Devry NETW 584 Final Exam Latest



Devry NETW 584 Final Exam Latest


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Question 1.1. (TCO B) Which federal agency is in charge of telecommunications regulation and was created by the 1934 Communications Act? (Points : 5)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

The Radio & Telecommunications Commissions

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

The American Telegraph & Telephone company

Question 2.2. (TCO C) The Fairness Doctrine imposes on broadcasters what two pronged obligation? (Points : 5)

Respect state authority AND disregard regard federal authority

A requirement to provide coverage of vitally important controversial issues of interest served by the licensee AND to provide a reasonable opportunity for the presentation of contrasting viewpoints on such issues

Cover sports events in their area AND allow certain controversial guests

Cover at least 1 women’s event AND a disregard all controversial viewpoints

Question 3.3. (TCO D) Please select the word that fits the following definition: A _____ is said to exist in any market where the costs of production are such that it is less expensive for demand to be met by one firm than it would be for that demand to be met by more than one firm. For example this occurs when, over a sufficiently large range of output, the addition of each new customer lowers the average cost of serving every other customer. (Points : 5)

A non-excludable public good

Regulatory Capture

Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (MVPD)

Natural Monopoly

Question 4.4. (TCO G) All of the following are key sections that address the issue of Unbundling Interconnection and Universal service under the 1996 Act EXCEPT: (Points : 5)

Section 251(C) 3 AND 251 (C )2

Section 299 (D) 5 AND 355(W) 4

Section 251 (D) 2 AND 251(B) 5

Section 252(d) (1) AND 251(B) 5

Question 5.5. (TCO H) Which of the following is NOT one of the five Principles of Internet (Un)Regulation? (Points : 5)

Electronic Commerce over the Internet should be facilitated on a global basis

Governments should avoid undue restrictions on electronic commerce

Technological innovation should be restricted

The private sector should lead

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Question 1. 1. (TCO A) Discuss the reasons for approving the SBC/AT&T and Verizon/MCI Mergers and what was the stated analysis used. Base your responses on your understanding of “Antitrust and Merger Review in Telecommunications” and FCC’s approval of the SBC/AT&T and Verizon/MCI Mergers.

NOTE: Answer may be between 5 to 10 lines or more if you would like (or two paragraphs) (Points : 25)


Question 2. 2. (TCO B) Based on your understanding of the FCC and the 1934 Communications Act, what does Title II of the Act govern? What do the provisions of Title II cover?

NOTE: Answer may be between 5 to 10 lines or more if you would like (or two paragraphs) (Points : 25)


Question 3. 3. (TCO C) Discuss the different results by the court in the Tornillo vs. Red Lion cases? What was the court’s rationale for the decisions in these cases and were the results so vastly different?

NOTE: Answer may be between 5 to 10 lines or more if you would like (or two paragraphs) (Points : 25)


Question 4. 4. (TCO E) Based on your understanding of “Shared Content” and TCO E, how did the Copyright Act of 1976 change some of the details of copyright law?. How did these changes reverse the decisions in the Fortnightly and Teleprompter cases?

NOTE: Answer may be between 5 to 10 lines or more if you would like (or 2 paragraphs) (Points : 25)


Question 5. 5. (TCO D) Discuss cable television and the concept of natural monopoly. Discuss arguments for why it might make sense to choose the monopoly provider for cable services from the outset or why not. Discuss whether competition monopoly services should be conducted in the marketplace or through a local franchising process.

NOTE: Answer may be between 5 to 10 lines or more if you would like (or two paragraphs) (Points : 25)


Question 6. 6. (TCO F) Based on your understanding of “Defining the Telephone Monopoly” and TCO F what did the Modified Final Judgment (MFJ) do to the Bell System Monopoly? Discuss

NOTE: Answer may be between 5 to 10 lines or more if you would like (or 2 paragraphs) (Points : 25)


Question 7. 7. (TCO G) Based on your understanding of “Universal Service and Access Charge Reform,” discuss the key statutory provision under the 1996 Telecommunications Act, section 254, as it relates to universal service. What rules does it set out and what are their implications? (Points : 25)



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Devry NETW 584 Final Exam Latest


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