Devry PA 571 Week 2 Discussion Latest


Devry PA 571 Week 2 Discussion Latest

Role of the Board

Molly is the executive director of a state-wide nonprofit organization that consists of five offices strategically placed around the state.The purpose of the organization is to provide food for homeless children. Each office has a board of directors for the local office and a major board of directors for the organization overall. Each local office board has one of their board of directors as a member of the overall board of directors. Community and business leaders complete the 12 members of the main board of directors. Molly needs to know what should be the role and duties of the main board as well as the local office board. She contracted with you as a consultant to give advice. What advice will you give Molly on this request? Explain your rationale.


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Devry PA 571 Week 2 Discussion Latest

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