Devry SOCS 325 All Week Homework Latest



Devry SOCS 325 All Week Homework Latest

Devry SOCS 325 Week 2 Homework Latest

week 2

Article: “Making Markets Work” by Hawkenet al(available in Doc Sharing)


Please review theannouncement(posted on the course home page) about the Week 2 assignments for the grading rubrics that will be used to evaluate your submissions. Check to be sure you have included all of the grading rubric components prior to submission.

Article Summary:After reading the article “Making Markets Work” located in Doc Sharing, write a paper summarizing, agreeing, disagreeing, responding to, or reflecting your personal thoughts and observations about the article. The paper should be double spaced, containing at least two pages of text, and in APA format. Do not cite outside sources (sources other than the text or lecture content) in article summary assignments; your submission should focus on evaluating the assigned article.

Activity– Environmental Injustice: Choose a local example of an environmental injustice (e.g. local sighting of a landfill, power lines, power plant). Research the background of the case, the decision to locate the facility at the site, and the impacts on the local environment and community and submit a paper. The paper should be double spaced, containing at least two pages of text, and in APA format.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the white tab at the top of this page.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 3 Homework Latest

week 3


Please review theannouncement(posted on the course home page) about the Week 3 assignments for the grading rubrics that will be used to evaluate your submissions.

Article Summary: After reading the article “The Environmental Injustice of ‘Clean Coal’: Expanding the National Conversation on Carbon Capture and Storage Technology to Include an Analysis of Potential Environmental Justice Impacts,” located in Doc Sharing, write a paper summarizing, agreeing, disagreeing, responding to, or reflecting your personal thoughts and observations about the article. The paper must be double spaced, minimum two-pages in length, and in APA format. Do not cite outside sources for article summaries, as your paper should focus on evaluating the article.

Activity – Applying Theories: Apply the theory of the interlocking treadmills of production and consumption to schoolwork and the pressure to get a degree, and then an advanced degree, and so on. For example, consider the rising levels of qualifications required to gain a good-paying job and the rising levels of consumption expectations that define what a “good-paying job” is and submit a paper. The paper must be double spaced, minimum two-pages in length, and in APA format, with citation of the course reading in the body of your post and in the reference list. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page.

For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read″>step-by-step″>.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 5 Homework Latest

week 5


Article Summary: After reading the article U.S. Childhood Obesity and Climate Change: Moving Toward Shared Environmental Health Solutionslocated in Doc Sharing, write a paper summarizing, agreeing, disagreeing, responding to, or reflecting your personal thoughts and observations about the article. The paper must be double spaced, minimum two-pages in length, and in APA format.

Activity – Toxins in the Body: List some of the toxins that persist in the human body, and the potential sources of those toxins in your environment. What are the substances that your body comes into contact with during a normal day? Make up a dialogue between your body and your environment and submit a paper. The paper must be double spaced, minimum two-pages in length, and in APA format.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read″>step-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial″>Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 6 Homework Latest

week 6


Article Summary: After reading the article A Tapestry of Browns and Greens located in Doc Sharing, write a paper summarizing, agreeing, disagreeing, responding to, or reflecting your personal thoughts and observations about the article.The paper must be double spaced, minimum two pages in length, and in APA format.

Activity – Interview: Interview a classmate (or friend or family member) of the other gender about the way he or she most likes to enjoy nature, or to describe his or her most memorable experience in nature, or to describe the aspect of being “in nature” most feared or most disliked. Then consider the extent to which the kinds of things mentioned differ among men and women and the extent to which they are similar. Last, consider the extent to which any differences in men’s and women’s experiences reflect patriarchy or reflect gender differences that do not indicate hierarchical or patriarchal thinking and submit a paper. The paper must be double spaced, minimum two pages in length, and in APA format.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read″>step-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial″>Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Devry SOCS 325 Week 7 Homework Latest

week 7


Article Summary: We are not doing this assignment. Please see the announcement regarding this week’s assignment.

Activity – Volunteer: Volunteer in or research a local environmental campaign for a day and write about the problems the campaign faces in terms of the themes of this week’s reading, using concepts such as knowledge cultivation, the dialogue of solidarities, and double politics in your essay. The paper must be double-spaced, a minimum of two-pages in length, and follow APA format.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these″>step-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial″>Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.


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Devry SOCS 325 All Week Homework Latest




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