campaigns to promote sustainable behaviors among citizens and consumers.

encouraging the development of social enterprises and community-based businesses.

minor investment in sustainable energy technologies to reduce dependence on oil and red emissions.

development of more localized, small scale, low-impact solutions to meet needs in food and construction.

Question 2.2. (TCO 8) To overcome the barriers and make changes towards sustainability marketing management, all of the following essentials are required except for: (Points : 4)

a committed CEO.

change agents.

government regulation.

empowered employees.

Question 3.3. (TCO 9) The social marketing mix shares considerable synergy with sustainability marketing mix. The four Cs represent: (Points : 4)

customer solutions, communication, cost and, convenience.

customer solutions, communication, cost, and satisfaction.

customer satisfaction, communication, cost, and solution.

customer satisfaction, communication, cost, and convenience.

Question 4. 4. (TCO 9) Name two key differences between the conventional and the sustainability marketing mindset. (Points : 4)

Question 5. 5. (TCO 8) List two of the stages of the consumption process. (Points : 4)



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Devry MKTG 440 Week 4 Quiz Latest

Question 1.1.(TCO 4) A cradle to cradle approach includes all of the following except for __________. (Points : 4)



Question 2.2.(TCO 4) Sustainability brand development includes all of the following except for __________. (Points : 4)

line extension
sustainability brand extension
new sustainability brands
product extension


Question 3.3.(TCO 4) The inherent consumer benefit of resource efficiency is __________. (Points : 4)

cost effectiveness
higher quality
premium price


Question 4. 4.(TCO 4) List three characteristics of customer pre-purchase solution. (Points : 4)


Question 5. 5.(TCO 4) List two elements of the cradle to grave approach. (Points : 4)




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Devry MKTG 440 Full Course Latest





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